Санкт – Петербург – «Окно в Европу» (история основания).

The location of the city on the banks of the gulf of the city is very convenient. The city was referred to “the window on Europe”. These lands around the Baltic sea and the Neva belonged principality. It is known from chronics. It was the only trade route from North to South (from Varangians to Greeks). And that is why many countries wanted to take hold of these lands. In the beginning of 17th century the lands were ceded to Sweden after the peace treaty had been signed in 1613. Thus Russia was cut off the Baltic sea. Lack of access to the sea impeded Russia’s economic development and Peter the Great began the war that came down to history as the Northern war (1700-1721).

Old Russian land possessions restored back to Russia. But as the war was going on, it was necessary to build the fortress to protect the newly restored Russian lands. On the 27 of May in 1703 the fortress called St. Petersburg was founded. The city that was built under the protection of the fortress was also called Petersburg (soon the fortress became known as St. Peter and Paul fortress). It was Peter the Great who choose the name of apostle Peter and the attribute of this saint: two keys to Heaven as the emblem to the new city.

From the very beginning of the building of St. Petersburg followed one single plan. Not only was the mapping out and the width of the city’s main streets regulated, but also the design of homes of people of different social strata. Later even the high of buildings was regulated, too. Special commissions were set up in the early 18th century and they set standards on construction of the city. Two plans for the city were drawn up: one in 1716 by the architect Доменико Трезини, and the other in 1717 by the French architect Жан Батист Леблон.

The cathedral of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

It is also called the church on the Spilt Blood. On this place Russia Emperor Alexander the II was killed by the terrorist Grinevetskiy, a member of the “People’s will” organization, March 1st, 1881, when he returned to Winter Palace. The terrorist died immediately and Alexander the II died 1.5 hours later in his bedroom in Winter Palace. It was him who abolished serfdom in 1861.

Alexander the III announced a competition for a permanent memorial to his father. Alphred Parland became a winner. The foundation stone was laid in October 1883, but the building took almost a quarter of a century to complete it. The construction was built in Pseudo Russian style and it copied Saint-Basil’s Cathedral (16th century).

Mosaic panels showing scenes from the Bible adorn the interior and the exterior of the cathedral. They were based on designs by artists such as Victor Vasnezhov, Michail Nesterov.

Inside more then 20 types of minerals including jasper, rhodonite and marble decorated the cathedral.

Over 6 years ago in 1998 it was opened to public after a complete restoration. About 7 thousand square meters are decorated the church inside and outside. Nowadays it is a museum, but during the Soviet Union it was used as a storage. There was an intention to explode it, fortunately it did not happen.

During the siege the church was hit with a shell which did not explode and got stack in the central dome. Many years after the war it was found.

Arts' square

Arts', formerly Michailovsky square, ensemble is one of the most expressive and elegant architectural ensembles of the centre of St. Petersburg. In 1820-es the greatest Russian classicism architect, C.I.Rossi, reordered the whole territory between the Griboedov canal and the Fontanka river due to the Michailovsky Palace, nowadays hosting the Russian museum, construction.

Square got its modern name in 1940 because of high concentration here not only of architectural monuments, but also theatres and museums. The indisputable centre of the ensemble is the Michailovsky palace, built by Rossi in 1819-1825 for the Great Duke Michail Petrovich, the junior son of Emperor Paul I.

The parade yard of the Michailovsky palace is separated from the square by a cast-iron grill. Facade of the building itself is decorated with an eight-column portico with a triangle frontispiece. On both sides of the monumental granite staircase are placed bronze lions. In 1895 Michailovsky palace was acquired by the state to locate here Museum of the Russian Art. Museum was solemnly inaugurated on March 7, 1898.

Now the State Russian museum disposes of one of the biggest collections of the Old Russian, Russian, Soviet and contemporary art. Museum's exhibition will show you history of development of the Russian art, from icons to the modern artistic trends. Here are exposed works by I.Repin, V.Surikov, I.Levitan. A.Kuindji, K.Petrov-Vodkin, P.Filonov and other prominent artists and sculptors.

According to Rossi's design, Michailovsky palace was to dominate the square's ensemble – that is why architecture of other constructions is more discreet and is in perfect harmony with the palace building. Built to the Russian museum on the canal Griboedova side in 1912-1916, construction known as the Benois Wing was designed by the architects Benois and Ovsyannikov. The Benois Wing was originally destined to the temporary exhibitions organised by the Russian museum, but nowadays it houses part of the permanent museum's exhibition.

On the left from the Benois Wing is situated the Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after M.Musorgsky (Maly Opera and Ballet theatre), whose facade faces the Arts' square.

Theatre is located in the premises of the former Michailovsky theatre, built by architect A.Brullov in 1831-1833. Oeuvres by the famous Russian and foreign composers, N.Rimsky-Korsakov, M.Musorgsky, G.Verdi, D. Shostakovich and others, form part of the theatre's repertoire. St. Petersburg music lovers frequently visit another building located on the Arts' square – the Big Hall of the Philharmonic Society named after D.Shostakovich, which occupies premises of the former Noble Society, built in 1834-1839 to the architect P.Jacquot's project. On August 9, 1942 the Seventh symphony by D.Shostakovich, dedicated to the heroic defenders of the besieged Leningrad was first performed in the Big Hall of the Philharmonic Society.

On the other side, the Russian museum is bordered by the Russian Museum of Ethnography, constructed in 1900-1911 to the architect V.Svinjin's design. Museum owns eminent collections of the peoples of Russia and of modern folk arts and crafts. Initially, the museum's collections belonged to the Ethnographical department of the Russian museum, the first thematic exhibitions were held here in 1923, and in 1934 museum became a separate organism.

On the Arts' square is also located museum apartment of the famous Soviet realist artist I.Brodsky; it was opened for the public in 1949. Here one can visit workshop of a reputable Socialist Realism choragus and see Brodsky's collection of painting and graphics.

In 1957 monument to A.Pushkin by sculptor M.Anikushin, perfectly matching ensemble of one of the most amazing squares of St. Petersburg, appeared on the Arts' square.

1. Общие свед-я о СПБ. The location of the city on the banks of the gulf of the city is very convenient. The city was refered to as "the window on Europe". These lands around the Baltic sea and the Neva river belonged to the Great Novgorod principality. It is known from cronicals. It was the only trade way from North to South (from Varangians to Greeks). And that is why many countries wanted to take hold of these lands. In the beginning of 17th cen. the lands were ceded (переданы) to Sweden after the peace treaty had been signed in 1613. Thus Russia was cut off the Baltic sea. Lack of access to the sea impeded Russia's economic development and Peter I began the war that came down to history as the Northern war (1700-21).

