PB page 63, 4. Play the game.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. asks the children to look at the picture and tell what the children are doing.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. asks two children to come to the front to read and act out the example dialogue.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. writes on the board the adjectives in the exercise and any others T. can think of that the children know.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. puts the children in pairs. T. asks them to play the game. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. invites children to stand up and act out an adjective. The class asks questions and guesses the adjectives.


PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. asks the children to complete pp.60-61 in their Activity Book.

Title of the lesson: Sally’s Story ‘Amazing world’


Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives:to read a story

Vocabulary: thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred

Review:vocabulary from Lesson 17-20

Grammar Review: grammar from lessons 17-20

Materials: Class CD, Lesson Flashcards

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 64

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. plays “World Bingo: T. asks the children to write down four words from Lessons 17-20. T. calls out letters at random. The children cross letters out of their words as he/she says them. The first child to cross out all the letters in his/her words is the winner.


PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 64, Vocabulary

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. says Open their books at page 64.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. asks the children to look at the numbers and read them out with him/her. T. uses extra repetition to practice the stress and pronunciation of all the words.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. asks the children to call out the numbers on the board as they say them. T. practices the difference in pronunciation between, e.g. thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc.

Optional activity

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. writes on the board the first two letters of every word from the vocabulary. T. points to the letters at random. T. asks children to call out the number and write it with their finger in the air. T, makes sure that all the children have a turn.

Sally’s story: Amazing world.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru Pre-reading: T. asks the children to look at the pictures and sees what they can tell him/her about them. T. chooses children to say one thing about any of the picture.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. holds up his/her book, T. points to the animals of the story and asks What’s it? The children can answer in L1 if they don’t know the English word.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. asks some questions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Where was Robert Wadlow from? What colour is the flower? What can hummingbirds do? What was Marjorie Gestring? How tall is a cheetah? What do we know about blue whales?


PB: page 64, 1. Read and answer.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. does the example with the class: T. reads out the question 1 and asks the children to read out the answer .

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. asks the children to answer the other questions. T. reminds them to refer back to the story to check their answer. T. monitors and offers help where necessary.

PB page 63, 4. Play the game. - student2.ru T. checks the answers.

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