Available Attributes

Oracle provides a set of functions (defined in the DBMS_STANDARD package) that provide information about what fired the DDL trigger and other information about the trigger state (e.g., the name of the table being dropped). Table 18-2 displays these trigger attribute functions. The following sections offer some examples of usage.

Table 18-2. DDL trigger event and attribute functions
Name Description
ORA_SYSEVENT Returns the type of event that caused the DDL trigger to fire (e.g., CREATE, DROP, or ALTER).
ORA_LOGIN_USER Returns the name of the Oracle user for which the trigger fired.
ORA_INSTANCE_NUM Returns the number of the database instance.
ORA_DATABASE_NAME Returns the name of the database.
ORA_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS Returns the IP address of the client.
ORA_DICT_OBJ_TYPE Returns the type of database object affected by the firing DDL (e.g., TABLE or INDEX).
ORA_DICT_OBJ_NAME Returns the name of the database object affected by the firing DDL.
ORA_DICT_OBJ_OWNER Returns the owner of the database object affected by the firing DDL.
ORA_IS_CREATING_NESTED_TABLE Returns TRUE if a nested table is being created, or FALSE if not.
ORA_DES_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD Returns the DES-encrypted password of the current user.
ORA_IS_ALTER_COLUMN Returns TRUE if the specified COLUMN_NAME argument is being altered, or FALSE if not.
ORA_IS_DROP_COLUMN Returns TRUE if the specified COLUMN_NAME argument is indeed being dropped, or FALSE if not.
ORA_DICT_OBJ_NAME_LIST Returns the count of objects affected. It also returns a complete list of objects affected in the NAME_LIST parameter, which is a collection of type DBMS_STANDARD.ORA_NAME_LIST_T.
ORA_DICT_OBJ_OWNER_LIST Returns the count of objects affected. It also returns a complete list of object owners affected in the NAME_LIST parameter, which is a collection of type DBMS_STANDARD.ORA_NAME_LIST_T.
ORA_GRANTEE Returns the count of grantees. The USER_LIST argument contains the full list of grantees, which is a collection of type DBMS_STANDARD.ORA_NAME_LIST_T.
ORA_WITH_GRANT_OPTION Returns TRUE if privileges were granted with the GRANT option, or FALSE if not.
ORA_PRIVILEGE_LIST Returns the number of privileges being granted or revoked. The PRIVILEGE_LIST argument contains the full list of privileges affected, which is a collection of type DBMS_STANDARD.ORA_NAME_LIST_T.
ORA_REVOKEE Returns the count of revokees. The USER_LIST argument contains the full list of revokees, which is a collection of type DBMS_STANDARD.ORA_NAME_LIST_T.

Note the following about the event and attribute functions:

· The datatype ORA_NAME_LIST_T is defined in the DBMS_STANDARD package as:

TYPE ora_name_list_t IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(64);

In other words, this is a nested table of strings, each of which can contain up to 64 characters.

· The DDL trigger event and attribute functions are also defined in the DBMS_STANDARD package. Oracle creates a standalone function (which adds the "ORA_" prefix to the function name) for each of the packaged functions by executing the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/dbmstrig.sql script during database creation. In some releases of Oracle, there are errors in this script that cause the standalone functions to not be visible or executable. Here is an example from the 8.1.7 script (notice the error in privileg_list):

create public synonym ora_privilege_list for privileg_list

While this particular problem was fixed in Oracle9i, you may encounter others. In this case, you should ask your DBA to check the script for problems and make the necessary corrections.

· The USER_SOURCE data dictionary view does not get updated until after both BEFORE and AFTER DDL triggers are fired. In other words, you cannot use these functions to provide a "before and after" version control system built entirely within the database and based on database triggers.

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