Old Russian land possessions restored (восстановлены) back to Russia. But as the war was going on it was necessary to build the fortress to protect the newly restored Russia's lands. On the 27 of May in 1703 the fortress called SPB was founded. The city that was built under the protection of the fortress was also called Pb. (soon fortress became known as St. Peter and Paul fortress). It was Peter I who chose the name of apostle Peter and the attribute of this saint: two keys to Heaven as the emblem to the new city.

When World War I began in 1914 the German-sounding name SPB was changed to Petrograd. After the October Revolution (1917) in 1924 the city was renamed in honor of Lenin.

08.09.41 - 27.01.44 - under the siege.

In 1991 public opinion poll was held. 55% of the citizens voted for the returning of the old name. Now SPB is the 2nd largest city in this country. It's 2nd only to Moscow. The population is 4,7 million people. St. Petersburg is one of the major industrial, scientific and cultural centre of this country. It's accounts for 2% of industrial output of this country.

City had it's own emblem. The coat-of-arms, which was created in 1724 for SPB, represented a gold scepter and 2 silver anchors. It meant the city was the capital and a port. Anchors in Christianity symbolize a salvation.

SPB was the capital of Russia from 1712 till 1918.

3. ППК. The history of SPB began on a islet (островок) near the right bank of the Neva, which became known as Hare (Заячий) Island. On 16 May (27 May Old Style) 1703, by order of Peter the Great, the foundations of a fortress called "Sankt Pieter-Burgh" in a Dutch manner, were laid there. The citadel was erected (сооружена) to protect the areas around the Neva taken by Russia back from Sweden in the course of the Northern war.

The fortress was the kernel (ядро) from which the capital of the Russian Empire was growing and which gave to burgeoning city its name - SPB. The cathedral located on the territory of the citadel was named after the Apostles Peter and Paul. Later the fortress itself also began to be called the Peter and Paul Fortress.

The first defensive (оборонительные) structures of the fortress were made in wood and earth. The fortifications were designed as an extended (растянутый) hexagon (шестиугольник) with bastions at its corners and such layout (план) made the fortress similar to "ideal" towns of the Renaissance. In 1706-40 the fortress was rebuilt in stone with the use of the newest achievements in the European art of fortification. During the early period the construction was supervised by the Swiss D.Trezzini. His work was continued by the German military engineer Count Burchard Christoph von Minich . In the 1730s two outer (наружных) stone fortifications, the John and Alexej Ravelins, named after patron saints of the father and grandfather of Empress Anna Ioannovna, were put up at the flanks (по сторонам) of Hare Island. During the age of Catherine the Great the walls and bastions of the fortress overlooking the Neva were faced with granite and as a result it has acquired a majestically austere and impregnable (неприступный) appearance.

The powerful vertical of the bell-tower of the PPF crowned with a thin gilded spire (122,5 m).

The fortress was made ready for combat several times, but it has never taken part in action throughout its history. Its destiny was different - to become the "Russian Bastille", the main political prison of Imperial Russia. One of the first prisoners was Tsarevich Alexis, the son of Peter the Great, who opposed (сопротивлялся) his father’s radical reforms. In 1920s, the fortress was converted into a museum.

The main entrance to the fortress is from Trinity Square, the oldest square in the city, by John Bridge spanning the Kronwerk Strait (пролив).

The Peter Gate is a fine example of the early SPB Baroque remarkable for its synthesis (синтез) of arts (1714-18, Trezzini). Its entire decorative complex asserts (утверждающий), in an allegorical idiom, the stability of SPB as a city protected by heavenly powers. The carved wooden bas-relief (барельеф) "The Magician Simon Cast Down by the Apostle", a work by the sculptor Conrad Ossner, is an allegory of the victorious struggle (борьба) of Peter the Great against Karl XII of Sweden. At the top of the triumphal arch can be seen the double-headed eagle holding the orb (держава) and sceptre, the emblem of Imperial Russia.

The earliest place of the worship in the northern capital, the cathedral is at the same time the burial place of the Russian Emperors, a memorial of a battle glory and a major court church. The interior of the cathedral is designed as a vast state hall. Its prominent feature is the carved and gilded iconosyasis notable for its ligyt and dynamic forms.

The first Russian monarchs were buried in the cathedral of the Archangel Mikhail in Moscow. After the construction of PPF the burial place of the Romanov dynasty was moved to the PPF in SPB - nearly all the emperors (except Peter II and Ioann IV) were buried there. Remains of Nicolas II, members of his family, who were shot in 1918, were interred in the Catherine Chaple of the cathedral in 17.07.98.

In 1991 a monument to Peter the Great was installed in the fortress. It was presented to the city by the artist Mikhail Shemyakin who now lives in USA. Drawing on the authentic representations of the emperor (he modeled the Tsar's head on the mask taken by the sculptor Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli during the life of Peter the Great), Shemiakin created a grotesque image of Emperor pervaded (насыщенный) with power and energy.

By the east wall of the cathedral is the Commandant’s cemetery where 19 of 32 fortress commandants are buried. In 1975 a permanent exhibition about the history of SPB was opened in the building of the former Commandant’s House. The Engineer’s House is now used for various displays of the material from the museum’s rich reserved

4. Невский пр. The length is 4,5 km, width is up to 6 m. The prospect was being built for 2 centuries. That is why it displays a variety of architectural styles: from the 18th cen. Baroque to art Nouveau (модерн). The beginning of the baroque manner of building goes back to the late 16th cen. Architects, artists and sculptors sought (искали) great variety in more imposing (внушительный) effects. This variety and striking effects are considered importance each subsequent (последующий). Artists had to produce more complex ideas and decorations so as to remain impressive. By the middle of the 17th cen. baroque style was fully developed. Typical features: abundance of decorated details, scrolls, curves; buildings are over-ornate, theatrical, they look festive and they are full of slender and movement but it's not so much of details matter as a general effect of the whole.

Along the main prospect there were many apartment houses for upper middle class and trade centers, banks, hotels, restaurants. A few old one family mansions have been preserved to this day. As for hotels there are five high class hotels and three of them are on the main street (Nevsky Palace, Radisson SAS, Grand Hotel Europe).

Anichkov palace (1740); Stroganovsky (1764) барокко

Alexandrinsky theatre неоклассицизм

Spas-na-krovy историзм или эклектика

Елисеевский дом книги

The beginning of the baroque manner of building goes back to the late 16th cen. Architects, artists, sculptors + greater variety in more imposing effects. This variety and striking effects are considered important. Each subsequent artist had to produced more complecs ideas and decorations, so as to remain impressive. By the middle of 17th century baroque style was fully developed. Typical features: +

The border line of Petersburg in the 18th century was river Fontanka (Fountain). There are 4 equestrian status (Клодт) in one of the bridges across Fountain. All four status are different. They show taming of the horse. On the bank of the river there is Anichkov palace (1740). The palace was commissioned by Elizabeth. She presented it to her favorite Alexei Glazunovsky. And later when he died the palace was bought by the treasure.

