II. Answer the following and check it up: A. What is

1.a causative agent? 2. malaise? 3. fibrillation? 4. anaemia?

1. the microorganism that causes a certain disease; 2. the state of the organism when one is neither well nor ill; 3. irregular contractions of atria and ventricles; 4. the decrease of the red blood cell count

Б. 1. Is the appetite of the patient suffering from gastric carcinoma increased or reduced? 2. Is the highest incidence of gastric carcinoma observed at ages from 20 to 30 or from 50 to 60? 3. Do the clinical manifestations of gastric carcinoma vary with the stage of the developmen of the disease or with the age and sex of the patient?

1. it is reduced; 2. from 50 to 60; 3. with the stage of the development of the disease

Lesson 44. Lab. Work 49.

I.Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1.одновременное поражение нескольких органов; 2. весь медицинский персонал; 3. хорошо перенести операцию; 4. благодаря усилиям всех врачей; 5. приступ острой желтухи; 6.(Иреяупредить последующие осложнения; 7. опре­делить источник заболевания; 8. пожилой мужчина; 9. запущенная форма заболе­вания; 10. желчный пузырь

1. simultaneous damage to (lesion of) some organs; 2. the entire medical personnel; 3. to survive the operation well; 4. thanks to the efforts of all the doctors; 5. the attack of acute jaundice; 6. to prevent subsequent complications; 7. to determine the source of a disease; 8. an elderly male (man); 9. an advanced form (stage) of a disease; 10. a bile cyst

Б. 1. проводить различные наблюдения одновременно; 2. все течение за­болевания; 3. прожить много лет после операции; 4. сделать большое усилие; 5. поставить диагноз врожденной желтухи; 6. поразить печень впоследствии; 7. исследовать все возможные источники воспаления; 8. пожилая женщина; 9. выдвинуть интересное предположение; 10. желчный проток

I. to carry out various observations simultaneously; 2. the entire course of a disease; 3. to survive many years after the operation; 4. to make a great effort; 5. to diagnose congenital jaundice; 6. to affect the liver subsequently; 7. to investigate all possible sources of inflammation; 8. an elderly female (woman); 9. to advance an interesting suggestion;

10. a bile duct passage

II. Answer the following and check It up:

1. At what temperature may some viruses survive? 2. Who may be the source of virus in case of the grippe? 3. Why is it difficult to cure an advanced case of cancer? 4. Where is bile produced in the human body? 5. What colour are the sclerae of the patient with jaundice? 6. What effort must any doctor put into the treatment of a patient with ad­vanced stage of a disease? 7. Why do diseases usually develop easier in elderly people? 8. Is it easy or difficult for an elderly person to survive any operation?

1. high; 2. a sick man; 3. because of the spread of metastases; 4. in the bile cyst;

5. yellow; 6. great; 7. because of a weakened organism; 8 difficult

Lesson 45. Lab. Work 50.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

1.при неотложном случае; 2. приблизительный уровень сахара в крови; 3. обнаружить сильное раздражение кожи; 4. лечиться по поводу алиментарного запора; 5. перевязать рану; 6. физическое и умственное перенапряжение; 7. сухость во рту; 8. быть влажным от холодного пота; 9. быть чрезвычайно опасным для жизни; 10. внутрипеченочные и внепеченочные протоки

1. in case of emergency; 2. the approximate level of blood sugar; 3. to find out bad skin irritation; 4. to be treated for alimentary constipation; 5. to bandage a wound; 6. physical and mental overstrain; 7.. dryness in the mouth; 8. to be moist with cold per­spiration; 9. to be highly dangerous to life; 10. intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts

II. Insert the necessary word from those given in brackets. Check them up:

1.... operation having been performed, the patient's life was.... 2. When the derma­tologist was examining the patient he... a bad ... of the skin on the chest. 3. As elderly people often suffer from ... they must follow a ... diet. 4. The case being ..., the surgeon could not say even ... how much time the treatment would ....

