Here are two sets of questions. Work with your partner and answer these questions.

  Here are two sets of questions. Work with your partner and answer these questions. -

Here are two sets of questions. Work with your partner and answer these questions. -

Set 1 Set 2
1.Would you like your work to be: a) indoors? b) outdoors? с) a mixture of both? 2.Would you prefer a job that: a) allowed you to work on your own, away from other people? b) involved you in working with other people ? 3.Would you like the people you work with to be: a) mainly of your own sex? b) mainly people of the opposite sex? с) people of both sexes? 4. At work would you like: a) to be told what to do by a supervisor? b) to use your own initiative most of the time? с) to be entirely your own boss? 5. Would you prefer: a) to work with people mainly of the same age as you? b) to work with people older that you ? 6. Would you like a job: a) that involved the repetition of the same task almost all the time? b) that provided some variation? с) that changed most of the time? 8. Would you prefer a job: a) that involved quite a lot of writing? b) that involved hardly any writing at all? 9. Would you like your work: a) to involve a lot of thought? b) to call for some thought? с) to call for little thought? 1. Is career an important part in your life? 2. What's your idea of an ideal job? 3. What are some good jobs to have and why? 4. What are the worst jobs and why? 5. What job would you like to get after you graduate from the University? (What career would you like to follow ... ?) 6. What business are your parents in? 7. How long has your father been in his trade? 8. Does he hold any important post? Is there a lot of stress connected with your possible work?   9. Possibly you have a friend who presently have work. Do you think your friend’s present career is the right one for him? 10. Would you continue working at your present job even if you won or inherited a lot of money? 11. Would you agree to get married and not to work? 12. Would you like a job where you had to wear a uniform or where you could wear what you liked? 13. Would you like to work for an organization that employs thousands of people or that employs less than a hundred people ? 14. Would you prefer a job that has set working hours every day or shift work? 15. In your job would you prefer to sit most of the time, to stand most of the time or to be able to move around freely?

Work as one or two small groups. Chose any situation and act it out.

Here are two sets of questions. Work with your partner and answer these questions. - Here are two sets of questions. Work with your partner and answer these questions. - Here are two sets of questions. Work with your partner and answer these questions. -

Check List to Module VII

1. What is CV?

2. What are the main sections of CV?

3. Why is it good to make your CV checked by an English person?

4. What is the basic structure of a job application letter?


1. Ерофеева Л.А. Современный английский язык, English to enjoy /
Л.А. Ерофеева. – М: АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2007. – 202 с.

2. Хведченя Л.В. Практический курс современного английского языка.
В 2 ч. / Л.В. Хведченя. – 3-е изд. – Мн.: Высш. школа, 2006. – Ч. 1. – 285 с.

3. Dellar H., Innovations. Coursebook / Н. Dellar, A. Walkley. – Italy: Thomson, 2004. – 176 p.

4. Cunningham S. New Cutting Edge. Students’ book / S. Cunningham,
P. Moor. – Pearson: Longman, 2008. – 175 p.

5. O’Driscoll J. Britain, Oxford: Oxford University Press / J. O’Driscoll. – 2007. – 223 p.

6. Pictorial guide to London, Bonechi, 2007. – 65 p.

7. Robbins S. First Insights into Busines: student’s book / S. Robbins. – Longman, 2005. – 175 p.


Редактор Ю. Ю. Аптрашева

Компьютерная верстка – Е. В. Беспалова

ИД № 06039 от 12.10.2001 г.

Сводный темплан 2009 г.

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Отпечатано на дупликаторе. Усл. печ. л. 5,75. Уч.-изд. л. 5,75.

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