A Portable Electric Generator

To convert heat directly into electricity was one of the main tasks of scientists. The usual way was to produce electricity by means of generators and get their power from steam1 or water turbines. Now the generator converting heat directly into elec­tricity has been developed. It is small in size and can produce only a small amount of energy. One can use this generator as a source of power for instruments carried in earth satellites. The generator weighs 2.3 kg, it has a diameter of 12 cm and a height of 14 cm. It can convert radiation from a radio-active material — Polonium 210— into heat, equivalent to 5 watts of electricity. It has no moving parts and operates by means of thermo-couples2. A thermo-couple is made up of semiconduc­tors (two different metals that are good conductors of electricity but bad conductors of heat). To produce current one should heat these two metals and connect a wire to the two open ends3. The amount of energy to be released by a radio-active material is calculated in terms of half-lives.

Polonium 210 has a half-life of 140 days. It means that at the end of 140 days the radio-activity of polonium decreases, and the electrical power produced by it decreases, too, from 5 watts to 3 watts. Many other radio-active materials can be used instead of5 polonium.

Пояснения к тексту

1. steam — пар

2. thermo-couples — термо-пары

3. open ends — неизолированные концы

4. half-lives — периоды полураспада

5. instead of — вместо

XII. Переведите, пользуясь словарем:

Portable Reactors

Nuclear scientists all over the world devote much time to the problem of making reactors lighter and more compact than those which we have now. This is especially important for the countries with big and sparsely populated Arctic regions. To supply diesel oil to the remote Arctic station is very difficult. To provide such Arctic stations with a source of light and heat, the scientists have made the Low Power Reactor. This reactor supplies enough energy to light 300 cottages or heat 30 cottages. It is a highly specialized reactor. Instead of producing heat that goes to a turbogenerator, this reactor produces steam in its own core. The Low Power Reactor is made portable because it is intended for use at remote stations. Its components to be easily taken apart and reassembled are light in weight. It is a simple matter to fly the reactor parts to any place and then assemble them where the reactor is to be used.

Faster Than Light

The theoretical forecast made by the physicists on the transparency of particles and their capability to pass through each other has been confirmed on the accelerator of atomic par­ticles in Serpukhov, a town near Moscow. The accelerator made it possible to study the nature of the interrelated nuclear forces between two protons. It appears that they cause the particles to repulse one another, i. e., to act like an electric field. The physicists are of the opinion that the Serpukhov accelerator will help them to find out whether there is a possibility of the existence of a signal which could spread faster than light.



I. Прочтите предложения, укажите в них оборот “падеж с инфинитивом» и переведите предложения:

а) 1. We know scientists to study this problem.

2. We believe them to investigate this phenomenon.

3. Every student knows two kinds of electric charges to exist.

4. The teacher expected him to make this experiment successfully.

5. M. Curie found the atomic weight of radium to be 226.

6. Maxwell found the speed of propagation of electromagne­tic waves to be equal to the ratio of electromagnetic to the elec­trostatic units of charge.

7. The engineers have shown this substance to be unique in its properties.

8. We consider nuclear energy to be the prime source of heat energy.

9. The workers expect the designers to improve the operation of these receivers.

10. The engineers assumed the cell to work for long periods using the heat of nuclear reactor.

11. He knew the value of voltage to be the same in all the elements of a parallel circuit.

12. We want them to compare the results of the experiments in time.

13. The designer wanted the receiver to be highly sensitive.

b) 1. We believe this system to be tested in our laboratory.

