Материалы для практических занятий


Memorize the following words and word-combinations:

nutrition - питание

digestion - пищеварение

excretion - выделение

respiration - дыхание

reproduction - размножение

sensation - ощущение

animal kingdom - царство животных

plant kingdom - царство растений

alga - водоросль

fungus - гриб

invertebrates - беспозвоночные

vertebrates - позвоночные

sponges - губки

cupanimals - кишечнополостные

spiny-skinned - иглокожие

worms - черви

jointed-legged - членистоногие

mammals - млекопитающие

Read and translate the text.

There is an enormous variety of life on this planet: from unicellular organisms like bacteria and amoebae to multicellular ones including man. Many of plants and animals provide us with food, clothing, shelter and medicines. Some, including several kinds of insects, pierce our skin and feed on the blood. Others, both plants and animals, even live and grow inside our bodies. No one knows how many different kinds of plants and animals there are. Up to the present time it was named and described more than 840,000 kinds of animals and 345,000 kinds of plants. The special study of plants is called botany and that of animals – zoology.

The basic difference between plants and animals lies in the cell. Plant cells have a cell wall which is actually now living in chemical nature. Animals’ cells do not have this. Plants are not conscious, they are unable to move about, they make their own food. But plants and animals have much in common: the basic material of both is protoplasm, the living matter of both is organized into cells: plants and animals perform several common functions: 1) nutrition 2) digestion 3) excretion 4) respiration 5) reproduction 6) sensation.

All living plants and animals were divided into two kingdoms: the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom. But among the smallest and simplest living things there are some that are difficult to classify. There are tiny plant-like cellsthat can swim about actively in the water. In some cases, the classification of these is still in doubt. The plant kingdom includes tiny one-celled plants that can be seen only with a powerful microscope and the great redwood and sequoia trees of the Pacific coast, the oldest and the largest living things on earth. The most primitive forms of plant life have no differentiation of roof, stem and leaf as in higher plants, they include, for example, algae and fungi (mushrooms, moulds, rusts, yields, etc. The animal kingdom is divided into two large group – invertebrates and vertebrates. The invertebrates include one-celled animals, sponges, cup animals (jelly-fishes and corals), worms, mollusks (oysters, snails, squids), jointed-legged ( lobsters, spiders, insects).

The vertebrates include fishes, amphibians (frogs, toads, salamanders), reptiles ( snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles), birds, mammals.

Notes to the text:

algae (s) – algae (pl)

amoeba (s) – amoebae (pl)

bacterium (s) – bacteria (pl)

fungus(s) - fungi (pl)


I. Translate the following words bearing in mind the meaning of the affixes and memorize them:

1. to estimate (v), estimation (n), estimate (n)

2. to provide (v), provider (n)

3. care (n), careful (adj), careless (adj), carefully (adv)

4. to depend (v), dependent (n), independence (n), dependent (adj)

5. to describe (y), description (n), de$criptive (adj)

6. to classify (v), class (n); classification (n)

7. power (n), powerful (adj), powerless (adj)

8. beauty (n), to beautify (v), beautiful (adj)

II. Read the following words and guess their meaning:

Number, medicine, classification , sort , tiger, group, leopard, structure, actively, mollusk, effect, matter, detail, utilize, foundation, million, microorganism, type, cultural, contribution.

III. Find the following expressions in the text:

Пронзают кожу и сосут кровь; к настоящему времени; имеют много общего; выполняют функции; активно передвигаются в воде; высшие растения; плесень; дрожжи; гриб; медуза; морская звезда; кальмар; жаба.

IV. Supply the nouns corresponding to the following verbs:

to construct, to engage, to develop, to include, to estimate, to differ, to resemble, to provide, to know, to divide, to derive, to depend, to discover, to vary, to acquaint, to define, to value, to specialize, to describe, to classify, to act.

V. Translate the following word-combinations into Russian and use them in the sentences of your own:to do one's best, to be certain, in spite of, to keep, track, in common, no matter, in turn, according to, in this way, to take care, to be of great value, to keep healthy, to make a contribution, of the same sense.

VI. Group the following words into the pair of synonyms:

Drugs; enormous; reproduction; one-celled; to classify; medicine; to provide; unicellular; great; multiplication; to supply; to sort.

VII. Give another word or phrase of similar meaning to the following:

Substance, to be similar to, to study, to consider, to construct, discovery, important, resemble, minute, earth, century

VIII. Group the following words into the pair of antonyms:

Different; enormous; to be sure; to doubt; vertebrates; primitive; similar; multicellular; invertebrates; tiny; unicellular; complicated.

IX. Distribute the given words among the following three groups:

A. Life functions

B. Invertebrates

C. Vertebrates

Sponges; mammals; worms; nutrition; cup animals; birds; sensation; reptiles; mollusks; jointed-legged; reproduction; fishes; digestion; spiny-skinned animals; amphibians; excretion; unicellular organisms; respiration.

X. Answer the questions:

1. How many different kinds of animals and plants exist in the world?

2. Why is the classification of living things necessary?

3. How are living things sorted into groups?

4. What’re the differences between animal and plant kingdoms?

5. How do men use plants and animals?

XI. Translate into English:

1. Живая природа на нашей планете очень разнообразна. 2. Биология изучает жизненные процессы как у животных, так и у растений. 3. Ботаника изучает строение, питание и размножение различных растений. 4. Как животные, так и растения не могут жить без воздуха, воды, пищи и света, у них одинаковые жизненные функции. 5. В отличие от животных растения не обладают сознанием, лишены возможности передвигаться, растения также осуществляют фотосинтез. 6. Классификация некоторых живых организмов вызывает затруднение. 7. Медуза – представитель кишечнополостных, а морская звезда – иглокожих. 8. Весь животный мир можно разделить на две большие группы: позвоночные и беспозвоночные животные.

XII. Read the following passages, without a dictionary and reproduce them in Russian to your classmates. Work in pairs:

a) Visitors to Khosta, a resort on the Black Sea Coast, always go to see the great silver poplar, that grows there. Ten people with joined hands can just encircle the tremendous tree, rising sixty five metres above the ground. The unique plant is at least 160 years old.

b) Deep in the sea it is always dark,, for sunlight cannot reach down more than about a half mile. The only light in all this vast darkness is made by animals themselves. Certain squid which are cousins of octopuses, swim in schools and keep together by means of coded flashing lights. Many kinds of deepsea fish have lights on their bodies. It is believed that the^ beaming of light helps them to recognize their own kind.

c) Scientists know that all living organisms are luminous. But why? Hundreds of guesses were made and thousands of experiments staged. Now Moscow scientists, supervised by Academician N. Semyonov, have established that luminosity of living organisms is their mode of jettisoning excessive energy, of "letting off steam", so to speak. Is there any practical use to be had from the discovery? Yes. It was established that the luminosity of the organisms is connected with their general condition. Cells affected by cancer, for example, are less luminous than healthy ones. Thus one more method of discovering the presence of that illness has been found.

d) Plants are sensitive to sound. Indian botanists have proved that by subjecting plants to sound of definite pitch, it is possible to stimulate or hinder their growth. A seven-year experiment showed that rice and tobacco are the most "musical" plants.

XIII. Give the main points of all the texts in Russian. Write a brief summary of the texts in English.

XIV. Make up the dialogues based on the following:

A. Discuss the differences and similarities between plants and animals.

B. Discuss the classification of living things (don’t forget the doubtful cases).

XV. Be prepared to speak on the topic "Differences and Similarities between plants and animals".


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