E.G. At midnight we (sleep). At midnight we will be sleeping.

1. This time next week we (sit) at the beach.

2. At nine I (watch) the news.

3. Tonight we (cram up) for our English test.

4. They (dance) all night.

5. He (not / play) all afternoon.

6. I (not / work) all day.

7. (eat / you) at six?

8. (drive / she) to London?

9. (fight / they) again?

10. Tomorrow at three o’clock (watch TV / we).

To be going to.

The construction to be going to expresses a conclusion regarding the immediate future or an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared. e.g.: I am going to visit my parents this weekend.

Form of to be going to.

Pronouns Affirmative Negative Question
I I am going to speak. I am not going to speak. Am I going to speak?
you/we/they You are going to speak. You are not going to speak. Are you going to speak?
he /she/it He is going to speak. He is not going to speak. Is he going to speak?

Affirmative Sentences

1. Write positive sentences in to be going to.

e.g. I / work. am going to work

1. you / dance.

2. it / rain.

3. they / ask.

4. he / stays.

5. we / speak.

6. I / give.

7. she / try.

8. they / help.

9. he / push.

10. we / read an article.

e.g. What does he want to do? (he / buy / a house) He is going to buy a house.

1. What does she need the telephone for?
(she / call / her boyfriend)

2. Why are they wearing sport suits?
(they / play / squash)

3. Why has Fiona bought chocolates?
(She / visit / her grandma)

4. Why do you need a map?
(we / walk / in the mountains)

5. What do you need the cloth and the bucket for?
(we / wash / the car)

6. Why are you running about with the toothbrush?
(I / brush / my teeth)

7. Why is daddy not coming with us?
(he / repair / the car)

8. Hurry up!
(they / light / the bonfire)

9. Why are all these tapes on the table?
(we / learn / Greek)

10. What do you need the pen for?
(I / write / some postcards)

Negative Sentences

1. Write negative sentences in to be going to.

e.g. We / visit / our parents / next week. We are going to visit our parents next week.

1. (I / sell / my car)

2. (he / help / us)

3. (they / study / harder)

4. (we / cook / dinner tonight)

5. (I / celebrate / my birthday this year)

6. (she / clean / her room)

7. (they / move / their / house)

8. (she / stay / with Amy)

9. (they / change / their clothes)

10. (we / get up early / next Sunday)


1. Write questions in to be going to.

e.g. (they / travel / next summer) Are they going to travel next summer?

1. (he / cook dinner / tonight)

2. (you / run / in the race)

3. (they / climb / that mountain)

4. (she / exercise / at the gym / in the afternoon)

5. (you / carry / that heavy box)

6. (computer / crash)

7. (we / eat / fish / tonight)

8. (he / play football / tomorrow)

9. (Lucy / call / a taxi)

10. (you / sing / a song / for us)

2. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use to be going to.

E.g. It (rain) It is going to rain.

1. They (eat) stew.

2. I (wear) blue shoes tonight.

3. We (help) you.

4. Jack (not / walk) home.

5. (cook / you) dinner?

6. Sue (share / not) her biscuits.

7. (leave / they) the house?

8. (take part / she) in the contest?

9. I (not / spend) my holiday abroad this year.

10. She (visit) her relatives next weekend.

E.G. At midnight we (sleep). At midnight we will be sleeping. - student2.ru Vocabulary

Learn new words.

1. leisure – досуг, свободное время – бос уақыт

2. at leisure – на досуге – қол бос кезде

3. watching TV – смотреть телевизор – теледидар қарау

4. read – читать – оқу

5. cooking – готовить еду – тамақ әзірлеу

6. arena – спортивная арена – спорт аренасы

7. amateur – любитель; поклонник – табынушы

8. athlete – спортсмен; легкоатлет –жеңіл атлет

9. athletics – атлетика; занятия спортом – спортпен айналысу

10. award – присуждать, назначать – (награду, премию, наказание) – үкім шығарау

11. beat – удар –соққы

12. captain – капитан – капитан

13. catch – ловить; поймать; схватить – ұстап алу

14. champion – чемпион; победитель, получивший первый приз, завоевавший первое место – жеңімпаз, бірінші орынды иелену

15. cheer – одобрительное, приветственное восклицание – мақұлдау

16. coach – тренер, наставник; инструктор – бапкер, ұстаз; нұсқаушы

17. compete – состязаться, соревноваться, участвовать в (спортивном) соревновании – жарыс-, бәстесу

18. competition – соревнование, состязание – бәсекелесу

19. competitor – конкурент; противник, соперник – қарсылас

20. contest – конкуренция, соперничество, соревнование; борьба, противоборство – сайыс

21. court – суд; судья; судьи – сот

22. course – ход, течение, протекание – үріс

23. cup – чаша – шыны

24. defeat – одержать победу (над кем-л.), наносить поражение (кому-л.) , завоёвывать (что-л.) – жеңісті ұстап қалу

25. defend – защищать, стоять на страже, ограждать (от чего-л.) – қорғау

26. draw – игра вничью, ничья – теңбе-тең

27. event – исход, результат, конечный - нәтиже счёт fan – болельщик – қолдау көрсету

