Exercise 4. Use “if”, “when”, “before”, “after”, “while”, “till”, “until”, “as soon as”, “as long as”, “unless”

1.… he gets the money now, he will spend it all once. 2. We’ll start … it stops raining. 3. … it rains hard, we’ll find shelter somewhere. 4. I am sure you’ll like the melody … you heart it. 5. … you drive so fast, I’ll get out of your car. 6. Make sure you put the house in order … I come back. 7. We’re going to be late … we take a taxi. 8. The children will go to bed only … they hate a glass of milk. 9. Make hay … the sun shines. 10. We’ll speak about it … the lecture is over. 11. Don’t look at me … I speak, … you do it, I’ll feel nervous. 12. … offer him the job, I’m sure he’ll take it. 13. You can interrupt me … you feel like. 14. … he tries to pull my leg, I’ll understand it. 15. We’ll feel safe … you stay with us. 16. … the dinner is cooked, we’ll sit down and eat. 17. … her mother knows the truth she’ll be angry. 18. Don’t forget to lock the door … you go to bed. 19. They’ll arrive on time … something unexpected happens. 20. I’ll never give up my job, … I find a better one.

Exercise 5. Translate into English:

1. Мы поедем на пикник, когда сдадим все экзамены. погода улучшится. купим палатку. вернусь из отпуска. все будут свободны.  
2. Я буду изучать английский язык, пока буду работать на фирме. у меня будет хороший преподаватель. мы будем жить вместе. не выйду замуж. не начну изучать немецкий.
3. Он будет ждать, пока ты не позвонишь. не начнется собрание. она не придет. все не соберутся не кончится дождь.
4. Я напишу письмо, как только приеду. вернусь. узнаю свой адрес. они вернутся. что-либо узнаю.
5. Они поженятся этим летом, если она согласится. купят дом. у них будут деньги. не поссорятся снова. их родители разрешат.
6. Мы не начнем концерт, если не придут все участники. не будет достаточно зрителей. у нас не будет программы. они не приготовят сцену. музыканты не будут на месте.

Exercise 6. Change the sentences according to the model:

Model: If she doesn’t know the rules, she won’t read well. – She won’t read well, unless she knows the rules.

1.If she doesn’t discuss the problem with him, he’ll never agree. 2. If he doesn’t know that she’s Nelly’s sister, he’ll never guess. 3.They will have to postpone the meeting if they don’t return soon. 4. We’ll have to stay home, if it doesn’t stop raining. 5. If you don’t keep your diet, you’ll be fat soon. 6. You’ll lose the money, if you aren’t careful. 7. If the weather doesn’t keep fine, we won’t go to the country. 8. If he doesn’t interview me, he’ll never give me the job. 9. Don’t tell her anything, if she doesn’t ask you. 10. We shan’t go to the station to meet him if he doesn’t phone us. 11. If the boss doesn’t insist, she won’t come on Monday.

Exercise 7.Join the sentences into one using “till”, “until”, “if”, “unless”, “while”, “before”, “after”:

1.We shall be at the theatre. She’ll look after our children. 2. The shoemaker will repair your shoes. You will wait. 3. The baby won’t stop crying. I’ll feed him. 4. They will go for a walk with us. I’ll be through with my work. 5. I shall stay in his room. I shall look through all letters. 6. We’ll understand it. You’ll explain it. 7. We shall wait. She will come. 8. They won’t cross the road. The green light is on. 9. They will be in Moscow. They will stay at our place. 10. I’ll show you my article. I’ll publish it. 11. He will let us know. He will leave on Monday. 12. They will give us their new address. They will move into a new flat. 13. I shall keep your notes. You will need them. 14. She will ring him up. She will forget. 15. We shan’t be able to go. We shall book the seats in advance. 16. We’ll never know English well. We shall work hard. 17. He won’t take his examination. He’ll write a test. 18. She can borrow some books from the library. She will return the old ones. 19. My mother will stay at my sister’s house. She will get better. 20. He won’t leave. He’ll receive a positive answer. 21. We shan’t disturb him. He’ll finish his work. 22. She’ll read the message carefully. She’ll write a reply.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets using the right verbs:

