Feminine gender nouns in the genitive plural Dropping the singular ending -а

Most feminine gender nouns ending in -аform the genitive plu-

ral Ьу dropping the ending -а.встреча- встречD газета-газе-тО карта - кар-тО книга - книгО комната - комна-тО рыба- рыбD страна - странО

Some of the above nouns have баржа - баржей(барж0)1 свеча - свечей( свечО)

о forms for the genitive plural. barge - of barges

candle - of candles

The following feminine gender nouns ending in -яtake the ending -ейin the genitive plural. броня - бр6ней

вожжа - вожжей каланча- каланчей праща - пращей

meeting - of meetings

newspaper - of newspapers map-of maps

book - of books

room - of rooms

fish - of fish/of fishes

country - of countries The -ей genitive case ending of feminine gender nounsА small group of femini!1e gender nouns ending in -аwhich are preceded Ьу any of the following consonants ж, ч, ш, щtake the ending -ейin the genitive plural.

бахча - бахчейmelon-field - of melon-fields

rein - of reins

watch-tower - of watch-towers

sling - of slings

доля - долей

западня - западнейклешня - клешней

ноздря - ноздрейпригоршня - пригоршнейраспря- распрей

ступня - ступней

гезегуайоп - of reservations share - of shares

trap - of traps

claw - of claws

nostril - of nostrils handful - of handfuls dispute - of disputes foot - of feet Dropped ending -а or -я and the insertion of а 'fleeting vowel'

А number of feminine gender nouns ending in -аwith the stem ending in two consonants the last one of which is к, нor цhave the 'fleet­ing vowels' о/е/ёinserted in the suffix when forming the genitive plural.

девочка - девочекО girl - of girls

девушка - девушекО young lady - of young ladies

княжна - княжонD princess - of princesses

копна - копён/копенD stack - of stacks

овца - овеuО ewe - of ewes

сосна - сосенD pine-tree - of pine-trees


колонна - колонно column - of columns

мадонна - мадоннD madonna - of madonnas

Feminine gender nouns ending in -яdrop the ending when forming

their genitive plural. 'Fleeting vowels' сап occur in nouns with the suffixes ending in лand in н.Such nouns, as а rule, preserve the softness of the final consonant of the stem.

деревня - деревеньD village - of villages

земля - земельD land - of lands

1 Also: граммов.

1 Ср.: баржа - баржёй, but баржа - баржО.

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Feminine gender nouns in the genitive plural Dropping the singular ending -а - student2.ru

Feminine gender nouns in the genitive plural Dropping the singular ending -а - student2.ru

оньО петля - петельО эаря -зорьО

яня-нВи •.

семья - семе статья - стате стая - ста

Feminine gender nouns in the genitive plural Dropping the singular ending -а - student2.ru

1tcr1eri - ot Kitcnens loop - of loops

da\vn - of dawns annv - of nannies

ешвг gender nouns са in genitive case pl

Feminine gender nouns in the genitive plural Dropping the singular ending -а - student2.ru

family - of families article - of articles lock - of ftocks


Ero-enaing iin

Feminine gender nouns in the genitive plural Dropping the singular ending -а - student2.ru

Feminine gender nouns in the genitive plural Dropping the singular ending -а - student2.ru

А small group of such nouns does not ргезегуе the softness of ше al consonant of the stem in -the genitive plural.

басня - басенО fаЫе - of faЫes

шня - вишенD cherry - of cherries

онюшня - конюшенD staЫe - of staЫes

пашня - пашенD oloughed-land - of ploughed-lands

песня - песенD song - of songs

The ending -ий

Feminine gender nouns ending in -ияtake -ийin the genitive

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