(advanced, emergency, revealed, constipation, require, saved, approximately, irrita­tion, light)

1. emergency; saved; 2. revealed, irritation; 3. constipation, light; 4. advanced, ap­proximately, require

Lesson 46. Lab. Work 51.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

1. задержка стула; 2. чувствовать сухость во рту; 3. поражение печени; 4. за­купорка кровеносных сосудов; 5. раздражение кожи; 6. частота случаев нарушений кровоснабжения; 7. очевидность мышечной напряженности; 8. чувствовать болезненность в правой нижней части живота; 9. степень выживания при неотложных операциях; 10. кроме (в Добавление к) диеты(е)

1. a stool retention; 2. to feel dryness in the mouth; 3. a liver damage; 4. the obstruc­tion of blood vessels; 5. skin irritation; 6. the incidence of blood supply disturbances; 7. the evidence of muscular intensity; 8. to feel tenderness in the right lower portion of the abdomen; 9. the rate of survival in the emergency surgery; 10. in addition to the diet

II. Answer the following and check it up:

1. At what age do people usually suffer from constipation? 2. What changes are ob­served in the blood sugar level in diabetes? 3. What drugs can be administered to patients suffering from nervous irritation? 4. In case of what disease must an emergency surgery be performed? 5. What infectious diseases are accompanied by rash? 6. What characteristic skin pigmentation is observed in patients with jaundice? 7. What does biopsy con­tribute to? 8. What findings approximate or exact must a researcher have to draw a cor­rect conclusion?

1. at an elderly age; 2. it is elevated; 3. sedatives; 4. acute appendicitis; 5. jaundice, scarlet fever, etc.; 6. yellow; 7. to revealing malignant cells; 8. exact

Lesson 47. Lab. Work 52.

I.Translate the following and check up your answers:

A.1. оказать влияние на состояние больного; 2. наводить на мысль о вну-трибрюшном кровотечении; 3. удалить воспаленный аппендикс; 4. задержка мочи; 5. одновременное нарушение функций нескольких органов; 6. раздражающая сыпь; 7. в неотложных случаях; 8. в среднем составлять приблизительно 10 %; 9. способствовать заживлению раны; 10. проникать в брюшную полость

1. to influence the patient's state (condition); 2. to suggest intra-abdominal bleed­ing; 3. to remove the inflamed appendix; 4. the retention of urine; 5. a simultaneous impairment of the functions of several organs; 6. an irritating rash; 7. in emergency cases; 8. to average 10 % approximately; 9. to contribute to the healing of the wound; 10.to perforate into the abdominal cavity

Б. 1. в большинстве случаев ремиссий; 2. поддержать его выводы; 3. не выявить болезненность при пальпации; 4. последующие пробы на жёлчь; 5. лечить запу­щенный случай злокачественного новообразования; 6. весь процесс кровоснаб­жения; 7. неотложная медицинская помощь; 8. не требовать никаких усилий;

9. наблюдать появление сыви;™гО. сквозная рана в легком

1. in tile majority of cases of remissions; 2. to support his conclusions; 3. to fail to reveal tenderness on palpation; 4. subsequent tests for bile; 5. to treat an advanced case of a malignant growth (tumour); 6. the entire process of blood supply; 7. an emergency medical help (aid): 8. to require no efforts; 9. to observe the appearance of rash; 10. a perforated (ing) wound of the lung

II.Translate the following and check it up.

(Complex Object, Subject; Absolute Participle Construction)

1. Мы наблюдали, как хирург оперировал этого больного по поводу редкого случая сквозного ранения сердца. 2. Врач предполагал, что больной перенесет операцию хорошо. 3. Сообщалось, что больной страдает длительными запорами. 4. Считали, что этот случай был уже очень запущенным. 5. Когда был поставлен диагноз гнойного гангренозного холецистита, была произведена срочная операция. 6. Больной страдал от абдоминального кровотечения, причем оно было сильным и обильным.