1. We (have) ___________ a picnic tomorrow if it (be) _________ a fine day. 2. I (finish) ___________ watching this film before I (go) __________ to school. 3. I’m sure he (phone) _________ me as soon as he (know) ___________ my telephone number. 4. He (give) _________ my car back to me when he

(see) ___________ me tomorrow. 5. The farmer (start) ____________ work tomorrow before the sun (rise) ___________. 6. The little girl (not, be) ___________ happy until her mother (buy) __________ her toy. 7. She (wash) _________ my jeans tomorrow if she (have) ________ time. 8. We (go) _______ out when it (stop) _________ raining. 9. If he (not, make haste) __________ he (not, catch) __________

The train. 10. If you (think) _________ it over you (see) __________ that I am right. 11. Brad (say) _______ that he (not know) ___________ when his father (leave) _________ the hospital. 12. I (not, know) _____________ if she (be) ____________ there tomorrow. 13. As soon as you (put) _________ the ointment on the boil, the pain (ease) _________. 14. If we (not, arrive) ______________ in time, they (wonder) ______________ whether we (get) ________________ a car accident. 15. We (not, have) ____________ the slightest idea when she (invite) ______________ us to dinner.

Exercise 9.Open the brackets:

1. The old gentleman doesn’t go out in winter. He (go) ____________ out when the weather (get) ______

warmer. 2. I (wait) __________ for the doctor until he (come) _________ back from the hospital. 3. I’m afraid the old woman (die) _____________before she (see) ___________ her son. 4. The teacher said that she (begin) ________ the lesson as soon as Jack (stop) ___________ talking. 5. He (not, pass) ________

the examination next summer if he (not, work) __________ much harder. 6. He

( have) ___________

a bad accident if he (not, drive) ____________ more carefully. 7. She’s flying to Rome tomorrow. She (send) _________ her family a telegram as soon as she (get) ____________ there. 8. She told her guests that they (have) _____________ lunch when her son (come) ______________ home from school. 9. You (be) _________late if you (not, take) ___________ a taxi. 10. I (not, speak) ____________ to him again if he (not, apologize) ____________. 11. We (have) ___________a picnic tomorrow if it (be) _________

a fine day. 12. I (finish) ___________ reading this book before I (go) _______________to bed. 13. I’m sure he (write) ___________ to me as soon as he (know) _____________ my new address. 14. Peter has taken my car. He (give) ___________ it back when he (see) ____________ me tomorrow. 15. The postman (start) ___________ work tomorrow before the sun (rise) _____________. 16. The little boy (not, be) __________ happy until his father (buy) ___________ him a bicycle. 17. She (wash) ________

my shirts tomorrow if she (have) _____________ time. 18. We (go) ___________out when (stop) ________raining. 19. If he (not, run) ___________ he (not, catch) ____________ the bus. 20. If you (think) ________________ it over you (see) ____________ that I am right.

Exercise 10.Open the brackets:

1. We shall not sit down to dinner until you (come) ______________. 2. John will go to find a taxi when the weather (get warmer) ______________. 3. If you (promise) ____________ to telephone him, I shall give you all the necessary information. 4. Mary will let you know when she (come) ____________ for the holidays next summer. 5. Let me know as soon as you (decide) _____________. 6. If you (not, try) __________ hard, you will fail at your exams. 7. She won’t be able to come in time if she (not, hurry) ___________. 8. If we (stay) ____________ at home, we won’t see the sunset. 9. Peter will catch the train if he (take) _____________ a taxi to the station. 10. He will get flu if she (go) ____________ out without warm clothes. 11. We won’t sit to dinner until he (come) _______________. 12. They will close the window as soon as they (decide) _____________ who should do it. 13. I’ll give you this book after you (promise) ____________ to read it with care. 14. We’ll kiss John goodbye before he (leave) __________.

15. When you (see) ______________ me next time I’ll be wearing a blue jacket.

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