2. Every student knows an insulator to be called a dielectric.

3. He considers this device to be made on semiconductors.

4. The engineers wanted this phenomenon to be investigated in their laboratory.

5. Scientists expect microminiaturization to be widely used in future.

II. * Прочтите предложения, укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив употреблен без частицы "to", и переведите все предложения:

1. The students watched the engineer make the experiment.

2. The teacher wanted all the students to take these factors into consideration.

3. We saw the motors run at a very high speed.

4. We think them to work at the problem of reliability.

5. They noticed the airplane approach.

6. The engineer heard the workers discuss a new design.

III. Прочтите слова и группы слов:

cycle ['saikl], cyclotron ; (to) accelerate accelerator, the simplest and the oldest type of accelerator; circle, circular, a circular path, semicircular electrodes; to push [u], a constant inward push; (to) guide [gaidj, guiding, guidance, a guidance system; a curve, curva­ture, the curvature of the circular path; (to) cause , to cause the circular path; exact [ig'zaekt], exactly, exactness; to inject , injected into the vessel, injecting with great speed; linear , a linear accelerator; to synchronize a synchronizer, synchronous , a synch­ronous motor, synchrotron, synchrotron of a new type; to increase [m'kri:s], an increase ['mkri:s]; to decrease [di:'kri:s], a decrease ['di:kri:s]



1. We know the cyclotron to be the simplest and oldest type of accelerator, 2. One knows each ion to whirl inside two semi­circular electrodes, getting an electric push when it passes from one to the other.3. A vertical magnetic field provides a con­stant inward push, holds the ion in a circular path and guides it back to the gap between the electrodes, where it is given another electrical push 4The velocity of the ion becomes greater, and as a result of its inertia the curvature of the circular path caused by a magnetic field becomes larger The time taken to cross a full circle is the same no matter how big the radius, because the increase in speed compensates for the increase in path-length per turn. 6. Now if the voltage across the electrode oscillates rapidly, and if its period is adjusted so that it exactly corresponds to the period of revolution of the ions, then the ions will be pushed in the right direction at the right time at each crossing of the gap between electrodes, the energy of the ions will increase until their path takes them to the edge of the magnetic field where they can be used in the form of a beam. 7.We suppose electrons in a synchrotron to travel on a circular orbit inside a narrow vacuum vessel. 8. At one point in the vessel is a pair of accelerating electrodes across which there is an oscillating voltage like that in a cyclotron .9. A ring shaped magnet surrounding the vessel produces a field which makes the particles travel on orbits close to the centre of the tube 10We expect the electrons to be injected into the vessel from a smaller linear accelerator at an energy of about 2 mega-electron-volts (mev). 11. At this energy their speed is some 98 per cent of that of light 12. If the magnetic field of the syn­chrotron is increased continuously, the energy of the electrons will also increase continuously; the electrons will receive energy at the right rate to keep them on the central or synchronous orbit. 13. The constructors believe the synchrocyclotron to work in the same way as a synchrotron but it is shaped like a cyclo­tron.

Пояснение к тексту

1. no matter how big the radius — каким бы большим ни был радиус

Слова для запоминания

n beam, curvature, vessel

v adjust, correspond, cross, guide, inject, push

a circular, close, linear, narrow

adv exactly, rapidly

cj until

Слова для повторения

n cause, path, shape

v cause, hold (held), keep (kept), make smb. (smth.) do smth., shape, surround

IV. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод оборота «объектный падеж с инфинитивом»:

1. The engineers consider the cyclotron to be the simplest and oldest type of accelerator.

2. We believe electrons in a synchrotron to travel on a circular orbit inside a narrow vacuum vessel.

3. The designers may expect the electrons to be injected into the vessel from a smaller linear accelerator.

4. They supposed the greater part of energy to be used for supplying plants in that region.

5. We saw the dimension of the body change under different temperature conditions.

6. Any student must know a voltmeter to be used for measuring the potential difference between any two points in a circuit.