1. We observed the surgeon operating on this patient for a rare case of the perforating wound of the heart. 2. The doctor expected the patient to survive the operation well. 3. The patient was reported to suffer from prolonged constipations. 4. The case was con­sidered to have been far advanced. 5. The diagnosis of purulent gangrenous cholecystitis having been made, an emergency operation was performed. 6. The patient has been suffering from abdominal bleeding, it being severe and profuse.

Lesson 48. Lab. Work 53.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. применяемые процедуры; 2. ввести физиологический раствор; 3. пре­дыдущее поступление в больницу; 4. недостаточное число красных кровяных телеи; 5. подкожное введение лекарства; 6. повредить внутренние органы; 7. от­носительные изменения; 8. жизненная емкость легких; 9. эффективное про­тивоядие; 10. внедрение (проникновение) болезнетворных микроорганизмов

1. the employed procedures; 2. to inject saline solution; 3. a previous admission to the hospital; 4. the lacking number of red blood cells; 5. a subcutaneous injection of medicine; 6. to injure some inner organs; 7. relative changes; 8. vital capacity of the lungs; 9. an effective antidote; 10. the invasion of viral microorganisms

Б. 1. применять новую хирургическую методику; 2. введенное лекарство; 3. Оперироваться раньше (ранее); 4. полное отсутствие желчи; 5. делатьподкожну-ю вакцинацию; 6. пораженные ткани правой ноги; 7. в отношении вашего здоровья; 8. нарушение жизненных функций организма; 9. достаточное количество определенного противоядия; 10. естественное проникновение мельчайших вирусов

1. to employ a new surgical technique; 2. the injected medicine; 3. to be operated on previously; 4. a complete lack of bile; 5. to give subcutaneous vaccination; 6. the injured tissues of the right leg; 7. relative to your health; 8. the disturbance of the vital functions of the body; 9. a sufficient amount of a certain antidote; 10. the natural invasion of the smallest viruses

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Incase of what disease is the lack of red blood cells observed? 2. In what ways may medicines be injected? 3. What treatment is employed in the abscess of the brain? 4. Is a cough mixture administered for oral or subcutaneous use? 5. What medical specialist treats the cases with injured extremities? 6. When was your previous group meeting held? 7. What was it relative to?

Lesson 49. Lab. Work 54.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. благоприятный исход; 2. жаловаться на сильную боль в спине; 3. гладко протекающее выздоровление; 4. исследовать мазок на дифтерийные бактерии;

5. провести чрезвычайные меры; 6. отрицательный результат посева на
пневмококки; 7. незначительно увеличенное количество; 8. способствовать
очищению горла; 9. слизистая глотки и гортани; 10. сомневаться в постановке

1. a favourable outcome; 2. to complain of a severe backache; 3. a smooth convales­cence; 4. to examine the smear for diaphtheria bacilli; 5. to carry out extreme measures; 6. negative culture for pneumococci; 7. a slightly increased amount; 8. to contribute to the clearing up of the throat; 9. the membrane of the pharynx and larynx; 10. to doubt making the diagnosis

Б. 1. предупредить летальный исход; 2. купировать боль в спине; 3. выздо­ровление протекает благоприятно; 4. взять мазок на анализ; 5. действовать чрезвычайно осторожно; 6. провести посев мазка; 7. поставить соответственный диагноз; 8. применять лечение антитоксином; 9. полностью устранить опасность летального исхода; 10. находиться в бредовом состоянии

1. to prevent a fatal outcome; 2. to control the backache; 3. the convalescence is advancing favourably; 4. to take the smear for analysis; 5. to act extremely carefully; 6. to carry out the smear culture (the culture of the smear); 7. to make an adequate diagnosis; 8. to employ an antitoxin treatment; 9. to eliminate completely the danger of the fatal outcome; 10. to be in the state of delirium

