Text В. What is a women's dress code for interviewing?

Read and translate the text.

Basically, with all the differences in dress codes at different organizations, it would be impossible to come up with 'the outfit' for all employers. One rule of thumb would be to dress as if you worked there already but slightly better. In this case, guys have it easier- a suit works everywhere (dress it up with a tie, dress it down by taking the tie off and opening a collar).

For women, the issues are more problematic. Go for the more business-like attire. Avoid flashy colors, bold prints or clanking jewelry; don't look fussy.

Pick something that you are comfortable in; no tugging or re-adjusting when you sit. Try it out by sitting in different types of chairs, for example. Carry an efficient folder or case for your resume and/or work samples; perhaps a small purse for the necessities? Low heels (not those killer spikes). Low-cut and tight shirts are for after-hours. (We have seen all types come in for interviews.)

Be neatly presented in any case. Check for seam rips, runs in stockings and missing buttons. Look great and your confidence will shine thru. Pick your outfit ahead of time then forget about it; think about selling your skills, not your wardrobe.

Good luck. And don't forget to smile! That is the best fashion accessory - looking like you are happy to be there and proud to talk about the value YOU can bring to their company.

Explain the underlined word-combinations in English

Text С. Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions

Read and translate the text.


How confident are you that you can successfully perform the duties of this position and why?

Tell us about a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence that you have in yourself.

Tell us about a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence your manager has in you.

Tell us about a situation that would show the confidence your coworkers have in you.


Are you creative? Give us one example of your creativity.

Describe a situation where you came up with a creative solution to a problem.


Provide us with an example of your ability to work independently.
Give an example. The example may relate what you did in an emergency situation. ( If this is your first job, use an example from school)


What experience have you had in pressure situations?

Tell us about a pressure situation you were in that would demonstrate your ability to work under pressure.

What are some constructive methods of dealing with stress?


Briefly describe the most significant responsibility you have had in your career and what it taught you?

How do you handle responsibility?


How do you deal with risk on the job?

Name the greatest risk that you've taken?

Tell me about a time when you tried and failed.

3. Has this ever happened to you? No one expects perfection actually; employers are more interested in your ability to cope, to learn from mistakes, and to deal with others who are less than perfect.

2. Explain the following words and word-combinations in English: confidence, creativity, self-starter,emergency situation, a pressure situation, responsibility.

Text D. What is a resume?

Read and translate the text.

Resumes are what people use to get jobs, right? Wrong!

A resume is a one or two page summary of your education, skills, accomplishments and experience. Your résumé’s purpose is to get your foot in the door. A resume does its job successfully if it does not exclude you from consideration.

To prepare a successful resume, you need to know how to review, summarize, and present your experiences and achievements on one page. Unless you have considerable experience, you don't need two pages. Outline your achievements briefly and concisely.

Your resume is your ticket to an interview where you can sell yourself!

How to prepare an effective resume?

Resume Essentials

Before you write, take time to do a self-assessment on paper. Outline your skills and abilities as well as your work experience and extracurricular activities. This will make it easier to prepare a thorough resume.

The Content of Your Resume

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