Choose suitable translation of English words from Russian ones. Compose sentences with them on the topic of the text

Natural water sources естественные источники воды

body of water загрязнять(ся)

inland lake водный массив

water supply водоснабжение

water treatment подпочва

purity без примесей

contamination влага

sewage disposal system слой, пласт

pollution загрязнение (заражение)

through the medium система удаления сточных вод

under soil насыщенный

consumption обработка воды

moisture материковые озера

saturated загрязнение

to foul stratum при помощи, посредством

2. Chose the translation of bold type (выделенных) words.

1. discovery— а) решение; b) открытие; с) различие; d) сравнение

2.breadth— а) толщина; b) длина; с) высота; d) ширина— а) часть; b) свойство; с) давление; d) мощность

4.define— а) делить; b) определять; с) производить; d) понимать

5.numerous— а) целый; b) многочисленный; с) похожий; d) обычный

6.almost— а) почти; b) часто; с) вместе; d) просто

7.always— а) среди; b)иногда; с) всегда; d) быстро

8. угол— a) square; b) angle; с) circle; d) solid

9. исследование— a) dimension; b) field; c) subject; d) research

10. вес— a) thing; b) volume; c) weight; d) matter

11.улучшать— a) exist; b) improve; c) establish; d) explain

12.посылать— a) seem; b) supply; c) serve; d) send-

13.продолжать— a) continue; b) heat; c) revolve; d) turn

14.легкий— a) equal; b) easy; c) even; d) each

15.благодаря— a) during; b) such; c) ago; d) due to

16.иногда— a) together; b) usually; c) hard; d) sometimes

Point which of these sentences have the main idea of the text. Explain your point of view

1. On the earth water can be obtained from different natural sources. 2. At present the problems of water supply and treatment are the most essential for mankind. 3. Water taken from natural sources such as rivers and lakes often requires aeration.

Which of these statements contain the basic of the text. Put them in accordance with the context

1. An adequate supply of water is one of the main requirements for maintaining high standards of health. 2. Vast depressions in the earth filled with water and known as inland lakes are excellent sources of water. 3. The rivers and lakes contain a great amount of chemical and biological pollution. 4. Nowadays the problem of water treatment has become very urgent. 5. On the earth water passes through a very interesting physical cycle. 6. Water bodies deep in the soil are excellent sources of water. 7. Man after using water returns it to the source by means of sewerage systems; thus the cycle is completed. 8. Water is an important part of nature. 9. Man's earliest settlements were always close to natural water sources.

Add these sentences with correct variant according to the text. Using as a plan speak briefly about Water Supply

1. An adequate supply of pure wholesome and palatable water...

a) especially true of towns situated on large inland lakes or rivers, b) essential for the maintenance of high standards of health, c) ...may be taken from any source of water, d) ...should be protected from contamination by filtration.

2. There are cities whose geographical location...

a) ...makes water pass through a very interesting cycle of treatment, b) ...requires elaborate systems of water supply.

c)...makes the problem of water supply very difficult.

d)...calls for modern systems of water treatment.

3. The earliest settlers took advantage of natural water sources by...

a) ...building water power stations on them, b) ...establishing their colonies near them, c) ...providing sufficient water supply for their needs, d) ...using water without much preliminary treatment.

4. Due to man's vast activities at the present time... a) ...various systems and methods of water treatment are required, b) ...water must be obtained in unlimited quantities, c) ...many inland lakes cannot be used as sources of water supply, d) ...splendid sources of water supply are drilled wells.

6. Fill this table due to points of the topic Sanitary engineering

Panel Heating Air conditioning, Ventilation, Gas supply Water supply

To provide a required atmospheric environment within a space; to evaporate into atmosphere; to imply the control of temperature, humidity, purity and motion of the air in an enclosure; vast depressions; to produce a desired temperature for maintaining comfort, health or efficiency ; to provide a splendid source of water supply ; to provide means for performing all the processors required air conditioning; to prevent loss of heat; for domestic and sanitary purposes ; sewage disposal system; control of air purity in various degrees ; the transmission of energy; conduction and convection ; to require cooling and dehumidifying; central industrial process requirements and human comfort; boilers and a system of pipes connected to radiators; to undergo a preliminary treatment to assure purity; to carry away excess heat and odors; leakage of air; to circulate through distribution units embedded in the building construction; to disseminate from panels; a clean, convenient, economical source of heat.

7.Using information from the texts and this table compose a dialogue "Service engineers " for three persons. Discuss process of equipment of any new-built structure with all modern conveniences

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