Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте текст и напишите соответствующую форму каждого слова, данного под номерами В4-В11, в отведенное для этого место.

The History of Man

How long has man been on earth? Let us travel 5,000 years into the past. We are in the days before man ___________ to write.   LEARN
Recorded history ________________________ yet.   NOT BEGIN  
Let us go ___________ into the past to 8,000 years ago. We are in a world without cities or towns, houses or roads.   FAR  
Yet there are people, about five million of them, ___________ on all five continents.     LIVE
They have cows and horses and they _______________ the land.   FARM  
To find the ___________ man we must go many hundreds of thousands of years into the past.   ONE  
The _________ true human being, Homo sapiens, appeared in Europe more than 50,000 years ago.   EARLY  
We can be proud of the progress the man ___________ since then.   MAKE

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров B12 – B18 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B12 – B18.
  The National Maritime Museum is set in  
B12 the ___________________ surroundings of BEAUTY
  Greenwich park.  
  Within the complex of the museum there  
B13 is a wide _________________ of objects, VARY
  displays and paintings. The collections  
  relate to the shipping, astronomy  
B14 and ____________________. NAVIGATE
  The museum tells the story of figures of great  
B15 ____________________ to Britain’s history, IMPORTANT
  such as Lord Nelson and captain James Cook.  
  Galleries and exhibitions are often updated  
B16 to bring back into view __________________ DIFFER
  parts of the huge hidden collections of the  
B17 museum which is _______________ all over FAME
    the country.  
В18 This visit will be an ___________________ FORGET
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А21-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А21-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
  Mrs Garstin was a hard, cruel, managing and ambitious woman. Coming to Hong
Kong on her marriage, she found it hard to reconcile herself to the fact that her social
position was A21 _______________ by her husband’s occupation.
Of course everyone was very kind, and for two or three months they went out to
parties almost every night, but she understood quickly that as the wife of a
bacteriologist she was of no particular consequence.
“It’s too absurd,” she told her husband. “There’s hardly anyone here that one would
bother about for five minutes at home”.
“It is rather funny when you think of all the people who used to come to our house at
home that here we should be A22 _______________ like dirt,” she said,
laughing in A23 _______________ that what she said might not seem snobbish.
She was the daughter of a solicitor in Liverpool, and Bernard Garstin had met her
there. He had seemed then a young man of A24 _______________ and her
father said he would go far, but he hadn’t.
He was painstaking, industrious and capable, but he had not the will to advance
himself. Mrs Garstin despised him. But she recognized that she could only achieve
success through him, and she set herself to drive him on the way she desired to go.
She discovered that if she wanted him to do something which his sensitiveness
revolved against she had only to give him no peace and eventually, exhausted, he
would give A25 ________________.
Still he made no headway as a leader. But he A26 _______________
any disappointment he may have felt, and if he reproached his wife it was in his
His daughters had never looked upon him as anything but a source of income; and
now, understanding that through his A27 _______________ money was less
plentiful, the indifference they had felt for him was tinged with contempt.
He was a stranger to them, but because he was their father they A28 __________
it for granted that he should love and cherish them.
A21 1) decided 2) determined 3) revealed 4) fixed
A22 1) treated 2) dealt 3) taken 4) regarded
A23 1) case 2) fact 3) condition 4) order
A24 1) luck 2) promise 3) hope 4) expectation
A25 1) away 2) over 3) in 4) off
A26 1) held 2) kept 3) experienced 4) concealed
A27 1) guilt 2) fault 3) blame 4) inability
A28 1) got 2) supposed 3) assumed 4) took

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