28. field – поле – алаң

29. final scor – финальный счетe – финалдық көрсеткіш

30. fitness – (при)годность, адекватность, соответствие –адекваттылық, сәйкестік

31. goal – гол – гол

32. gym / gymnasium – гимнастический зал – гимнастикалық зал

33. half-time – половина времени – уақыттың жартысы

34. judge – судья – төреші

35. league – лига – лига

36. leisure – досуг, свободное время – бос уақыт

37. lob – высокий мягкий удар; высоко брошенный мяч – жоғары тебілген доп

38. manager – менеджер – менеджер

39. medal – медаль – медаль

40. object – объект – нысан

41. offside – (положение) вне игры – ойыннан тыс

42. opponent – конкурент, соперник –қарсылас

43. pass – передача – жіберілу

44. penalty – наказание; взыскание; штраф – жаза; айып пұл

45. perform – представлять – ұсыну

46. physique – телосложение; физические данные – тұрпат

47. pitch – центральная часть поля – алаңның орталық бөлігі

48. player – игрок – ойыншы

49. professional – профессионал –кәсіпқой

50. record – рекорд – рекорд

51. referee – третейский судья; арбитр – арбитраждық қазы; төреші

52. rules – правила – ереже

53. score – счет – түбіртек

54. serve – служить; обслуживать – қызмет көрсету

55. shoot – стрелять – ату

56. skill – умение – ұсталу

57. spectator – наблюдатель, очевидец, свидетель – куәгер

58. sportsmanship – спортивное мастерство – спорттық шеберлік

59. stadium – стадион – стадион

60. strategy – стратегия – стратегия

61. tactics – тактика – тактика

62. talent – талант – талант

63. teammate – игрок той же команды – топтың ойыншысы

64. tie – галстук – галстук


E.G. At midnight we (sleep). At midnight we will be sleeping. - student2.ru Начало формы

You'll Never Walk Alone - The Story of the most famous song in Football.


* The Rogers & Hammerstein song was originally written for the 1945 musical Carousel.
* Frank Sinatra was the first artist to take this song into the charts (#9 on the Billboard charts in 1945).
* In the original musical Carousel, the song was sung to inspire a pregnant female character after the death of her husband.
* The Pink Floyd song Fearless ends by fading into a recording of Liverpool Football Club fans singing this song.
* In 1985 a version by The Crowd returned the song to No.1. Gerry Marsden of Gerry and the Pacemakers was again the lead vocalist. Zack Starkey, Ringo Starr's son, was on drums, making him and Ringo the first father and son to both have UK No1s.

Конец формыOrigins as a Football Anthem:

In the 1960's the DJ at Liverpool's Anfield would play the top ten albums in order, with the number one album of the time being You'll Never Walk Alone playing last, right before game time. The fans took to singing it even after the album dropped from the top ten and the "anthem" has stuck ever since. Celtic, Hibernian, Feyenoord, and FC Twente have also adopted the song.

E.G. At midnight we (sleep). At midnight we will be sleeping. - student2.ru Listen to the song “You’ll Never Walk Alone” and fill in the missing words.

When you walk through a 0)_____
Hold your 1)_____ up high
And don't be 2)_____ of the dark
At the 3)_____ of the storm
Is a golden 4)_____
And the 5)_____ silver song of a lark
Walk on through the 6)_____
Walk on through the 7)_____
Though your 8)_____ be tossed
And 9) _____
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your 10)______
11)_____ you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

E.G. At midnight we (sleep). At midnight we will be sleeping. - student2.ru Watch the video about sumo in Japan and fill in the missing words.

Here are 10 amazing 1)_____ about the sumo wrestlers of Japan.

Number 10 - They eat 20,000 calories a day on 2)_____. Breakfast is skipped; lunch consists of a stew with meat, vegetables and fish. Some can eat as many as 10 rice bowls in one 3)_____. For the beginners who are 4)_____ to gain weight quickly, sometimes they force themselves 5)_____ until they throw up.

Number 9 - Average 6)_____ of sumo wrestlers is around 300 to 350 pounds but some can 7)_____ as much as 500-600 pounds.

Number 8 – 8)_____ typically last for a few 9)_____, most to them are under a 10)_____ long!

Number 7 – One of the strict 11)_____ imposed upon wrestlers is that they may not 12)_____ a car.

Number 6 - As part of the guidelines, they have 13)_____ their traditional dress 14)_____, right down to the 15)_____.

Number 5 - All sumo wrestlers have to grow their 16)_____long enough so they can 17) _____ a topknot.

Number 4 - In professional 18)______, women aren't allowed to enter or touch the 19)_____.

Number 3 – 20)_____ references suggest sumo wrestling, although perhaps not in its 21)_____form, originated 22)_____ 1500 years ago.

Number 2 – 23)_____ they retire, they work as ushers and security 24)_____ at sumo events as a way to express humility.

Number 1 – 25)_____expectancy of a sumo wrestler is about 10 years 26)_____ than that of an average Japanese male.


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