Chemical engineering and chemistry


1. Read and memorize the following words:

  ties зв’язки
  beneficial вигідний, корисний
  alliance союз, співпраця
  essential суттєвий, основний
  fertilizers добрива
  fabrics тканини
  relevant суттєвий, важливий

2. Read and memorize the following word combinations:

  pilot plant дослідна установка
  manufacturing facility промислове обладнання
  strong background серйозна освіта (кваліфікація, підготовка)
  process design розробка виробничого або технологічного процесу; технологічна підготовка виробництва
  production engineering технологія виробництва
  invaluable contributions безцінний внесок
  to cure diseases лікувати хвороби
  advanced materials сучасні матеріали
  beverage industries виробництво напоїв
  hazardous wastes небезпечні відходи
  frontier areas суміжні сфери діяльності
  fluid particle systems системи часток рідини

Read and translate the text into Ukrainian.

Chemical engineering and chemistry

The strong technical and social ties that bind chemistry and chemical engineering are unique in the fields of science and technology.

The alliance between chemists and chemical engineers has been beneficial to both sides and has rightfully brought the contribution to the other engineering fields.

How does chemical engineering differ from chemistry? Chemists discover the chemical reactions by which useful products may be made. Chemical engineers combine the science of chemistry with the discipline of engineering in order to manufacture materials and products essential to modern society. They are involved with the full scale of processes from the laboratory bench to the pilot plant and eventually at the manufacturing facility.

Chemical engineers discover the processes and develop the equipment that allows the chemical reactions to work economically. The academic training of chemical engineers provides a strong background for a variety of areas, including process design, production engineering, research and development, safety, marketing/technical sales, environmental and waste management.

Chemical engineering is particularly adaptable to solving the technological problems of modern society. Therefore, chemical engineers are often employed by the government and industrial firms. They make invaluable contributions to an improved quality of life by producing pharmaceutical products to cure diseases, fertilizers and pesticides to help feed a growing population, fabrics to clothe us, and petroleum products to warm our houses and move our cars. Chemical engineers also are deeply involved in preventing and treating pollution.

In addition to these key areas, chemical engineers are actively developing advanced materials used in the communications and space industries, food and beverage industries, and modern electronics. Chemical engineers are actively involved in developing improved polymer processing and devices relevant to biomedical engineering. Another important research area is the physical and biological treatment of hazardous wastes.

Other exciting frontier areas of research in chemical engineering include molecular and nanoscale engineering, molecular simulation, surface modification, protein separation processes, supercritical fluid extraction, fluid particle systems, catalysis and reaction engineering, biochemical engineering, and computer-aided design.

4. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Why has the alliance between chemists and chemical engineers been beneficial to both sides?

2. What do chemical engineers combine the science of chemistry with the discipline of engineering for?

3. What areas does the academic training of chemical engineers provide?

4. What fields of science and technology do chemical engineers develop and improve?

5. Choose the correct continuation to complete the following statements:

1. Chemical engineers combine the science of chemistry with _________ .

a) the discipline of engineering

b) the technological problems of modern society

c) the communications and space industries

2. Chemists discover the chemical reactions _________ .

a) by which useful products may be combined

b) by which useful products may be made

c) materials and products are manufactured

3. The academic training of chemical engineers provides a strong background for _________ .

a) a process design

b) a variety of areas

c) a chemical engineer

4. Chemical engineers make invaluable contributions to _________ .

a) pharmaceutical products

b) an improved quality of life

c) the government and industrial firms

5. Other exciting frontier areas of research in chemical engineering include _________ .

a) biochemical engineering

b) polymer processing

c) preventing and treating pollution

6. Match the words from the text to their synonyms:

1) alliance a) drink 1)  
2) beneficial b) priceless 2)  
3) discover c) avert 3)  
4) invaluable d) dangerous 4)  
5) prevent e) evolve 5)  
6) develop f) find 6)  
7) hazardous g) advantageous 7)  
8) beverage h) league 8)  

7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Objective and Subjective Infinitive Constructions:

1. We know the electric current to flow in metal parts.

2. We have learned air to be composed of many gases.

3. In the chemical plant we saw solid raw materials go from the stock pile to crushers and screens.

4. We know electric current to be surrounded by a magnetic field.

5. Science has shown the electron to be a peculiar combination of mass and electric charge.

6. We heard geophysicists do prospecting by means of radio instruments.

7. We know from astronomy Mara to have two moons.

8. Historians suppose the name "London" to have come from two Celtic words.

9. The word "geometry" is known to come from two Greek words – "geo" (earth) and "metron" (measure).

10. The Egyptians seem to be the first to apply geometry for practical purposes.

11. The civilisation of ancient Egypt is said to be more advanced than that of ancient China.

12. Cosmic rays have been found to belong to two energy-groups.

13. The basis of our modern civilization is known to lie in the use of machinery.

14. Air under normal conditions has been found to certain few ions.

15. The density of water may be considered to remain constant even at great depths.

8. Pick up the key words from the text “Chemical engineering and chemistry”. Make up your own sentences with them.

9. Write an abstract to the text “Chemical engineering and chemistry”.

10. Get ready for presenting the topic “Chemical engineering and chemistry” at the conference ”Innovations in Science and Engineering” based on questions of Task 4.


1. Read and memorize the following words:

  to sum up узагальнювати
  evaporation випаровування
  pulverization подрібнення в порошок
  screening просіювання
  sieving просіювання, відсіювання
  flotation спливання, флотація
  kiln обпалювальна піч
  thawing розморожування, декристалізація

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