Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

Действительный залог (Active Voice) показывает, что предмет или лицо, являющееся подлежащим, производит действие:

Columbus discovered America in 1492.

Колумб открыл Америку в 1492 году.

Страдательный залог (Passive Voice) показывает, что предмет или лицо, являющееся подлежащим, подвергается воздействию со стороны кого-либо:

America was dicovered by Columbus in 1492.

Америка была открыта Колумбом в 1492 году.

Действующее лицо или предмет в предложениях с Passive Voice часто не указывается. Если необходимо его указать, обычно используется предлог by:

Somebody has stolen my car.

Кто-то украл мою машину.

My car has been stolen by somebody.

Моя машина украдена кем-то.

Формы страдательного залога

Страдательный залог образуется с помощью глагола to be в соответствующем времени + причастие прошедшего времени смыслового глагола (Participle II).

  Present Past Future
Indefinite is/are written was/were written will be written
Continuous is/are being written was/were being written -
Perfect have/has been written had been written will have been written


1. Change the statements to the Passive Voice according to the pattern:

Pattern: Shakespeare wrote a number of plays between 1589 and 1613. A number of plays were written by Shakespeare between 1589 and 1613.
  • 1. Many people send greeting cards on holidays.
  • 2. The United States bought Alaska about a century ago.
  • 3. When I was a child my grandmother usually woke me up early in the morning.
  • 4. Most people receive presents on their birthdays.
  • 5. Soon the children mil hang coloured balls and flags on the Christmas tree.
  • 6. Americans have eaten turkey on Thanksgiving Day since the nation was young.
  • 7. It is the day before Christmas now, and parents are buying gifts for their children.

2. Change the questions to the Passive Voice according to the pattern:

Pattern: What words do people usually use to express gratitude? What words are usually used to express gratitude?
  • 1. Are people making any changes in your city now?
  • 2. Do people speak different languages in different regions of your country?
  • 3. When do people receive gifts in your country?
  • 4. Should a person write a "thank-you" letter nowadays?
  • 5. What holidays do people celebrate in your country?
  • 6. What songs did people sing when you were a child?

3. Put the following into the Passive Voice, mentioning the agent where necessary:

  • 1. My child couldn’t have done all this damage.
  • 2. Who did it?
  • 3. Lightning struck this old tree.
  • 4. We use these tea-spoons only on special occasions.
  • 5. She expected us to offer her a new job.
  • 6. He has written a special book for adults.
  • 7. They showed him the easiest way to do it.
  • 8. We are doing a lot of work.
  • 9. Somebody had cleaned our shoes and brushed our suits.
  • 10. People should not leave bicycles outside.

4. Put the following into the Active Voice, supplying the agent if one was not mentioned:

  • 1. This was opposed by most people.
  • 2. She was said to have lived on vinegar and potatoes for a long time.
  • 3. The damaged vessel was being towed into the harbour when the towline broke.
  • 4. Whenever there is a holiday here, most of the shops in this city are closed.
  • 5. Soon a lot of men will be dismissed by the owners of the workshops.
  • 6. It is being said that too little money is being spent by the government on constructing.
  • 7. This message has been altered.
  • 8. Have a lamp switched on, then you won’t have to climb up in darkness.

5. Translate into English using the passive forms:

  • 1. Эта лекция была прочитана преподавателем вчера.
  • 2. Много упражнений выполняется студентами дома.
  • 3. Дверь открыл незнакомый человек.
  • 4. В прошлом году эта книга продавалась в каждом киоске.
  • 5. Говорят, что этот фильм будет демонстрироваться на следующей неделе.
  • 6. Этим автором было написано много интересных книг.
  • 7. Школа была построена до того, как мы переехали в этот город.
  • 8. Я хочу, чтобы мою сестру послали на стажировку за границу.
  • 9. Они хотят, чтобы эта проблема была наконец разрешена.


1. Use the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets:

1. Before you (leave) our city, you must visit the museum.

2. Can you look after the children while I (be) out?

3. You (recognize) her when you (see) her. She (wear) a yellow hat.

4. At ten o’clock tomorrow morning we (clean) the flat.

5. Why you (not phone) me on Tuesday?

6. Yesterday evening Tom (have) a bath when the phone (ring).

7. George (pass) his driving test.

8. The car just (stop) because there isn’t any petrol in the tank.

9. We (not have) any problems so far.

10. It (rain) a lot last week, but it (not rain) so far this week.

11. Why are your clothes so dirty? What you (do).

12. She (play) tennis since she was eight.

13. How long you (read) this book?

14. I was very nervous because I (not fly) before.

15. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody (go) to bed.

16. When Mary came back from the beach, she looked very red. She (lie) in the sun too long.

17. We (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped and the driver offered us a lift.

18. Jane is tired. She (play) tennis.

2. Open the brackets using the verb in the active or in the passive voice:

A: Unfortunately most of our stocks (to destroy) two weeks ago when a fire (to break out) in our factory.

B: Yes, I (to hear) about it. A number of European countries (to buy) regularly from Smallcrown and your products (to value) highly in Germany. The fire (to report) in German newspapers. A: Some of the reports in the newspapers (to exaggerate) the extent of the damage. They (not to mention) that the production (to increase) in the near future. Of course, deliveries (to delay) to a certain extent.

B: Actually, at the moment I am more worried about our last order from Smallcrown. The consignment (to expect) about two weeks ago but it (to fail) to arrive up to now.

A: That’s very strange. It (to deliver) according to the schedule. I (to speak) to our agent about it immediately and I hope the matter (to settle) to your satisfaction.

3. Translate into English:

1. Я хотел догнать Тома, но он бежал слишком быстро.

2. Сколько времени он курил, прежде чем бросил?

3. Когда я выглянул из окна, дождь все еще продолжался.

4. На самой середине шоссе стояла машина, в которой что-то сломалось, и шофер старался починить ее.

5. Когда я пришла домой, я сразу же поняла, что кто-то был в моей квартире, потому что исчезла моя шуба.

6. Сколько сигарет ты выкурил сегодня?

7. Последнее время погода была очень хорошей.

8. Я не знаю ее мужа, я никогда не видела его.

9. Я отправился в постель только после того, как принял ванну.

10. Мой брат учится в университете уже два года.

11. Джим играет в теннис с двух часов.

12. Аня ищет работу уже в течение шести месяцев.

13. Вчера, когда я играл в футбол, я сломал ногу.

14. Пока Том готовил завтрак, я разговаривал по телефону со своим другом.

15. Почему ты не пришел вчера на нашу вечеринку?

16. Завтра в это время я уже буду лежать на берегу моря.

17. Когда приедешь в Лондон, не забудь навестить моего друга.


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