It belonged to the Romanovs.. Now it s a club for schoolchildren (cultural center). In the garden near the palace there is a monument to Catherine II, at her feet there is status of her associates and contemporaries. And in the background there is a building of Duma Theatre (Росси), built in the beginning of the 19th cen. The theatre was named Alexandriisky in owner of empress Alexandra Petrovna, wife of the Nicolas I. The auditorium seats 1500 spectators. It was the first permanent public theatre in SPb. The edifice is decorated with Apollo s Chariot. Behind the theatre there is a famous Rossi street, it famous for it’s proportions. The street is 22 meters wide, the high of the buildings is equal to the width of the street. The street is ten times longer. One of the buildings on this street houses the world famous SPb ballet school. Next to the garden where the monument to Catherine stands there is a national public library. It numbers over 22

mln. volumes. They keep such rarities there as Voltaire s Personal Library. Entire bloct to the left is taken to the largest shopping center in SPb.

Гостиный Двор (Mertaius Yard) built to the design by Valen de Lamont in the 2nd half of the 18th century. And to the right across the street is the Grand Hotel Europe built in the 19th century. The street leads to the old Michailovskaya square, now the square of Art. The main building stands there is Michailovsky palace. It was built for the Grand Duke Michail Pavlovich (sun of Paul I) 1818-1825.

5. Ансамбль стрелки В.О. It was conceived (задумано) by Peter I as an administrative, scientific and cultural center but it was inconvenient to have an administrative center on the island and there were no permanent bridges across the Neva. Vasilyevsky Island occupying an area of 1,090 hectares is the largest island in the delta of the Neva. The eastern tip of the island, generally known as a "Spit" (коса), cleaves (рассекает) the deep waters of the Neva, like the pointed (остроконечный) prow of a ship, into two branches (рукава), the Large and Small Neva.

In the middle of the 1710s Peter I decided to make V.I. the centre of his newly built capital and to provide it with a network (сетью) of canals in the fashion of Amsterdam. The layout project was worked out by the architects D. Trezzini and J.B Le Blond. However, Peter's dream was not destined (предназначены) to come true - now only the geometrically straight (правильные) avenues and lines of V.I. recall (напоминают) this abortive (неудавшуюся) attempt to create the Russian version of Amsterdam.

From 1730s onwards the site was used as a sea port for a hundred years. Gradually V.I. developed into a scientific centre where almost all scholarly and educational establishments of the northern capital have been concentrated - the Academy of Sciences, the University, the Academy of Arts, the First and Naval Cadet Corps (корпус), the Kunstkammer, the Mining (горный) Institute and the Pushkin House (Institute of Russian Literature). Many eminent (выдающихся) scholars and cultural figures lived in this "Latin Quarter" of SPB.

In the early 19th cen. a magnificent architectural complex took shape on the Spit of V.I. It's most prominent features were the majestic building of the Stock Exchange and the Rostral Columns - a word-famous architectural masterpiece from the age of Classicism (1805-10, J.F.Thomas de Thomon)

The tradition of installing rostral columns ("rostrum" means "prow" in Latin) as memorials symbolizing naval victories goes back to ancient Rome. The columns on the Spit of V.I., 32 meters high, are decorated with rostra. Tradition has it that the 4 sculptures set up by the Rostral Columns symbolize the great Russian rivers: the Volga, Dnepr, Neva and Volhov. The tripod (трехногие) bowls (кубки) mounted at the top of the columns were used as lighthouses of the SPB sea port - the bowls were filled with oil which was lit up in twilight (сумерки).

6. Сенатская пл. Senate Square is one of the beautiful city's highlights. It received it's name from the building of Senate built by Rossi in the beg. of 19th cen. The Senate and Synod were constructed here to the design of Rossi for 2 former ministers of Peter I. Synod was set up by Peter I in 1718 as an ecclesiastical authority of Russia. Both buildings house state historical archives.

Historical events. This square is also known as a Decembrist's square. This name is associated with the 1st armed uprising that took place 14.12.1825 ( inauguration of Nicolas I). It was when the progressive minded mobility of Russia rose in a rebellion against autocracy (самодержавие). They wanted to over through the tsar, to abolish (отменить) serfdom (крепостное право) and to establish the republic. The rebels chose this particular moment of interregnum (междуцарствие). The rebels wanted the Senate to refuse to take oath of allegiance (присягнуть на верность) to the new tsar. But it was too late. Nicolas I sent the troops and the uprising was suppressed. 5 leaders were executed and hundreds of the participants of this uprising were exiled. To commemorate this event on the 100th anniversary of the uprising the S.S. was renamed Decembrist's.

The monument to Peter I was commissioned from the French sculptor Falcone in 1782. The monument is allegorical. The pedestal (alone weight 1625 tons) was cut like a big sea-wave to show Peter's wish to have access to the Baltic sea. Hind hoofs of the horse trample a snake, that symbolized evil forces (opposition) that Peter I had to resist. It's written on the pedestal: "To Peter I from Cath. II" and the date. This also symbolizes that Cath. liked to be a person who wanted to continue Peter's reforms. During the 2nd WW this monument was carefully protected with sandbags and wooden boards that were removed after the end of the siege of Leningrad.

7. Исаакиевская пл. (архитектура). St.Isaak Square owes its name to St.Isaac's Cathedral dominating it (1818-58, A.Monferrand).

In the centre of SIS can be seen the fine monument to Nicolas I erected in 1856-59. The architectural solution of the monument belongs to Monferrand. It was the clever solution of difficult engineering task: they balanced a heavy monument on two points of support (опора). The pedestal is decorated with 4 allegorical figures of might, justice and other virtues (добродетели) and they bear personal likeness with the wife and 3 daughters of Nicolas I.

The space of SIS is completed on the south side by the Mariinsky Palace (1839-44, Shtakenshneyder). The building was commissioned by Nicolas I for a young couple when his daughter Mary married the Duke of Leutenberg. In the late 19th cen. the palace was given to the State Council and now the Legislative Assembly of SPB has its sessions (заседания) there.

On this building there is a flag of RF and beneath (под) of flag there is a state emblem of RF. On the pediment of the building there are 5 models of Soviet orders that were awarded to Leningrad:

1. Extreme right - the order of Red Banner

2. The order of October Revolution (it's order number 1). This was instituted (учрежден) in 1967 during of celebration of the 50th anniversary.

