Give a summary of the fragment. 1. Remember the following words and expressions, make 10 sentences with them:

Chapter 1 (pages 1-2)

1. Remember the following words and expressions, make 10 sentences with them:

excavation - котлован

support - опора

hard hat - каска

carry out - выполнять (работы), производить

thinner - растворитель

caustic - едкая щелочь

electric shock - электрический шок

wiring - проводка

transformer - трансформатор

artificial respiration - искусственное дыхание

scaffolding - строительный леса

formwork - опалубка

timber - древесина

erect - возводить

2. Fill the gaps with the necessary words, there is one extra word:

voltage, machinery, weather, weakness, structural load, mask, less, rubber boots, edge, consequences

a In dry, dusty … you should always wear a … to cover your mouth and nose.

b In case you are working in wet weather you will need … .

c … shouldn’t be too close to the … of an excavation.

d Any … in the formwork could have dangerous … .

e The reduced … means that an electric shock is … likely to be fatal.

3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, translate them into Russian:

a dangerous / of / activities / Working / most/ is / on / scaffolding / the / one / building

b are / best / overalls / working / The / boots / and / clothes / strong

c often / wet / are / Because / sites / places / electric / possible / building / are / shocks

d from / not / a / cleared / in / Explosives / site / are / must / when / use / be / they

e skill / and / formwork / requires / the / experience / Erecting

4. Mark these sentences as true (T) or false (F), explain your choice, translate them into Russian:

a One shouldn’t inspect the excavations daily, before anyone is allowed to work in them.

b Each site should have only one excavation.

c A considerable amount of petrol should be stored in a shed.

d Scaffolding carries structural loads and stresses.

e The weather and the soil do not influence the type of excavation.

5. Answer the following questions:

a What should you do if a person suffers an electric shock?

b What dangerous materials can be found on a site? How should they be stored?

c What are the peculiarities of working on scaffolding on a site?

d What is the working clothes used for?

e How can the number of accidents be reduced?

f What should one do while working in a deep excavation?

g Why is it so important to erect the formwork with skill and experience?

Give a summary of the fragment.

Chapter 1 (pages 3-4)

1. Remember the following words and expressions, make 10 sentences with them:

inhale - вдыхать

wheelbarrow - тачка

trowel – мастерок, шпатель

external wall – наружная стена

brick - кирпич

screw – шуруп, винт

first aid box – аптечка

injure - ранить

ointment - мазь

disinfectant – дезинфицирующее средство

stay alert – быть настороже

fibre cement - шифер

2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, translate them into Russian:

a when / should / wear / handle / You / cement / you / gloves

b are / as / building / Health / on / important / and / as / hygiene /safety / sites

c your / can / you / gloves / Sharp / hand / injure / wear / unless / edges

d lifts / staircases / have / them / barriers / Holes / must / and / around / secure / for

e under/ be / a / dark / building / It / quite / can / inside / construction

3. Mark these sentences as true (T) or false (F), explain your choice, translate them into Russian:

a Every building site should have a first aid box.

b Openings in external walls do not need any barriers as there is no danger for workers.

c The site should employ someone who is experienced at first aid.

d Roofs built of fibre cement are hard enough to support a person’s weight.

e Working with cement is quite safe.

4. Answer the following questions:

a Why should one be careful while pushing the wheelbarrow with wet cement?

b What do healthy workers need?

c What do the safety measures for working on roofs include?

d What should the first aid box contain?

e Is working with bricks and blocks unsafe?

f Which type of roof requires extra care while moving about it?

g Is it necessary to have a source of artificial light inside a building under construction? Why?

Give a summary of the fragment.

Chapter 2 (pages 5-6)

1. Remember the following words and expressions, make 10 sentences with them:

durable material – долговечный материал

to deal with sth – иметь дело с чем-либо

structural engineer – инженер строитель

load – нагрузка

foundation – фундамент

beam – балка

roof trusses – стропильная конструкция

suspended floors – подвесные перекрытия

contractor – подрядчик

quantity surveyor – инженер сметчик

surveyor – землемер, геодезист

general foreman – старший прораб

trades people – рабочие (специалисты)

apprentice – новичок

labourer – чернорабочий

mortar - раствор

2. Fill the gaps with the necessary words, there is one extra word, translate the sentences into Russian:

design, day-to-day, bill of quantities, carpentry, site, timber frame, layout, project, building, labourers, plumbing, grass

a Trades foremen are experienced at specific trades such as brickwork, … and … .

b … usually carry out physical tasks on a building … .

c The … team is responsible for the … and appearance of a … .

d A building can be constructed out of … or mud on a … .

e The quantity surveyor prepares a … for the building … .

3. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, translate them into Russian:

a also / the / for / design / jobs / is / responsible / The / administrative / team

b private / may / or / organization / be / A / commercial / a / individual / client / a

c jobs / do / trenches / Labourers / of / like / and / physical / carrying / digging / materials

d how / should / a / organize / General / know / workers / foreman / to / the

e of / A / technicians / design / and / consists / team / architects

4. Mark these sentences as true (T) or false (F), explain your choice, translate them into Russian:

a The mortar on the site is always mixed and carried by foremen.

b Design drawings and working drawings are prepared by a design team.

c Apprentice is the contractor’s representative on the site for large contracts.

d A client is one of the most important people in a building project.

e The shape of the building is laid out on the ground after the construction is finished.

5. Answer the following questions:

a Who are the members of a construction team?

b When the structural engineer should be employed?

c What should the general foreman know?

d Why do the trades people form a bulk of a construction team?

e What happens after structural drawing sand calculations are produced?

f What responsibilities do the subcontractors have?

g What is a tender document which is offered to the client?

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