Natural Resources of Belarus

There are more than 4,000 of deposits of 30 types of minerals on the lands of the Republic of Belarus. Of particular importance are potassium salts, in deposits of which the country is among the leaders in Europe. The reserves at individual mines can be utilized another 20 to 115 years.

The country is rich in non-ore materials: granites, dolomites and dolomite limestone, marl and chalk, fire-resistant and refractory clay, loam, sand-gravel compounds. The developed raw material base of these minerals meets the internal demand and gives hopes for the expansion of mining at a favourable state of the external markets.

Peat deposits in Belarus amount to 4.4 billion tons, of which 320 million tons are extracted annually. The reserves constitute a nature-preserving fund or make a part of the land fund. Sapropel is a promising type of resources, the stock of which is estimated as 3 billion cubic metres. Belarus possesses a unique supply of mineral drinkable and balneological waters.

Widely spread are mineral waters, which can serve the basis for creation of sanatorium and health resort compounds, as well as enterprises selling mineral medical and table waters inside the country and abroad.

Oil deposits are not great and oil is extracted in small quantities. There were also developed deposits of brown coal and shale. Only detailed exploration of the Brinevsk deposit of brown coal can ensure preparation to an industrial development of their stock of 30 million tons. In general, the amount of the fuel-power resources being extracted nowadays, including the accompanying gas and firewood, cover 12% of the total demand only.

There are promising deposits, areas and spots where additional geological prospecting is required. They are deposits of ferrous ores, rare metals, aluminium and soda raw materials, combustible shale, phosphorites, gypsum, mineral fibres, bentonite clay, underground highly mineralized brines, areas looking promising with regards to diamonds, gold, and amber.

The depths of Belarus have not been studied enough. The appearance of the up-to-date technologies requires the acceleration of the geological prospecting work.

More than 20,000 rivers of the total length of about 91,000 kilometres are flowing across the country. The rivers belong to the watersheds of the Black and Baltic seas. 6 rivers of 500 kilometres long (the Beresina, the Nieman, the Sozh, the Western Dvina and the Dnieper) are also important as navigable rivers.

One of the peculiarities of the Belarusian nature is a great number of lakes: about 11,000 of the total area of about 2,000 square kilometres. Over 130 water reservoirs of the total area of 799 square kilometres were built to control the ground waters and humidity of the adjacent lands.

The whole territory of the country is covered with a network of reclaimed channels, the total length of which amounts to 17,051 kilometres, of which 9,095 kilometres belong to the river Pripijat watershed.

11 big fish-breeding facilities were built, having the total area of 173 square kilometres.

Resources of the surface and underground waters are fairly sufficient to meet the current and future demands in water: river water reserves amount to 57.9 cubic kilometres, the resources of the underground fresh water – 15.9 cubic kilometres per year. The total amount of water accumulated in lakes is estimated as 6 to 7 square kilometres, the reservoir water – 3.1 square kilometres. Water intake for consumer and economic needs does not normally exceed 5 to 7% of the annually renewed resources.

Belarusian forests occupy about 36% of the territory of the country. Pre-mature, mature and overmature forest amount to 19%. 1.3 cubic metres of timber from 1 hectare of the forest area are stockpiled in Belarus, compared to 5.4 inGermany and 3.7 inAustria.

Our forests are rich in medical herbs. About 290 types of herbs important for the scientific and people medicine can be found. Belarus is one of the countries exporting wild rosemary, fresh water sponge, bearberry, etc.

For a long time, Belarusian forests have been a source of a high-quality soft resin. Potential collection as of 1999 amounts to 30,100 tons, whereas the actual output – 20,100 tons.

General biological resources of mushrooms by main types account for 70,300 tons, gross – 58,400 tons. The annual stockpiling of wild fruit and berries is estimated as minimum 36,000 tons, whereas only 25% of this quantity is being actually bought.

Forest apiculture is an important type of forest utilization. Medical output of the forest lands is estimated at 36,000 tons including 27,200 of ecologically safe resources.

Belarus Inside

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