Write down no less than 10 sentences about your favourite season.



1. to do shopping 1. відвідувати магазини

2. to depend on 2. залежати від…

A clothes shop 3. магазин одягу

A shoe shop 4. магазин взуття

A self-service store 5. магазин самообслуговування

6. a department 6. відділ у магазині

7. a department store 7. універсальний магазин

An offer 8. пропонувати

Goods 9. товари

Cheap 10. дешевий

Expensive 11. коштовний

12. to be of excellent quality 12. бути відмінної якості

13. a wide variety of goods in stock 13. широкий вибір товарів в


14. a readymade clothes department 14. відділ готового одягу

15. perfumery 15. парфумерія

Haberdashery 16. галантерея

Footwear, 17. взуття

Drapery 18. тканини

19. souvenirs 19. сувеніри

20. children’s goods 20. дитячі товари

21. a fitting room 21. примірювальна кімната

22. to try on 22. примірювати

To be fashionable 24. бути модним


We do shopping very often. Sometimes it depends on the sum of money. But our clever housewives know how to economize on scarce resources.

Artyoma Street is one of the biggest and most popular shopping centres in Donetsk. Its nice shops and department stores attractpeople from all over the city and from the region as well.

Shops are open every day till 6 or 8 o’ clock. If you can’t go shopping during the day you can do it in the shops which work at night.

There are different kinds of shops in Artyoma Street. There are clothes shops and shoe shops, book shops and self-service stores. But many people prefer a department store as it offers everything in one building.

Belyi Lebed is the largest department store in Artyoma Street. It has a lot of departments. The goods are rather expensive in it, but they are of excellent quality.

There are always crowds of people there. That’s why we do our shopping in the store which is not far from our block of flats. There are fewer people there and there is a wide variety of goods in stock too. There are various departments in this store. They are a readymade clothes department, perfumery, haberdashery, footwear, drapery, souvenirs and children’s goods.

Last Saturday I decided to buy a suit, and I wanted anybody to have a look at it, but unfortunately I had to go to the fitting room alone. Luckily there was a mirror! So I tried the suit on, and it was too large for me, and it wasn’t fashionable enough. That is why I decided to try on a suit of another style a size smaller. It was just the thing! It fitted me fine! I found it great! And I bought it! Then I bought a tie to match the suit.

But on Sunday my wife dragged me to this shop again. She wanted me to buy a woollen skirt and an umbrella for her. Besides, she tried on a pair of shoes. The shoes were not too expensive and looked great. Unfortunately, they pinched a little, so she asked for another pair of shoes, a size larger. Then we bought a raincoat which fitted my wife perfectly and was very much in the latest style. I also wanted to buy another cotton shirt, but the one I liked very much was too loud for me in my wife’s opinion.

Next Saturday is my wife’s birthday. I think I’ll buy some piece of jewelry for her.

1.Answer the following questions:

1. Do you do your shopping at the department store or in the shops which are not as large as the department store? Why?

2. What is the most popular shopping center in your town? Is it far from your house?

3. Till what time are the shops open in your town?

4. What can I do if I can’t do shopping during the day?

5. What shops are there in your street? Are they well-stocked?

6. What do we buy at the readymade clothes department?

7. What do we buy at the perfumery?

8. What do we buy at the haberdashery?

9. What do we buy at the footwear?

10. What do we buy at the drapery?

11. What do we buy at the souvenirs?

12. What do we buy at the children’s goods?

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