We are responsible for what is written in our clothes.


I. Introduction.. 2

II Main part. 3

2.1 “Evolution” of the inscription on clothes. 3

2.2 Style element or provocation?. 4

2.3 Inscriptions in English-a fad or something else?. 4

2.4 We are responsible for what is written in our clothes. 5

III Practical part….... 6

3.1 The methodology of the study. 6

3.2 Conclusions. Analysis of the collected material………………………………..6

IV. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………...7

V. Bibliography.. 8

VI. Supplement. 9

I. Introduction

I would like to talk about English inscriptions on clothes as extralinguistic factors influencing the culture of teenagers.

Clothes can tell a lot about a person. On clothes meet. Assessing how human we are celebrating, clothes fit, age, social status, fashion. Studying the English language, we often pay attention to the abundance of foreign words around us, and reflect on their values ​​and the reasons for their use. The stronger the impression of clothing on which there are now fashion line, especially in English. Our attention was drawn to the English-language labels on the clothes the students of our school.

The relevance of the theme is that the T-shirts have become an integral part of the wardrobe of modern man, especially teenagers. T-shirt has become in a sense the podium, with a height of which the person has the opportunity to tell the world about the specifics of his character.

For us, the idea of ​​analyzing the content of the English-speaking classmates inscriptions on T-shirts appeared in the personal experience of observing them on the street and at school, as well as in the course of communication with peers outside of school.

The problem is that not everyone knows what kind of meaning bear labels on clothes. Our work is devoted to the content English inscriptions on T-shirts teenagers who are enrolled in secondary school № 129.

Significant analysis is the text of the English-speaking inscriptions, namely the content, and compliance with the grammatical rules of English spelling. We have focused the main attention to the inscriptions placed on T-shirts.

The purpose work- establish the dependence of semantic load labels on the shirts of English language proficiency.

The objectives to achieve this goal:

1. To study the scientific literature on the subject.

2. Carry out a social survey among students to learn the most popular lettering on T-shirts.

3. To carry out the translation into Russian English-language inscriptions on T-shirts students of our school.

4. To determine the age of the owner of the inscription on the t-shirt.

5. Analyze the collected speech material to come to a definite conclusion.

Hypothesis- examining the content of the English inscriptions on T-shirts, teenagers will serious approach to the selection of clothing with the words in a foreign language.

The work was carried out in stages:

1. Preparation of basic information work.

2. Analysis of the literature and various sources on the topic.

3. Analysis and comparison of the collected inscriptions.

4. Designation of the conclusions and results.

When writing a research work the following methods were used: a pilot to conduct the survey and determine the dependence of writing on the shirt of age teenager; exploratory and descriptive, involving the analysis of linguistic factors; analytical, involving a comparative analysis of selected labels.

Our work is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The first part deals with elements such as the history of the appearance of labels on the clothes, the need for people to wear T-shirts. In the second part of the paper presents the results of processing of the received questionnaires, linguistic expertise inscriptions.

II. Main part

2.1 “Evolution” of the inscription on clothes

T-shirt - a piece of clothing, in which there are no buttons, collar and pockets. This garment first appeared in North America, perhaps surprisingly, during the First World War, when American soldiers had easy underwear made of cotton. The word T-shirt - exclusively Russian, and original name of the article of clothing - T-shirt, which literally sounds like "T-shirt". In the USSR, the word "shirt" came, as a definition of the top of the shape of a soccer player.

Inscriptions on clothes existed many centuries ago. And the earliest known to us by the history of ancient Greece. Then they can be seen on a variety of Italian and German portraits of the late XV and XVI centuries, inscriptions woven into the pattern of men's shirts, women's dresses in corsages, which are typically written in Latin mottos or noble birth, or the names of the owners of these portraits. And if we talk about more modern period, the labels decorated with the shape of the workers, indicating their status in the workplace, then they began to show a designer or acompany this thing, and after that began to appear signs, in fact, carry meaning.

Also the idea to write anything on clothing is closely linked with the emergence of political slogans. The ideas of the various movements for a long time expressed on paper and then moved to the clothes in the form of slogans on T-shirts. 3 The slogans express the values ​​and objectives of the people who protest, united often not familiar with each other participants express the human position. Today, express their thoughts or principles also can be on clothes, but most often it is not related to politics. No one knows who first thought up to write inscriptions on clothes.

