Nikolai Vasilyevich Nikitin

Nikolai Vasilyevich Nikitin was an outstanding Soviet scientist, merited Builder of the RSFSR, a Lenin and USSR State prize winner, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

He was born on December 15th, 1907 in the town of Tobolsk. In 1930 he graduated from the building faculty of the Tomsk Institute of Technology.

The scope of his interests was extremely wide, and embraced unknown fields of building. The foundations of the Palace of Soviets, a unique building, were laid according to his design.

During the post-war years N. V. Nikitin disclosed the diversity of his talent, that of a brilliant constructor.

NikoIai Vasilyevich Nikitin was an outstanding engineer, a creator of new building constructions, a recognized authority in the field of Many-strayed building, a talented organizer of constructional designing, the author of world reknown unique structures.

N. V. Nikitin was the creator of such structures as the Moscow University, the Palace of Culture and Sciences in Warsaw, the V. I. Lenin Central Stadium in Moscow, the first multi-storied building in Tashkent, the V. I. Lenin Memorial in Ulyanovsk, the Volgograd Monument to the Motherland, and many others.

The above-mentioned structures have received recognition far beyond the borders of this country.

The Ostankino TV tower in Moscow, which is the tallest structure in the world, is considered to be the acme of N. V. Nikitin's creative work. Extremely complicated technical problems were solved while putting up this unique structure.

N. V. Nikitin carried out extensive scientific work as well. He was a recognized authority in the field of theoretical calculation of reinforced concrete constructions, the author of 70 printed works and ' 20 inventions.

For his outstanding creative achievements the honorary title of the Lenin and USSR State Prize Laureate were conferred upon N. V. Nikitin.

Exercise 2. Vocabulary. Learn by heart the following words

outstanding adj выдающийся

science, scientific n, adj наука, научный

scientist n ученый

unique adj уникальный

according to согласно чему-либо

multi-storeyed adj многоэтажный

to consider v считать, полагать

reinforced concrete железобетон

construction n здание, конструкция

invention n изобретение

achievement n достижение

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences:

1. N. V. Nikitin was …

2. He graduated from …

3. The scope of his interests embraced …

4.He was a creator of such structures as …

5.Nikitin carried out …

6.He was a recognized authority in the field of …

7.He was the author of …

Exercise 4.Translate into English:

1. Никитин был выдающимся советским ученым.

2. Иванов является признанным авторитетом нашей группы.

3. Это уникальное сооружение было построено по проекту моего друга.

4. Тема моего сквозного проекта «Теоретические вычисления железобетонных конструкций».

5. Никитин является автором семидесяти печатных работ и двадцати изобретений.




1. Discuss the following:

• Can you imagine Building Construction of the first men's houses?

• Do you know anything about the first building materials?

• What is your own point of view about the present state of building construction?

2. Try to guess the meaning of the following words. Use the dictionary if you need:

• functional

• human

• a wide variety of climates

• long periods

• ceremony

• symbolic

• history of building

• natural materials

• synthetic materials

• coordinate a work

• construction management

• quality control

3 Match the following words with their Russian equivalents:

• building constructions • строительные материалы

• construction progress • контроль качества

• quality control • развитие крепких материалов

• building materials • строительные конструкции

• synthetic materials • строительный прогресс

• a development of stronger •строительный менеджмент


• construction management •синтетические материалы

• While-Reading

1. Read the text and find new words from the text.

2. Reading for general understanding. Skim read the Wet. Think of a good title for it. Compare it with other students' titles.

3. Read and translate the third paragraph from the text:

One of the ancient human activities is building construction. It began with a purely functional need for a controlled environment to moderate the effects of climate. Human shelters were constructed to adapt human beings to a wide variety of climates and become a global species. But temporary structures were used only u few days or months. Over time were they evolved into such a highly refined form as the igloo. After adventing agriculture, people began to stay in one place for long periods. That's why more durable structures began to appear. The first human shelters were very simple. The first shelters were dwellings. But later they were used for other functions, such as food storage and ceremony. Some structures began to have symbolic as well as functional value, marking the beginning of the distinction between architecture and building.

