Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body



Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words:

1. medication [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] засіб для лікування  
2. the digestive tract [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] шлунково-кишковий тракт
3. alter [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ]   змінювати
4. the bloodstream [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] кровотік
5. tissue I [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] біолог. тканина
6. unintended effect   [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] ненавмисний ефект
7. enteral [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] Ентеральний(через рот)
8. parenteral [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] парентеральний(через кров)
9. topical [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] мед. місцевий
10.route [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] шлях
11. subcutaneous [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] підшкірний
12. germ [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] мікроб; бактерія
13. administration [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] призначення або застосування ліків
14. inhale [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ]   вдихати
15. ointment [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] мазь
16. feces [ Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body - student2.ru ] фекалії
17. antiemetic /ˌæntɪɪˈmɛtɪk/ протиблювотний засіб
18. hypnotic /hɪpˈnɒtɪk/ снодійний засіб

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following word-combinations:

Prevent disease, to cure any symptoms, medical condition, fight germs, relieve pain, take medicine by mouth, to be released into the bloodstream, drugs interact with tissues, drug administration, side effect.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the text:


A pharmaceutical drug (also referred to as medication and drug) is a drug used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease. A drug is a substance that changes how the body works either in a positive or negative way. A medicine is a drug that prevents or cures.

A medication or medicine is a drug taken to cure any symptoms of an illness or medical condition. What Medicines Do? Medicines are generally grouped according to the effect they have on the body or what they can do. Different types of medicines: Prevent diseases. Fight germs. Relieve pain. Treat other conditions such as cold and allergy symptoms.

When you take medicines by mouth, they move through the digestive tract and are taken up by internal organs like the stomach and small intestine. Often, they are then sent to the liver, where they might be chemically altered. Finally, they are released into the bloodstream.

As the bloodstream carries medicines throughout the body, the drugs can interact with many tissues and organs. Side effects can occur if a drug has unintended effects anywhere in the body.

Administration of drugs

Administration is the process by which a patient takes a medicine. There are three major categories of drug administration; enteral (by mouth), parenteral (into the blood stream), and other (which includes giving a drug through intranasal, topical, inhalation, and rectal means).[9]

It can be performed in various dosage forms such as pills, tablets, or capsules.

There are many variations in the routes of administration, including intravenous (into the blood through a vein) and oral administration (through the mouth).

All drugs, can be administered via a number of routes, and many can be administered by more than one.

· Inhaled, (breathed into the lungs), as an aerosol or dry powder. (This includes smoking a substance)

· Orally, as a liquid or solid, that is absorbed through the intestines.

· Rectally as a suppository, that is absorbed by the rectum or colon.

· Sublingually, diffusing into the blood through tissues under the tongue.

· Topically, usually as a cream or ointment. A drug administered in this manner may be given to act locally or systemically.

Exercise 4. Find the English equivalents to the following word-combinations in the text:

Приймати ліки, шляхи прийняття ліків, побічний ефект, зціляти, лікувати, боротися з мікробами, полегшувати біль, тканина, мазь, кишечник, рідина, ліки взаємодіють з багатьма органами, язик, капсули, свічка, внутрішньовенний, лікувати будь які симптоми, курити речовину, товста кишка, кишечник, легені, ректально

Exercise 5. Try this 4 - question quiz to see how much you know about Taking Medicines: Drugs in the Body.

Drugs taken by mouth in the form of pills, capsules and tablets travel around the body

A. in the bloodstream.

B. in the skin.

C. in the lymphatic system.

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