Find the word-combinations that fit definitions below

1. a period of active, strenuous activity;

2. to get to know somebody without being formally introduced;

3. distorting the language by using wrong words and poor grammar, by mispronouncing words;

4. to study something just off and on, not seriously or continuously;

5. a period of activity marked by showing false kindness and friendship;

6. people who stick together, cling to their language, customs and traditions;

7. to put a strain on one's ability to...,

8. to keep up a conversation;

9. an unprofitable season, a season one can't get much out of;

10. to start walking in the streets;

11. to make a man forget everything he has learnt in the course of forty years;

12. to follow smb. till he is caught.

5. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by the words and phrases from the text.

1. I had never felt I would like to talk to a foreigner in his own language before the war began.

2. So far as I'm concerned I picked out a French book from time to time and read it without much difficulty.

3. When I made attempts to communicate directly with a Frenchman I instantly realized how little French I knew, and how inadequate the usual ways of learning a foreign language were.

4. I tried to use a phonograph and the result was next to nothing.

5. I found a teacher of conversational French, but unfortunately she turned out to be a compulsive talker: she never let me put in a word and did all the talking during the fourteen lessons I had.

6. Now I gave up the idea of taking lessons and looked for French people in order to converse with them.

7. I began to play the part of a person keenly interested in and wishing to be helpful to every Frenchman who had trouble with his English.

8. At last I happened to run into French people whose English was no better than my French.

Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

Час від часу; викликати співчуття; глибина прірви; перебороти розрив; бути в літах; відомі мені методи; проповідь; ангіна; без помилок; довіритися кому-н.; суворо; придушувати; невблаганний; монолог; вистежувати; лицемірна доброзичливість; зав'язувати знайомство; благополуччя; зустріти випадково; придушення; звільнити свідомість (від); придбання; вислизати; максимально напружувати сили; нецікаві висловлення; іти невпевненою ходою; дати зворотний хід; став ходити по вулицях; уявлювані доручення; неврожайний рік; замкнуті (відособлені) люди; чим більше намагався; позбавити від праці; поринати (занурювати); гуманний; результати були гарні; похвальний; зрозуміти; хлоп'яцтво; глибока недовіра; проголошувати; займатися поверхово; клубок асоціацій; що викликає міркування; манірність; педантизм; вульгарність; звучати у вухах; неминучий; правильне розуміння; словесний вакуум; глухонімий.

Give the Ukrainian translation for the following.

I realized the width of the chasm; real fluency in discussing; being rather well on in years at the starts; I will say this for; sternly repressed any answering confidences; jealous, relentless, unbridled soliloquy; a career of hypocritical benevolence; to divest the mind of its acquisitions of forty years;to scrape acquaintance with; to take to the streets;to tax one's powers;a clannish folk; ex-perience slips away; our minds could not meet at all; earnest interchange of insipidities; I fastened upon an unfrocked priest; I rather got in his way; to invent imaginary errands; broken French; to drag out into the light of English; persistent puerilities; profound distrust; a cluster of association;to ring in the ear; the intimate quality; verbal vacuum; to be adequately conveyed; one may be drawn to an author; the artistic attraction of literature; to write over smbd’s heads.

Supply the preposition.

1. Then I took __________ the streets at lunch-time and tried newsdealers.

2. Experience slips __________for there are not words enough to lay hold of it.

3. I was always diving _________French and they were always pulling me _________again.

4.Then I fell ________with M. Bernou, the commissioner who was _________ here buying guns.

5. We met daily_________ two weeks and walked ________an hour in the park, each tearing _________ the other's language.

6. No human being has ever confided __________me so abundantly as she did.

7. I do not blame other Americans ____________dabbling in French.

8. Everybody knows that words in a living language in order to be understood have to be lived _________.

9. It certainly worked well________ my friend M. Bartet, a paralytic tobacconist _______ the West Thirties________ the river.

10. No sense ______the intimate quality ________ a writer can be founded _______ a verbal vacuum.

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