3. The order of Lenin. The city was awarded with this order in 1945 for the courage of its citizens displayed during the Great Patriotic War.

4. The 2nd order of Lenin. This order was given to Leningrad in 1957 to mark the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the city.

5. The Golden Star of the Hero city.

In front of the palace there is a widest bridge in the city - Blue bridge. It's width is 100 m. There is a granite obelisk by the bridge with Neptune's trident on the top. 5 bands mark the level of water when it rose above its ordinary level during the most disastrous floods.

Astoria Hotel. It was built in the beginning of the 20th cen. by a Swedish company. Now it's run by the New Resso Hotels group. The management is foreign. Shares of the hotel belong to foreign and Russian partners and to employees of the hotel.

The hotel enjoys excellent location in the city centre. And during the 2nd WW the Nazi Germans planed to celebrate the victory of Leningrad in this hotel because they knew that it was the symbol of style and elegance. We knew about their planes because Soviet soldiers found their invitations cards to the banquet in Astoria in Berlin.

8. Исаакиевский собор. The history of the construction of SIC is linked with a history of our city. It's 4th church of that name. The 1st one was built not far from the Admiralty to the order of Peter I. In fact a little cupola and a belfry with a steeple were added to the building that was already there. The church was consecrated in the name of St. Isaac. Isaac was a Byzantine monk who lived in the 4th cen. AD (н.э.). The birthday of Peter I, the 30th of May, was the day of St. Isaac. And that is why Peter chose the name of his patron saint.

In 1712 SPB became the capital of Russia and the small church had to be rebuilt in keeping with the new status of the city. In 1727 the 2nd church was built (Mattarnovi). It was built on the present place of the monument to Peter I. In a few years the building that stood on the swampy bank of the river gradually sank and was badly damaged by the fire and was pull down.

In the 1768 the 3d SIC was founded on the place of the present cathedral (Rinaldi). The construction of the cathedral was started by (при) Catherine II. After her death in 1796 Paul I ordered to move all the marble to the construction site of his castle. SIC was finished in brick. The result didn't satisfy either the church or the court.

Alexander I entrusted (поручил) reconstruction of the cathedral to the French architect Ogust Montferand. It was his lifetime work.

SIC was being built for 40 years. It's the 4th tallest cupola construction in the world after: St. Peter's (Rome) - 143 m, St. Paul's (London) - 109 m, Santa Maria del Fiore (Florence) - 107 m, SIC - 101,5 m.

To build this cathedral they had to pull down the 3d one but not completely. The eastern part with the altar was stayed. Then the foundation was reinforced. The cathedral rests on 24 thousand pine piles (сваи). Then they built the colonnade and though a column weights 100 tons it took them 45 min only to raise it.

Red granite was quarried on small islands in the Gulf of Finland. Huge slabs (глыбы) of granite were cut off from granite rocks (скал). Then by barges they were transported to the construction site. Here they were finally polished and then put up. It took them 2 years to put up the colonnade. After the colonnade they built walls which were made of brick and then faced with marble. The next stage (этап) of the construction was building of vaults and the dome. The outside dome is made of metal (copper). 100 kg. of gold covered metal sheets (листы). The process was gilding through fire. Gold, soluted (растворенное) in the mercury, was put on top of copper sheets. They were heated over open fire, mercury evaporated, gold welded into metal. 150 years of lasting were guaranteed.

SIC is the last monument of Russian classicism. Here one can find features of another style - eclectic.

It’s an active Russian orthodox church though in the Soviet era it was turned into the museum where a research experiment proving that Earth rotates was on display.

The model of cathedral (exact copy) is 1/166 of the original and made of linden by serf Maksim Salin. It’s made without any nail or glue (клей).

In the cathedral there are 3 big doors made of oak, faced with bronze bas-relieves. The weight of each fold (створка) is over 10 tons. The relieves were made by Vitali and the subjects are: western door - legends of apostles Peter and Paul, southern - Christianity in Russia, northern - legends of the life of Isaac of Dalmatia.

In the cathedral there are about 300 sculptures modeled by the best sculptures of that time - Pimenov, Klodt, Vitali. It’s a metal copies of mould (отливка), they are hollow inside - the method of galvanoplastic.

9. Дворцовая пл. The formation of Palace square was related (имело отношение) to the construction of the new Winter Palace. The palace is striking not so much by its huge dimensions (размерами) as by its unusual luxury and elaborate (тщательно сделанный) decor which demonstrate the artistic principles of the Elizabethan Baroque of the mid-18 cen. at its best. The square in front of the Imperial residence became the traditional place of military parades and festivities.

The architectural decor of the General Staff of Headquarters (командования) building (1819-29,C.Rossi), the construction of which was particularly important for the formation of the ensemble of PS, is marked by the emphasis (выразительностями) on its austere and concise (кроткими) features. The facade of this building is the longest in the city, it stretches (протягивается) for 500 m. Two wings of the building were connected by Rossi with a Triumphal arch. The arch is surmounted (увенчана) with the Chariot of Glory with 6 rearing (становящихся на дыбы) horses (S.Pimenov,V.Demut-Malinovsky). Glory holds wreath of laurels in her hands. Nowadays one wing of the building still belongs to the military. In the premises of the adjacent building there will be exhibition halls of the Hermitage museum. Some halls are already opened for visitors.

In the centre of PS stands a stately (величавый) monument to Alexander I - the Alexander column (1830-34, A.Monfferand). The height of the monolith of red granite is 25.6 m, it weights about 600 tons and the general height of the column including the figure of Angel holding a cross is 47.5 m. It's a monument of Russian victory in the war against Napoleon. It's believed that the face of the angel resembles the face of Alexander I. In the reign of him Napoleon's army was defeated. The column is not fixed to its pedestal, it stands by its own weight.

In the 2nd half of the 19th cen. building of the Headquarters of the Royal guard (гвардия) of the WP was built.

Historical events. This square witnesses historical events that had profound impact on the history of this country. In 1905 the 1st Russian Revolution began. The day (9th of January) came down to history as the Bloody Sunday. Peaceful procession of people who wanted to submit a petition to the tsar were shot by the soldiers. Hundreds were killed, it was a massacre. It was the beginning of disturbances in the city. A year later Nicolas II signed a decree on power. One of the paragraphs was about autocracy (самодержавие) and one of the paragraphs was on state counsel (гос. Совет) and on state Duma. So this decree was a concession (уступка) of Nicolas II to the demands of that time.