7. Engineers think these cables to disturb the reception.

8. We thought these superconductive materials to be pro­duced in M.

9. The designers assume the system operation to be improv­ed as a result of replacing some of its parts.

V. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода пассивных конструкций:

1. The velocity of chemical change is greatly influenced both by temperature and by the concentration of the solutions.

2. The deflection of beams is influenced both by field intensity and by other factors.

3. The curvature of the circular path was affected by a magnetic field.

4. Simple particle accelerators were followed by more powerful ones.

5. Experimental application of radioisotopes was followed by their industrial use.

6. The circular orbits were referred to as the most suitable for this purpose.

7. The advantages of synchrotrons were much spoken about at the research institute.

VI. * Прочтите предложения, укажите номера предложений, в ко­торых выделенные слова являются глагольными формами, и переведите все предложения:

1. A vertical magnetic field provided a constant inward push and held the ion in a circular path.

2. The change in volume of a fixed quantity of a gas is equal to 1/273 provided the pressure is constant.

3. The engineers had to find the cause of the motor bad operation.

4. A physical change may cause a temporary change of some properties of a substance.

5. The amount of heat released as a result of explosion was very great.

6. The total weight of radium produced up to 1940amounted to about one kilogram.

7. The shape of the thermistors is determined by many factors.

8. Very often a thermistor isshaped like a ball.

9. We knew the power of first cyclotrons to be very small.

10. Light energy is used to power spaceships with electricity.

VII. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод союза "until":

1. The energy of the electrons increases until the magnetic field of the synchrotron becomes weaker.

2. The electrical properties of germanium remain unchanged until it is exposed to light.

3. The laboratory will not be able to carry out important scientific researches until it is equipped with up-to-date instru­ments.

4. Until the order is sent, the spaceship will follow the same path.

5. The body had the same shape until external pressure was changed.

6. The speed of the reaction was very great until the temperature decreased.

VIII. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глагола "to make":

1. The engineers made the analysis of the results obtained.

2. The engineer made the laboratory-assistant measure these quantities again.

3. High pressure makes water flow through a pipe.

4. The field makes the particles travel on orbits close to the centre of the tube.

5. The decrease of resistance makes the current increase.

6. Knowing all these data the designer can make improve­ments in the design.

IX. * Укажите дробью синонимы и синонимичные выражения: к каждому слову (сочетанию) из левой колонки (числитель) подберите его синоним из правой (знаменатель):

1. real 2. quickly 3. a ray 4. to break 5. contact 6. constant 7. to force smb. to do 8. a form 9. to keep 10. to direct

1. a terminal

2. permanent

3. to make smb. do

4. a beam

5. to guide

6. rapidly

7. a shape

8. to hold

9. actual

10.to disturb

X. * Укажите дробью антонимы: к каждому слову из левой колонки (числитель) подберите его антоним из правой (знаменатель):

1. to inject 1. unreal

2. linear 2. to receive

3. to accelerate 3. unsuitable

4. close [s] 4. wide

5. narrow 5. to eject

6. suitable 6. to decelerate

7. exactly 7. unstable

8. to send 8. non-linear

9. actual 9. approximately

10. permanent 10.distant

XI. Прочтите и переведите сочетания слов:

1. to cause the increase of current; 2. to deflect beams; 3. to cause beams deflection; 4. to push the particles inward; 5. to inject liquid into a vessel; 6. to guide particles into a circular" path; 7. to make narrow beams deflect; 8. to change the curva­ture of the path; 9. close to the charged object; 10. a suitable adjustment; 11. a rapidly changing path; 12. to keep the body at a mile distance; 13. moving exactly along a circular path; 14. a magnet surrounding the vessel

XII. * Укажите дробью номер вопроса (числитель) и номер пред­ложения из текста, которое является ответом на него (знаменатель):

1. On what orbit do we suppose electrons in a synchrotron to travel?

2. Where is a pair of accelerating electrodes?

3. What does a ring-shaped magnet produce?

4. What is the speed of electrons at an energy of about 2 mev?

5. Do we know the cyclotron to be the simplest and oldest type of accelerator?

6. What does a vertical magnetic field provide?

7. Does the velocity of the ion become greater?

XIII. Переведите, не пользуясь словарем:

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