At the shop

Customer Good morning!
Shop assistant Good morning! Can I help you?
Customer Yes, please. Do you have a . . . (any . . .)?
Shop assistant Sorry! I don’t have any . . . . But I have a (some) nice . . . .
  Do you want a . . . (any)?
Customer At the shop - Yes, please!
Shop assistant Here you are!
Customer Thank you!
Shop assistant You are welcome!
Mr. Black I’d like some apples, please.
Shop assistant What apples would you like: green, red or yellow?
Mr. Black Green, please.
Shop assistant How many apples would you like?
Mr. Black Can I have five apples?
Shop assistant Of course.
Customer Good morning!
Shop assistant Good morning!
Customer I want a loaf of bread, please.
Shop assistant Here you are.
Customer Thank you.
Shop assistant Do you want anything else?
Customer Yes. I’d like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three pounds of
  apples and two cans of Cola-Cola. How much is all that?
Shop assistant Five pounds fifty, please.
Customer Here’s six pounds.
Shop assistant That’s 50 pence change. Thank you very much and come again.
  At the shop -
  At the Clothes Department
Shop assistant Can I help you?
Customer Yes, please. I’m looking for a shirt.
Shop assistant What kind of shirt would you like?
Customer The one like those on display in the shop window.
Shop assistant What about this one?
Customer It’s just what I wanted. May I try it on?
Shop assistant Yes, please. How is it?
Customer It’s nice. How much is it?
Shop assistant Three hundred rubles.
Customer Oh, it’s very expensive. Have you got anything cheaper?
Shop assistant Certainly, look at this one, please. It costs two hundred.
Customer I’ll take it.
Shop assistant Here you are.
Customer Thank you.

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