In 1917 in February Nicolas II signed abdication. Provisional government came into power. In a few months in October of 1917 the Bolsheviks, who stormed the WP arrested 18 ministers of the Provisional government and took power in their hands. In January in 1918 Lenin's government passed a decree on transition of the capital from Petrograd to Moscow. P.S. was a place where military parades and rally took place. Now meetings, celebrations of the holidays are holding there.

10. Эрмитаж. The Hermitage museum ranks with British museum (National Gallery in London), Louver in France, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New-York. The Hermitage is the largest museum in Russia and, of course, the largest in St. Petersburg. It numbers 27 million exhibits. The Hermitage is comprised of 5 buildings.

1. The Winter Palace (1754-1762, Rastrelli), it’s the former living residence of Russian tsars.

2. The Small Hermitage, built in the middle of the XVIII century (1764 – 1775, Vallin de la Mothe, Felten).

3. The Old Hermitage, also XVIII century (1775- 1787), Felten.

4. The Hermitage Theatre built by Quarenghi (1783-1787).

5. New Hermitage, which dates back to the XIX century (1839-1852) by Leo Klenze.

All five buildings are connected with roofed passages. The Hermitage was founded in 1764. It was when Catherine II purchased 225 pictures from the German merchant, Godskovsky. As Winter Palace wasn’t meant for exhibitional purposes, Catherine II commissioned Vallin de la Mothe to build the Hermitage right next to the Winter Palace. It was called the Hermitage from the French word “hermit”, which means a solitary place. It was a private museum of Catherine II, access to which was very limited.

The collection was also enriched at the end of the XIX century, in the beginning of his century. After the Revolution 1917 many private galleries were brought to the Hermitage. Now Hermitage doesn’t buy anything abroad, but only from private collections within this country. By 1785 the Hermitage Art Gallery numbered over 27 hundred paintings. Among the main acquisitions of the XIX century were paintings of Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. In 1814 about 40 paintings were bought to the order of Alexander I and also the other objects of art were bought them.

11. Пл. Искусств. Arts’ square (formerly Mikhailovskaya) ensemble is one of the most expressive and elegant architectural ensembles of the centre of SPB. Square got its modern name in 1940 because of high concentration here not only of architectural monuments, but also theaters and museums.

The indisputable center of the ensemble is the Mikhailovsky palace, built by Rossi in 1819-1825 for the Great Duke Mikhail Petrovich, the junior son of Paul I. The parade yard of palace is separated the square by cast iron grill. Façade of the building itself is decorated with an eight-column portico with a triangle frontispiece. On the both sides of the monumental granite staircase are placed bronze icons. In 1895 palace was acquired by the state to locate here Museum of the Russian Art. Museum was solemnly inaugurated in 07.03.1898.

Built to the Russian museum on the canal Griboedova side in 1912-1916, construction known as the Benois Wing was designed by architects Benois and Ovsyannikov. The Benois Wing was originally destined to the temporary exhibitions organized by the Russian museum, but nowadays it houses part of the permanent museum’s exhibitions.

On the left from the Benois Wing is situated the Thaetre of Opera and Ballet named after M. Musorgsky (Maly Opera and Ballet theatre). Theatre is located in the premises of the former Mikhailovsky theatre, built by Brullov in 1831-1833. Works by the famous Russian and foreign composers, Rimsky-Korsakov, Musorgsky, Verdi, Shostakovich and others, form part of the theatre’s repertoire.

The Big Hall of the Philharmonic Society named after D. Shostakovich occupies premises of the former Noble Society, built in 1834-1839 by P. Jacquot. 09.08.1942 the 7th symphony by Shostakovich, dedicated to the heroic defenders of the besieged Leningrad was first performed in the Big Hall of the Philharmonic Society.

On the other side the Russian museum is bordered by the Russian museum of Ethnography, constructed in 1900-1911 to V. Svinjin’s design. Museum owns eminent collection of the peoples of Russia and of modern folk arts and crafts. Initially, the museum’s collection belonged to the Ethnographical department of the Russian museum. The 1st thematic exhibitions were held here un 1923, and in 1923 museum became a separate organism.

On Arts’ square is also located museum apartment of the famous Soviet realist artist I. Brodsky. It was opened for public in 1949.

In 1957 monument to A. Pushkin by sculptor m. Anikushin perfectly matching ensemble of one of the most amazing squares of SPB.

12. Спас-на-Крови. The Cathedral of Resurrection of Jesus Christ is also called the church on the Spilt Blood. On this place Russian Emperor Alexander II was assasinated by the terrorist Grenevitsky who was a member of the ‘People’s will’ organization, 01.03.1881. The terrorist died immediately and Alexander II died 1,5 hours later in his bedroom in WP. It was him, who abolished serfdom in 1861.

Alexander III announced a competition for a permanent memorial to his farther. The final design belongs to Alfred Parland. The foundation was in October 1883 but the building took almost a quarter of a century to complete.

The construction was over in 1907, the church was built in Pseudo-Russian style and it copied St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow (16th cen).

Mosaic panels showing scenes from the Bible adorn the interior and the exterior of the cathedral. They were based on design by artists such as Victor Vasneycov and Mikhail Nesterov. Inside more then 20 types of minerals including jasper, rhodonite, porphyry and Italian marble.

Only 8 years ago in 1998 it was opened to public after a complete restoration. 7000 square meters of mosaic decorate the cathedral inside and outside.

Nowadays it’s a museum but during the Soviet era it was closed, used as a storage. There was an intension to explode (взорвать) it but fortunately it didn’t happen. The cathedral was hit with a shell (снаряд). It didn’t explode and got stuck (застряло) in the central dome. Many years later after the war it was found in the roof. Unfortunately the cathedral was neglected (запущен) for many years and it was very often flooded by the water. Many beautiful icons were stolen.

13. Смольный. The Smolny Convent is one of the best SPb’s architectural ensembles designed in the style of Russian Baroque. The name of the convent dates from to the first years of the city’s history/ At that time there was Smolny Dvor (the Tar Yard) - the place where they prepared tar for Admiralty ships.

In 1744 the Empress Elyzabeth commissioned Rastrelli to construct a convent where she planned on spending her last days. The construction began in 1749. Rastrelli didn’t finish it before empress’ death and the convent was never completed.

It was only in the 1830s that the construction was continued under the supervision of Vasily Stasov who decorated the interior of the cathedral in style of classicism. Gilded stucco, white columns, carved frames and pilasters were used to decorate the cathedral.

When the Catherine II came to the throne, she decided to found “an educational institution for girls from noble families”, or the Smolny Boarding School, - the first Russian educational institutional for girls. They studied embroidering, dancing, singing, sciences and mathematics.

