Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

  1. My … son is … pupil.
  2. You have … pen. Give me … pen.
  3. These are … books. … books are good.
  4. Do you like… ice-cream?
  5. … winter this year is very cold.

№9. Переведите текст и диалог. Ответьте на вопросы после текста.


The ideas about a family are often influenced by its members' appear­ance. That is why the Nechaevs try to look nice every day.

Alexander Dmitrievitch is a tall, handsome, broadshouldered and strong man with dark clever eyes and a very great forehead. He's always clean-shaved and immacu­lately dressed: a white shirt, a dark well-creased suit with a matching tie and black leather shoes.

Anna Victorovna is a slim, elegant and charming| middle-aged woman who does her best to look younger than she is. She has rather small features and a fair complexion. She likes to be well dressed. She uses an expensive make-up: her long eyelashes are usually darkened with French mascara. She prefers to wear simple jewelry — small earrings, a matching necklace and rings. She likes pink nail-varnish, high-heeled shoes and fashionable clothes. Her favourite colours are green and light blue.

Volodya is tall enough for his age. He has a high forehead, a straight nose and a protruding chin. But unlike his father he doesn't like formal clothes, he pre­fers to dress causually, in jeans, pullovers, sweaters and trainers.

His sis­ter Nata­sha is neither tall nor small. She is middle-sized and plump. She has an oval face touched with freckles in sum­mer. When she smiles two pretty dimples appear in her rosy cheeks. Natasha has big hazel eyes and thick long eyelashes. Her eyebrows are dark and pencilled, her nose is turned up. Her hair is rather long, chestnut, thick and plaited. When she's home alone she spends much time before the mirror changing fantastic hairstyles and trying her mother's best dresses on.


1. A person can be:

of fair (dark) complexion — с бело-розовым (смуглым) цветом лица

handsome — красивым, статным (о мужчине)

charming — обаятельной, очаровательной, прелестной

(о женщине)

pretty — хорошенькой (о женщине)

elegant — элегантным

strong — сильным

broadshouldered — широкоплечим

middle-aged — средних лет

unlike smb. else — непохожим ни на кого-либо другого

elderly — пожилым

young — молодым

2. A person can:

have freckeles — иметь веснушки

have dimples — иметь ямочки (на щеках)

have moles — иметь родинки

be influenced by smth. — находиться под влиянием

be tall/short/middle-sized — быть высоким/низким/среднего роста

be lean (thin)/slim (slender)/plump/plumpish быть худым/стройным/полным/пухленьким

be clean-shaved — быть чисто выбритым

be well-dressed — быть хорошо одетым

be immaculately dressed — быть безупречно одетым

darken one's eyelashes with mascara — красить ресницы (тушью)

look nice — хорошо выглядеть

do one's best to do smth. — делать все возможное

dress causually (in jeans, pullovers, одеваться свободно, непринужденно

sweaters, trainers) (в джинсы, пуловеры, свитера, кроссовки)

wear formal dress носить одежду строгого стиля,

(a white shirt, a well-creased suit, (белую рубашку, хорошо выглаженный

a matching tie, black leather shoes) костюм, подходящий по цвету галстук, черные кожаные туфли)

wear fashionable clothes — носить модную одежду

wear simple jewelry — носить скромные украшения

wear high-heeled shoes — носить туфли на высоком каблуке

like pink nail-vanish — любить розовый лак для ногтей

spend much time before the mirror — проводить много времени перед зеркалом

try smth. on — мерять что-либо

use expensive make up — пользоваться дорогой косметикой

3. Smb’s face can be: Лицо может быть:

oval/square/round— овальным/квадратным/круглым

wrinkled/pleasant/unpleasant — морщинистым/при­ятным/неприятным

4. Smb.'s eyes can be:Глаза могут быть:

grey/green/blue/hazel (brown) — серыми/зелеными/голубыми/карими

large/small/clever— большими/маленькими/умными

5. Smb.'s eyelashes can be: Ресницы могут быть:

long/short/thick/thin — длинными/короткими/гус­тыми/редкими

6. Smb.'s eyebrows can be: Брови могут быть:

pencilled/bushy — соболиными/кустистыми

7. Smb.'s forehead can be: Лоб может быть:

broad/narrow/high/low/great — широким/узким/вы­соким/низким/большим

8. Smb.'s hair can be: Волосы могут быть:

fair/black/chestnut/red— белокурыми/черными/каш­тановыми/рыжими long/short/thin/thick/good/bad — длинными/короткими/редкими/


straight/curly/plaited — прямыми/кудрявыми/запле­тенными в косы

parted in the middle — зачесанными на прямой пробор

9. Smb.'s nose can be: Hoc может быть:

straight/aquiline/crooked/snub (turned up)— прямым/ орлиным/кривым/курносым

10. Smb.'s cheeks can be: Щеки могут быть:

rosy/pale — розовыми/бледными

plump/hollow — пухлыми/впалыми

11. Smb.'s lips can be: Губы могут быть:

thin/full/red/pale — тонкими/пухлыми/красными/ бледными

12. Smb.'s teeth can be: Зубы могут быть:

white/small/large/even/uneven — белыми/мелкими/ крупными/


13. Smb.'s chin can be: Подбородок может быть:

tiny/round/even/protruding— очень маленьким/круп­ным/ровным/выдающимся

Answer the following questions:

What does Volodya's father (mother, sister) look like?

What does your father (mother, sister, brother, friend) look like?

What do you look like?

What is his/her hair (eyes, forehead, nose,...) like?

What is your father's (mother's,...) hair (...) like? What is your hair (...) like?

What does Alexander Dmitrievitch usually wear? How is he usually dressed?

What does your father (mother, ...) usually wear? How is he (she) usually dressed?

Do you usually wear formal dress? Are you al­ways dressed immaculately?

What's Anna Victorovna's favourite colour? What's your mother's favourite colour? What is your favourite colour?

What kind of mascara are her eyelashes usually dark­ened with?

Does your mother (sister, girl-friend) use mascara (nail-vanish)?

Do you use nail-vanish?

Are your eyelashes often darkened with mas­cara?

What kind of jewelry does she wear?

What kind of jewelry does your mother (sister,...) wear?

Do you usually wear jewelry?

What does Volodya's sister usually do when she is home alone?

What does your sister do when she stays alone?

Do you spend much time before the mirror?


Jane: Could you do me a favour and meet my cousin Kitty at 5? I'm very busy

and haven't any time to meet her at the station.

Nora: Yes, with pleasure, I have time all right, but I've no idea what she looks

like. Try to describe her.

Jane: Oh, that's easy. She is rather tall. Her hair is fair and curly. She has a

high forehead, large green eyes, dark pencilled eyebrows and a straight


Nora: I'm afraid it's not much.

Jane: Oh, I forget! She likes loud colours and wears widebrimmed hats and

shoes with extremely high heels.

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