Building construction has its own history, which is marked by a k number of trends. Let's describe some of them. One of these trends is increasing durability of the materials. The first building materials were perishable. We mention leaves, branches and animal hides. Later people began to use more durable natural materials such as clay, stone, timber. Finally, synthetic materials such as bricks, concrete, metals, plastics were used in building. Another trend is quest for buildings of greater height and span. It was possible by the development of stronger building materials and by knowledge of how materials behave and how to exploit them to greater advantage. The third trend involves the degree of control exercised over the interior environment of buildings: increasingly precise regulation of air temperature, light and sound levels, humidity, air speed. All factors that affect human comfort become possible. A modern trend is change in energy of the construction progress, starting with human muscle power and developing toward the powerful machinery.

The present state of building construction is complex. There is a wide range of products and systems which are aimed primarily at groups of building types. We know about a great role of the design process for buildings, It draws upon research establishments that study material properties and performance, code officials. Last ones adopt and enforce safety standards and design professionals who determine user's needs and design a building to meet those needs. It proves that the design process for buildings is highly organized. The construction progress is also highly organized. It includes the manufacturers of building products and systems. On the building site craftsmen assemble themselves. A work of the craftsmen is employed and coordinated by contractors. There are also consultants who specialize in such aspects as construction management, quality control and insurance. We must mention about complexity and measure of mastery of natural forces, which can produce a widely varied built environment to serve the needs of society. In conclusion, modern building construction is a significant part of an industrial culture.

4. Read the text again and find the main idea of each paragraph.

6. Read the text again and complete the following sentences:

• One of these trends is the increasing...

• …building construction.-

• Human shelters were...

• market by a number of trends.

• Over time temporary structures...

7. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false. Correct the false statements:

• One of the ancient human activities is building construction.

• The present state of building construction is simple.

• In conclusion, modern building construction is a unimportant part of an industrial culture.

• Over time they evolved into such highly refined forms as the igloo.

• It draws upon research establishments that study clothes and performance, code officials.

Building Mechanisms

I. Readand translate the text "Building mechanisms"

Building mechanisms

There are many types of building mechanisms, but the most important

i are mixers, earth-moving machmery, and tower cranes. Mixers are the

' most important items of the concrete products industries. Usually both

batch and continuous mixers are used. Ar given charge of materials is

placed in the batch mixer, mixed and discharged before the next material

is added. Batch mixers are manufactured in a wide range of sizes and

with various combinations of mechanical features. In continuous mixers,

the proportioned materials are introduced in intervals.

It is not impossible to start on a construction job without a good deal of

w*preliminary leveling the site. To carry out this work must employ the

earth moving machinery. Site preparation and excavation are the most

fully mechanized of all the operations in building construction. Most

excavating machinery is slow moving and heavy andmust be carried

from site to site on special transporters.

Tower cranes are considered to be a comparatively recent innovation and have already proved their worth. They consist of vertical mast--"0?** «t structure mounted on a wheeled chassis. The wheeled chassis is self­-propelled on railway track, o"-^ - х*-*е*

Almost everybody saw the construction of a building and followed its progress with interest. First the excavation is dig for the basement, andthen the foundation walls below ground level are constructed; after this framework is erected and clothed with various finishing materials and protected by several coats of paint.

II.Give translation of the following words and phrases:

Mixer (n), earth-moving machinery, tower crane (n), concrete products industry, batch and continuous mixers, to mix and discharge (v), to manufacture (v), mechanical feature, proportioned materials areintroduced in intervals, construction job, preliminary leveling the site, to carry out (v), site preparation and excavation, excavating machinery, vertical mast structure mounted on a wheeled chassis, self-propelled (adj), railway track.

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