Originally, the half-built convent housed this boarding school, then the boarding school moved to a new building designed by Jacomo Quarengi and constructed in 1806 - 1808 near the convent.

Smolny Cathedral was consecrated as the Resurrection Cathedral and had the status of the Cathedral of All Educational Institutions.

In 1917 the Smolny Boarding School became the revolutionary headquarters. Lenin reside (проживал) during the upheaval of 25 October 1917 in which the Provisional Government was toppled and the Soviets came to power. The next day after the revolution Smolny became the seat of the Sovirt Government led by Lenin. The rooms where the Bolshevik leader lived and worked were later turned into a museum.

Nowadays Smolny houses offices of municipality. The cathedral is used as a concert hall of church’s music mostly. Exhibitions are held there as well.

14. Аврора. The Cruiser Aurora, moored at Petrovskaya Embankment, in front of the Naval School named after Admiral Pavel Nakhimov, is not only a monument to Russian shipbuilding, but also a symbol of the Soviet epoch. The cruiser was named in honor of the frigate Aurora, the one that heroically defended Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski city during the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The Cruiser Aurora was constructed in the New Admiralty shipyard in 1897. On May 11, 1900 the cruiser was launched, and in 1903 it joined Russian Navy. The cruiser participated in the the Russian-Japanese war. During World War I the Aurora participated in the military actions on the Baltic Sea. And at the end of 1916 she was put in docks for repairs.

The Aurora played an important part in Russian history. The crew of the cruiser supported the Bolsheviks' party, and on 24-25 October (6-7 November, new style) the Aurora took part in the armed rising that led to great political changes in Russia. At 21.40 Moscow time the gun of the cruiser Aurora gave the blank shot. It was the signal to start the assault of the Winter Palace. As a result of the historical assault, the Provisional Government was arrested, and the Bolshevik's party got the power. It was the beginning of the new era in Russian history.

In the Soviet period the Cruiser Aurora became the training ship for the cadets of naval schools. During World War II the cruiser, berthed in the Gulf of Finland near Oranienbaum, defended Leningrad. The battleship was badly damaged, and in 1944 the Cruiser Aurora was towed to Leningrad for major repairs. For some time she was used as a training ship for the cadets of the Naval School named after admiral Pavel Nakhimov. In 1952 the cruiser was turned into the Ship Museum, which became the branch of the Central Naval Museum. In 1992 the Saint Andrew Naval Banner raised over the Cruiser Aurora.

The Aurora exposition features over 500 original documents, photographs, and ship objects concerning the cruiser's history and its participation in Russian history. For those who wish there are thematic excursions of the underwater cruiser part and machine-boiler sector.

Cruiser Aurora was restored some years ago (1987), the teak wood deck was renovated, the hull was freshly painted. Instead of museum employees Naval cadets take care of the ship and of the museum.

15. Петергоф. Peter I founded P. in 1705. The idea to build the luxurious summer residence in the vicinity of Pb. occurred to him after he had visited Versal'. The original two-storey palace was created in 1714-25 (Braunstein, Zemtsov, Le Blond, Michetti). In 1745-55 the building was demolished (разрушено) and rebuilt by Rastrelli along the lines of the Elizabethan Baroque. Further alterations were made in the middle of the 19th cen. (Shtakensneider). The state interiors of the palace - the Throne Room, the Study of Peter I faced with oak panels. The set itinerary through the palace leads from the State rooms into the Imperial suits. Amidst all this opulence (богатство) one is shown a life-time portrait of Cath. II in the uniform of one of her regiments painted in 1762. This pictures is in her Throne room - the largest room of the palace (350 m2). This pictures is surrounded by portraits of Peter's close relatives. They were placed her on purpose, Cath. wanted to prove that she was one of them.

On the bank of the Gulf of Finland stands the Monplaisir complex (1714-23, Le Blond Braunstein, Zemtsov). The rooms and galleries diverging (расходятся) from the stately Hall display decorative objects of the early 18th cen. and paintings by Western European masters from the collection of Peter I.

The Cottage Palace was built in the landscaped Alexandria Park in 1826-29 by the arch. Adam Menelaws as a summer residence for the family of Nicolas I in the medieval (средневековый) English style.

P. is the German name, it means Peter's court. After Peter's I victory in the Northern war (Poltava, 1709) he decided to build the palace beside (рядом) the Gulf of Finland. After an attempt in Strel'na P. was selected as the sight due to its more favourable location. Although Cath.II and her immediate successors (непосредств.наследники) preferred other palaces Nicolas I returned the court to P. and he built the Cottage Palace.

In 1944 after P. had been liberated from German occupation the German name was replaced and the town was called Petrodvorets.

In 1918 the palaces of P. became museums.

Parks and fountains. Peter I made strenuous (напряженные) efforts to develop the environs (окрестности) of his new capital, especially the shores (берега) of the Gulf of Finland.

There're 140 fountains in the park. There're a few jester (шутиха) fountains, one has to be careful around them. You shouldn't step on some of the pebble stones (камешки) or you will get soaked to the bones (промокнуть до костей). The park with the fountains was laid out as a French formal park but gilt wood statues that stood along the paths had to be replaced with metal ones. The French arch. Le Blond participated in the construction of the palace and he worked in the park too.

Parks play the most important part in the ensemble - the Upper Gardens with 5 fountains on the south side and the Lower Park with the largest complex of fountains on the north side overlooking the sea. The Great Grotto with the Great Cascade, decorated with numerous fountains, gilded bronze statues, bas-reliefs, vases and bowels, descends (спускающихся) towards the pool in the centre of which stands "Sampson" (Kozlovsky, 1802). The Lower Park is adorned with a great number of different fountains.

One of the major attractions is the Grand Cascade. It consist of 17 artificial (искусственных) waterfalls, many jets spear (бьют ключом) from 64 sources. There 39 figures made of gilded bronze that represent antique Gods and heroes. It's the circular (круглый) pool, at the bottom there is the fountain called St.Sampson. There's the lion - the heraldic beast of Sweden. And the decisive battle of Poltava occurred on St.Sampson day (27 June, 1709).

How fountains work. Water for the fountains comes from natural springs (водяных ключей) situated in 22 km to the south from Peterhoph. There are Ropsha hills there that rise some 70 m above the sea level. Two man-made chanals were dug out (вырыты) in the beg. of the 18th cen. Water flows (струи) downhill into 14 ponds (пруд) in P. There it accumulates and by underground pipes is delivered to the fountains. It was Peter's idea to employ (использовать) the natural layout (ландшафт) of this area. It's a slope (наклон) - the main principle of communicating vessels (сообщающихся сосудов) was used there. It's the gravity (сила тяжести) of water that makes fountains work there. There are no pumps. All this water is waste water, it doesn't recirculate, it runs into the gulf of Finland. The expenditure is 92 l/sec. It's fresh water. The tallest of the jets is 22 m. - "St. Sampson Tearing Apart the Jaws of Lion". St. Sampson symbolize the victory of Russia in one of the most important battles in the Northern war and Lion symbolize Sweden. This sculptural group was plundered (похищена) during the war and it was restored to its original appearance from surviving drawings and photographs.

