Getting on the editorial page

If you are trying to reach opinion leaders and citizens who are actively interested in public affairs, a good technique is to get on the editorial pages of major daily newspapers.

The indirect approach is to meet with the editorial broads of the newspapers and ask them to write an editorial supporting your idea, project, or cause. Another approach is to submit short essays that are called op-ed articles, intended to appear opposite the editorial page. When all else fails, there is always the standard letter to the editor.

Editorial Boards

The key editors of a newspaper meet on a regular bases to determine editorial policy. They would be interested in talking to you if your employer or client is involved in a current controversy or in emerging issues. They do not want to meet with you if the purpose is just to get publicity.

In general, you contact the editorial page editor and request a meeting with the newspaper's editorial board. Most editors want a tightly written one or two-page letter outlining whom you represent, what issues you would like to cover, and why your people are the best qualified to discuss the issue. Don't weigh down your first letter with a press kit or other background information.

Once you have an appointment with the editorial board, you should develop a message that focuses on three or four key points. You should also in advance what you want to accomplish in the meeting. Is it simply to let editors know about your side of the issue, or do you want them to write an editorial supporting you?

The best approach is to have a well-informed senior person in the organization give the presentation. This may be the company president, but it can be an expert in particular field like law, accounting, or environmental standards, depending on the issue. In general, your role as the public relations person is not to give the presentation but rather to make arrangements for the meeting and help your spokespersons get ready for it.

If you represent a community organization, you should think about meeting with editorial board to arrange for an editorial supporting your particular goal. Newspapers are community boosters and do write editorials supporting worthy causes.


1 accomplish 2 boost 3 citizen 4 editorial 5 editorial page 6 editorial board 7 emerge 8 essay 9 message 10 once 11 op-ed 12 opinion leader 13 submit 14 techique   1 достичь 2 повышать 3 гражданин 4 редакционная коллегия 5 pедакционная статья 6 появляться 7 это приглашение 8 очерк 9 сообщение 10 однажды 11 полоса в газете 12авторитетный человек 13 представить 14 прием


Advantages and disadvantages of advertising

Advertising, as a tool of marketing, is used to increase the sale of goods or services of an organization. Public relations people use advertising as a tool to help sell the policies and actions of an organization. Success in marketing is shown by increased income. Success in public relations, which indirectly affects the economic success of the organization, is shown by increased public regard for the organization.

There are five basic types of public relations advertising.

Image-building advertising is designed to convince the public that the organization is a good citizen and a desirable part of the community.

Financial advertising may be placed to meet SEC requirements or to convince investors that the company's management is sound and that the stock is a good investment.

Public service advertising supplies information that helps or assists the public in some way.

Advocacy advertising allows an organization to explain its stand on a particular issue and to try to change public opinion.

Announcement advertising focuses on distributing important news promptly so that the public has current information.


Securities and Exchange Commission

Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржевым операциям


1 advertising 2 tool 3 marketing 4 sale 5 goods 6 increase 7 services 8 policy 9 success 10 income 11 indirectly 12 affect 13 public relations 14 public regard for 15 basic types 16 image 17 financial advertising 18 public service advertising 1 реклама 2 средство 3 маркетинг 4 продажа 5 товар 6 увеличивать 7 услуги 8 политика 9 успех 10 доход 11 косвенно 12 оказывать воздействие 13 связь с общественностью 14 отношение общества к 15 основные виды 16 формирование благоприятного имиджа 17 финансовая реклама 18 реклама по распространению информации
  19 advocacy advertising 20 be designed 21 convince 22 a citizen 23 community 24 place 25 meet requirements 26 management 27 sound 28 supply 29 assist 30 the stock 31 a particular 32 public opinion 33 focus on smth 34 stand 35 distribute 36 promptly 37 current 38 announcement advertising   39 desirable   19 разъяснительно-пропагандистская реклама 20 быть предназначенным 21 убеждать 22 гражданин 23 общество 24 размещать 25 отвечать требованиям 26 правление 27 крепкий, здоровый 28 предоставлять 29 помогать 30 фонды 31 отдельный вопрос 32 общественное мнение 33 сосредоточиться на чем-либо 34 точка зрения 35 распределять 36 быстро 37 текущий, современный 38 реклама по быстрому распространению важной информации в пользу фирмы 39 привлекательный

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