D. Describing and explaining

Some of the words and phrases which introduce this type of description are:

Explain the causes/reasons ...

Account for....

Analyze the causes ...

Comment on (the reasons for) ...

Show that ...

Show why ...

Examine the effect of ...

Suggest reasons for ...

Why did ...?

What are the implications of ...?

Discuss the causes of ...

Discuss the reasons for ...

When we are asked to describe or explain causes, factors, functions or results, the examiner wants us to group our facts. Similar causes are put together, for instance the economic causes of a situation. There are basically two main ways to organize this type of essay.

The question is "Describe the causes of A. Illustrate your answer by specific examples."


Introduction to causes of A
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Cause 1 + example
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Effects 1
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Cause 2 with example
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Effects 2
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Cause 3 with examples
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Effects 3
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Cause 4 with example
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Effects 4
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru


Introduction to causes of A
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Causes + examples
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru

The argument essay

There are two main methods of presenting an argument, and in general the one you choose will depend on exactly how the essay title is worded.

A. The balanced view

If the essay title begins with something like:

Give the arguments for and against ...

Assess the importance of ...

Examine the arguments for and against ...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ...?

Evaluate ...

Critically examine the statement that ...

To what extent is ... true?

or even just the word

Discuss ...

Then it is clear that a balanced essay is required. That is to say you should present both sides of an argument, without necessarily committing yourself to any points of view, which should always be based on evidence, until the final paragraph.

At its simplest your essay plan will be as follows:

Introduce the argument to the reader. E.g. why it is particularly relevant topic nowadays or refers directly to some comments that have been voiced on it recently.
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Reasons against the argument
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
Reasons in favor of the argument
D. Describing and explaining - student2.ru
After summarizing the two sides, state your own point of view, and explain why you think as you do

B. The persuasive essay

This second type of argumentative essay involves stating your own point of view immediately, and trying to convince the reader by reasoned argument that you are right. Perhaps the essay title will begin with something like:

Give your views on ...

What do you think about ...?

Do you agree that ...?

Consider whether ...

Or perhaps the title itself will be so controversial that everyone will hold a definite opinion in one direction or another.

The form of the essay will be, in outline, as follows:

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