16. Царское село. The town of Pushkin originated as a private summer residence of Catherine I. A stone palace was built for her by Brownstein. After her death it was bequeathed to her daughter Elizabeth. So Catherine Palace is called so after the mother of Elizabeth Catherine I. But it was the favorite palace of Catherine II and during her reign she chose to stay there. During the reign of Elizabeth Rastrelli rebuilt the palace and the gardens were lay out as French regular. The interior decorations were made by different architects in different styles that’s why now the interior decorations are represented as Baroque blend with Classicism.

The old entrance to the Czar’s village was Egyptian gate which were built when the fake Egyptian style was in fashion The Catherine palace was set on fire and specialist didn’t believe in the possibility to rebirth the palace.

Amber Room. Amber panels were made in the beginning of the 18th century in Germany. It was a diplomatic gift of the Prussian king Fridrigh Vilhelm to Peter I in 1716. Peter I gave in exchange for amber panels 248 sturdy soldiers for the Prussian King’s guard. Great care and protection was given to transporting the panels to SPb. In 1755 to the order of Elizabeth the panels were brought to the Czar’s village. It took 76 strong guardsmen, 6 days of traveling to bring them to the Czar’s Village. Rastrelli created a magnificent amber hall in the Catherine palace. Since there were not enough amber panels to cover walls in the room a number of mirrors and mosaic pictures were inserted. Excellent imitation painting was made for the upper part of the hall. This room always drew attention of visitors. During the war the amber panels were not evacuated. They were left behind and covered with sand sacks. Nazy Germans discovered the panels and loot them to Koenigsberg. In the castle of Koenigsberg they were displayed along with other war trophies and then disappeared. These priceless panels haven’t been found till nowadays. The works on the restoration of the architectural decor of this hall are being held. 6 tons of amber will be needed. The amber room was the only one in the world to demonstrate the usage of amber for decoration of the walls.

17. Павловск. Pavlovsk is very close to the summer residence in Tsarskoye Selo. And in Elizabeth’s reign the dense (густой) forest traversed (пересекаемый) by the meandering River Slavyanka became a favorite place for hunting. Two wooden houses were even erected here with the comic-sounding names of “Krik” and “Krak”. The first was burnt down in the war and the second completely rebuilt in the 19th cen.

In 1777 Cath. the Great presented this land, about 1000 hectares in all, to her son Paul and his wife, Princess Maria. The present was to celebrate the birth of the firstborn, the future Emperor Alex I. Two two-stored wooden houses were built. In 1780 Charles Cameron began building a Great Stone Palace in place of Paullust. Cameron modeled his design on villas created by the great Italian Andrea Palladio. The three-stored rectangular (прямоугольных) building is topped by a drum (барабан) with 64 columns and a flattish dome. Semicircular galleries connect the palace with square auxiliary (вспомогательный) buildings to form a grand courtyard on the east. Inside the palace the walls running from east to west divide it into three enfilades. The central enfilade protrudes (выступает) slightly to the east and west. It contains the Grand Vestibule, the oval Italian Hall and the rectangular Greek Hall. The third of the palace facing north belonged to Paul and the south section to his wife Maria. When construction of the palace began, the heir apparent Paul and his wife set off on a long journey round Europe under the name of the “Northern Counts”. The pedantic former princess of Wurttemberg demanded that the architect should send her regular progress reports. In her replies she expressed wishes concerning rebuilding and alterations. This slowed things down considerably, and the touchy (обидчивый) Cameron grew annoyed (раздражаться). When the travelers eventually returned to Russia, a new architect Vincenzo Brenna was summoned (вызывать) to Pavlovsk. Obedient and pliant (послушный и гибкий), he soon became Paul’s favorite. Cameron was dismissed, and Brenna entrusted (поручать) with decorating the now ready interiors. At the same time on the west side he created 2 octagonal (восьмиугольный) rooms, the Hall of War, the last room in Paul’s enfilade, and the Hall of peace, the last room in Maria’s. The studies, library, dressing rooms, boudoirs and bedchambers were most sumptuously (роскошно) decorated by Brenna. He showed himself to be a master of interior décor, creating the palace furniture and works of applied art.

18. Русский музей. The palace called after its owner, Grand Duke Mikhail, was built by Carlo Rossi. It’s one of the finest specimens (экземпляр) of Russian Empire style. The building took from 1819 to 1825. The main, south facade is adorned with a central portico of 8 columns placed on a ground floor arcade. The broad (широкая) staircase is guarded by lions which are copies of the ones in front of the Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence. Three-quarter separate the windows of the side wings. Their movement is restrained (сдерживается) by slightly (незначительно) protruding (торчащие) sections. Under the roof parapet (перила) along the whole facade are 44 relieves of mythological scenes of military valour (доблесть). The domestic (внутренний) buildings protrude (высовываются) sharply to form a cour d’honneur. It’s divided from the street by elegant railings (ограда). Two powerful pylons crowned with military arms guard the gate in the center.

In 1895 Nicolas II decided to immortalize (обессмертить) the memory of his father, Alexander III, by creating the museum of Russian national painting. The Exchequer (казна) acquired the Mikhailovsky Palace, and the architect Vasily Svinin rebuilt its interiors to suit the museum’s requirements (требования). The Russian museum opened in 1898. The White Drawing Room, which remained unchanged in the middle of the 1st floor, became the Alex. III memorial room. It contained gifts received by the dead emperor and also his portrait and portraits of his children painted by his wife, Maria Fyodorovna. The other rooms were hung (вешать) with canvases by Russian artists. Some were collected by Alex. III himself and others were presented to the Academy of Arts. The “newborn” museum received many presents from collectors. Princess Tenisheva, f.e., donated several hundred water-colors (акварель). Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky presented his collection of Russian historical portraits. By its opening date the museum already possessed 445 paintings, 111 sculptures and 981 drawings and water-colors. After the revolution the museum’s collections were greatly augmented (увеличивалась). First, by nationalized private collections and, secondly, thanks to numerous purchases. Today the museum is known throughout (повсюду) the world as one of the major centers for the study of Russian art.

