A) Make sentences in Russian with the words from vocabulary and give them to your partner to translate into English.

B) Put these ideas in the order as they were given in the text.

• Religious organizations oppose cloning

• There are 3 types of cloning

• Diseases caused by cloning

• Cloning produces similar populations or identical individuals

• Organism cloning creates new multicellular organism asexually

• Multiple molecules can be made by molecular cloning

• Cloned meat have been consumed in the US without distinction

• Cell cloning derives a population of cells from a single cell.

Make 10 questions on the text.

Read interesting facts about cloning, discuss them and find your own.

Did you know…?

ü Dolly the cloned sheep was named after country singer Dolly Parton, because she started life as a mammary cell.

ü We leave our DNA around all the time, everywhere: on the door, on the table, on the keyboard…For the moment we couldn’t clone from it, but hey, perhaps later we may be able to clone you from the tiny bits of DNA you leave about!

ü Humans have far fewer genes than expected at 35,000 to 42,000, compared to the nematode worm with 18,000 and the fruit fly with 13,000. However, scientists say we may still have more – we don’t know the whole genome set yet and we may have missed some genes.

ü The difference between humans and fruit flies or worms is that human genes work differently, are capable of multitasking, and we have more control genes.

ü Most mutations occur in males.

ü In each of our cells, there are six feet of DNA packed into a chromosome only 0.0004 inches across.

ü Lining up all of the DNA in the human body, it would reach to the sun and back more than 600 times.

ü Our DNA is 99.9% identical to all other members of the human race.

7. Talk with your partner(s) about cloning the people / animals in the table. What are the pros and cons of each?

8. Translate an abstract.

Проблема клонирования связана с потенциальными рисками для здоровья будущего клона, в частности, возможность его преждевременного

старения. Известный ученый Алексей Оловников еще в 1971 году обратил внимание на проблему укорачивания хромосом в клетках в результате де-

лений. Ученый предположил, что укорачивание хромосом не может идти вечно – в какой-то момент клетка состарится и потеряет способность

делиться. Но почему наши хромосомы не короче хромосом наших предков? Оказалось, что на концах хромосом есть специальные участки – теломеры. При удвоении хромосом эти участки действительно укорачиваются, однако специальный фермент – теломераза, активный в некоторых клетках (например, в стволовых), может достраивать теломеры до исходного размера. Получается, что при наличии фермента теломеразы клетки способны

делиться без особых ограничений, не «стареть». Отсутствие теломеразы в большинстве клеток является одним из защитных механизмов от неконтролируемого деления, то есть рака.

9. Do we have a right to clone dead people? What if they didn’t want to be cloned? Make a report/essay on this topic.

Study the example of the official letter. Make a conclusion about the rules of letter writing.

Nikolay Petrov

34 Pushkinskayast., Apt.16

Izhevsk 426000

Udmurtia, Russia

25 April, 2009

Malcolm Anderson, ScD

25 North Road, Apt. 5

London W2 4RH


Dear Mr. Anderson,

The purpose of this letter is to follow up on the discussion we had in your office last week. This letter details the steps we discussed to make your project a


Since my letter of December 10, there has been a number of changing circumstances that necessitate different approach is used to develop the project.

Would it be possible to meet you either in Moscow or St. Petersburg to discuss this further?

I look forward to working with you on this project.

Sincerely yours,

Petrov Nikolay.

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