Inscriptions are different and change as a person growing up. Nowadays, for a child - it's just some funny word on clothes, a teenager - quotes, replica movie characters, comics, loud slogans. Adults people understand that on the clothes can be written that is not for them age or something obscene, try to choose clothes without labels - is the right decision, as opposed to teens who are just looking at the beautiful style and fun characters.

2.2 Style element or provocation?

Before the appearance of a man in street clothes with an incomprehensible inscription in English it meant nothing in the public eye, as a provocation and a challenge.

Already in the 60s T-shirts printed image and make different inscriptions. It was created on t-shirts printed for the expression of the free spirit, t-shirts have become the distributor of the political slogans, personal beliefs.

Today, most people use the T-shirts are increasingly foreign-language, for example, to make a surprise for his birthday. Modern technologies allow to give the object to the desired inscription, whether it be a mug, clothing with company logo, a favorite quote of the poet, home furnishings.

And the children, both young and not so young people wear clothing with a foreign-language inscriptions are now fashionable print shop to create these t-shirts, where the inscriptions are perceived as the most stylish interior, especially if they look bright, bold and eye-catching.

2.3Inscriptions in English-a fad or something else?

Many tend to buy clothes with inscriptions only in a foreign language. What they want to say? If nothing else, then it is really a tribute to fashion. But the T-shirt - even if a blank sheet on which to inscribe. Only to the inscriptions on T-shirts in English should be treated with caution, because a smart idea sounds absurd, if properly formulate it in a foreign language. The same can be said about the standard ready-made phrases - Mismatched become nothing more than a casus clothing.

One of the users worldwide net says that sometimes shirts are manufactured specifically for any organization, event, or educational institutions, and the meaning of images and inscriptions can only know this organization.

Abroad, these T-shirts are popular because they understand the meaning of the inscription. Buying a shirt, a teenager without knowing its meaning, it may be in a ridiculous situation, or at least look stupid. Sometimes funny, when there is a young man in a T-shirt, which translated means "the Organization for the Protection of the Rights of sheep in the Netherlands."

We are responsible for what is written in our clothes.

For inscriptions on clothing should be treated with suspicion. Surrounding often perceive them as words spoken aloud fashion master. If you are not supported on your clothes are written the words, why do you pinned it on yourself?
Over the past couple of years, it recorded nearly two dozen cases, when a strange inscriptions on T-shirts, made in Arabic, or understandable, in English, but with "jokes" about the bomb carriers such clothes security did not allow a flight on a plane. So, to paraphrase a famous phrase, we can say - we are responsible for what is written in our clothes.

Thus, as we have already noted, an essential attribute of a youth t-shirts are a wardrobe, and with various inscriptions, often in English. They can tell us a lot about a person, in particular, and that this person does not understand what is written on his clothes.

This can be explained by the fact that still a large category of young Russians are not very well aware of foreign (in particular - English) so incidents with slogans on clothing found in our time. Topical in fashion for the youth was released from the fashion, using beautiful and clever word in the English language, written on T-shirts. This apparent problem is a misunderstanding of what and how to write teenagers on their clothes, and often what they do not penetrate into the meaning of the inscription. As shown by the above examples and analysis of information, it is very important to understand, accept and broadcast on a T-shirt is what you want to express yourself, and not what is written beautifully.

To do this, you need to raise the level of knowledge of the English language.

III. Practical part

The methods of the study.

Among the students of our school were tested for. They were recorded and analyzed the data of 50 students, which is reflected in the table: Age of student; Do wear shirts with inscriptions in English; Is aware of the meaning of the text on the clothes or not; Information about possible grammatical and spelling mistakes in the captions.

Questionnaire: 1. Full name of the respondent. 2. Age, sex, education. 3. Do you wear T-shirts with inscriptions in English? 4. Do you know the translation of the text on your t-shirts? 5. Write the text presented on your t-shirts.

The total number of respondents-50 =100% They wear T-shirts with inscriptions in English- 44= 88%, boys -15 =34% and girls- 35 =80% ; know the translation of these inscriptions -15= 30% ,can write this inscription -26= 52%

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