19. Иконы. The Russian Museum possesses one of the largest collections of Russian fine arts. Chronologically its exhibition covers a period from the ninth century throughout the seventeenth. The exhibits include examples of wall paintings and mosaics from ancient Russian churches of the Kiev State. The Department of Ancient Russian Arts consists largely of icons, a highly original and expressive kind of painting. The gem of the collection is one of the earliest works in the Russian Museum – the icon The Archangel Gabriel (Angel with the Golden Hair). Few works in world can rival this masterpiece, permeated with a lyrical quality, in the power of emotional impact. The icon Boris and Gleb featuring the portrait-like images of the two princes, sons of Grand Prince Vladimir, is pervaded with the spirit of austere majesty. Every detail of the representation, from the princes’ hats and garments to their swords, is historically authentic. Princes Boris and Gleb, victims of intenstine strife, were canonized, and the crosses in their hands suggest their holiness.

Another masterpiece owned by the museum is the XV-century icon devoted to the life and deeds of St George. There are a lot of outstanding icon-painters are represented here: Andrei Rublev, Dionysius, Simon Ushakov, artists of world stature.

20. Эрмитаж. Отдел Италии. The world famous Hermitage picture gallery opens with the Italian school. For almost 5 cen Italy was the leading artistic center in Europe. The Hermitage collection reflects this long dominance.

The Italians of the 14th cen believed that art, science and scholarships had flourished in the classical period and were all destroyed by northern barbarians and that it was for them to help to revive the glorious past.

The Early Renaissance is represented by work of Simone Martini “Madonna from the Annunciation (Благовещение) Scene”. Martini interpreted (объяснил) the religious scene with an exquisite (изысканный) and even secular grace.

The 15th cen is represented by works of great artists such as Filipino Lippy “The Adoration of the Infant (младенец) Christ”, Perugino “St. Sebastian” and “A Portrait of a Young Man”, Sandro Boticelli “St. Domenic” and “St. Jeronem”.

The beginning of the 16th cen is the most famous period of the Italian art, the period of the great discoveries. Italian artists turned to mathematics to study the laws of perspectives, to anatomy to study the build of human body. The greatest artists of Italy of the 16th cen are: Leonardo da Vinci “The Benoua Madonna”, “The Litta Madonna”; Michelangelo - the statue of the “Crouching Youth”; Raphael “The Conestabile Madonna”, “Holy Family”; 8 canvaces of Titian which represent different periods of his life and artistic career “Danae”, “St. Sebastian”, “The Repentant Mary Magdalene”, Giorgione “Yudith”.

The Hermitage collection of 17th cen of the Italian art is one of the most significant (значительный) in Europe. Among the masterpieces is a single work by Caravaggio “Youth with a Lute”.


From 1626 Rembrandt became an independent artist whose works were highly recognized by the public. This period of the artists life is illustrated by some outstanding works such as “Flora”, “Abraham’s sacrifice”. Great variety of subjects can be traced in the paintings of his 2nd creative period. To this period we refer such pictures as “David and Johnathan” this painting was acquired by P-I in 1716 and thus was the 1st picture by Rembrandt brought to Russia. “The parable of the labors in the vineyard”, “A lady trying her earrings” here one can recognize his 2nd wife Henrike who became his permanent model for Rembrandt’s 2nd period. After 1640 Rembrandt’s short happy period of life had passed and his life went wrong. His greatest commission “The night Watch” wasn’t recognized by the public. He was in want, He had to sell his house collection of oriental treasures and silks which he had used in his work. He moved to a poor district of the city. In those days he painted many portraits. One of them is the portrait of “An old man in red”. Rembrandt preferred to paint such people who acquired real wisdom and become real characters. One of the Rembrandt’s masterpieces which was completed short before his death is “The return of the prodigal son”. The episode attracted the artist’s attention a number of times in his early graphic works, but in the Hermitage painting the theme is interrupted with deep feeling, elevating it to a symbol of Universal significance. Complex emotions are expressed in the figures of the bent old man and his suffering, kneeling son – repentance and charity, boundless love and regret at the lateness of spiritual awakening. These images represent the summit of Rembrandt’s psychological mastery. The mastery of Remrandt was that he was a psychological master and before paint a picture he tried to understand what people feel and think, they emotion in this or that situation. He tried to express in his paintings this intangible things.

1. Общие сведения о СПб (население, территория, название, столица, город-герой Ленинград, Спб – культурная столица).

St Petersburg is located at the delta of the Neva River. At the beginning of the 17th century all these territories were captured by Sweden. Peter I decided to repeat Alexander Nevsky deed and in 1700 the war broke out between Russia and Sweden. It’s known as the Northern war and it lasted for 21 years. This territory was conquered and the country got the outlet to the Baltic Sea. Peter I ordered to build a fortress on one of the islands in the delta of the Neva River. This island was named the Hare Island. After the Russian victory at the battle of Poltava the capital of the state was transferred from Moscow to St Petersburg in 1712 where it remained until March 1918. May 16, 1703 is considered to be the date of foundation of St Petersburg.

When World War I began in 1914 the German-sounding name SPB was changed to Petrograd. After the October Revolution (1917) in 1924 the city was renamed in honor of Lenin.

In 1991 public opinion poll was held 55% of the citizens voted for the returning of the old name. Now SPB is the 2nd largest city in this country. It's 2nd only to Moscow. The population is 4,7 million people. St. Petersburg is one of the major industrial, scientific and cultural centre of this country. It's accounts for 5% of industrial output of this country.

City had it's own emblem. The coat-of-arms, which was created in 1724 for SPB, represented a gold sceptre and 2 silver anchors. It meant the city was the capital and a port. Anchors in Christianity symbolize a salvation.

2. Спб - «Окно в Европу» (история основания).

St-Petersburg was founded on the 16th of May 1703. That day the six-bastion fortress was ceremonially laid on the Zayachy Island in the broadest part of the Neva estuary. The founding of the Fortress became a culmination in the succession of events that lasted several centuries. The Finnish Gulf, the Ladoga Lake, the Onega lake and the surrounding region became the arena of fight between Novgorodian principality, and later the centralized Russian State and the neighboring states, especially Sweden.

From early 10th century this area was the Old Russian Land possession. The Swedes periodically tried to caputer these lands to have better ways to trade.

In 1240 Dyke Alexander who headed the troops of Novogorod defeated the Swede at the place of the Neva River. For his distinguish Victory he was called Nevsky. However in 17th century during the reign of Michael III Russia was forced to conclude a peace treaty with Sweden. Grounds around Neva River were ceded and Russia lost access to the Baltic sea which impeded its economic development.

In 1699 during the reign of Peter the Great Russia started its preparation for the war with Sweden. In 1700 the Northern War of Russia against Sweden broke out.

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