II. Answer the following and check it up:

A patient with what ache 1) does a neurologist treat, 2) does a dentist treat, 3) does a gastrointerologist treat, 4) does an otolaringologist treat, 5) does a urologist treat? 1. a headache; 2. a toothache; 3. a stomachache; 4. an earache; 5. a backache

Lesson 50. Lab. Work 55.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. достаточное количество жидкости; 2. определить жизненную емкость легких; 3. быть в состоянии полного изнеможения; 4. гладко протекающее выздоровление; 5. взять мазок на посев; 6. нейтрализовать токсические вещества; 7. ощущать сухость во рту; 8. произвести срочную операцию; 9. Предыдущий приступ боли; 10. крайне опасные лихорадочные симптомы

1. a sufficient amount of fluid; 2, to determine the vital capacity of the lungs; 3. to be in the state of complete prostration; 4. a smooth convalescence; 5. to take the smear for culture; 6. to neutralize toxic substances; 7. to feel dryness in the mouth; 8. to perform an emergency operation (surgery); 9. a previous attack of pain; 10. extremely dangerous feverish symptoms

Б. 1. подкожное введение лекарства; 2. по поводу поврежденной голени; 3. нехватка кислорода; 4. при предыдущем поступлении в хирургическое от­деление; 5. распад тканей; 6. закончиться благоприятным исходом; 7. крайняя утомляемость; 8. в период выздоровления; 9. устранить боль в спине; 10. при­менить медикаментозное лечение

1. a subcutaneous injection of medicine; 2. relative to the injured leg; 3. the lack of oxygen; 4. on previous admission to the surgical department (unit); 5. the disintegration of tissues; 6. to result in a favourable outcome; 7. extreme fatigue; 8. during the period of convalescence; 9. to eliminate the backache; 10. to employ medicine treatment

II. Answer the following questions:

1.How can injections be given? 2. What specialist must one consult if one has an injured extremity? 3. For what purposes is X-ray examination employed? 4. What dis­ease results from an extreme lack of red blood cells? 5. Relative to what subject was the last lecture in Physiology delivered? 6. In case of what infectious disease is the smear taken for culture? 7. In what patients does the convalescence develop smoothly?

Cycle VI. Topic Questions


1. What does lobular pneumonia usually develop after? 2. What course is fever usu­ally characterized by? 3. What are temperature changes caused by? 4. For how many weeks may fever persist? 5. What is the usual respiratory rate in lobular pneumonia? 6. What are breathlessness and cyanosis of the face associated with? 7. What does the patient with lobular pneumonia complain of? 8. What does the physical examination of such a patient reveal? 9. What do the findings of blood and urine analyses in lobular pneumonia reveal? 10. What does the X-ray examination of the lungs in lobular pneu­monia show?


1. What is pulmonary tuberculosis caused by? 2. What does the invasion of myco-bacterium tuberculosis produce in the lungs? 3. What organs may this disease affect?

4. When and by whom was the causative agent of tuberculosis discovered? 5. What does
the patient usually complain of in the early stage of tuberculosis? 6. What kind of cough
is observed in tuberculosis? 7. What does the microscopic examination of sputum re­
veal? 8. When may the discharge of blood become profuse? 9. What is the temperature
characterized by in benign and active forms of the disease? 10. What forms of tuberculo­
sis are accompanied by cold profuse perspiration at night? 11. What is loss of body weight
caused by in case of this disease?


1. When does primary tuberculosis usually begin? 2. What organs does primary tu­berculosis affect? 3. By what tests is primary tuberculosis revealed? 4. What other exami­nation may ТВ be revealed by? 5. What symptoms are characteristic of primary ТВ? 6. Where are consolidations sometimes revealed on physical examination? 7. What rales are heard in the involved lung? 8. What does a favourable course of primary ТВ lead to? 9. What may primary ТВ lead to in unfavourable cases?


1. What are the main complaints of a patient with rheumatic endocarditis? 2. What temperature may a patient have for a prolonged period of time? 3. What may the onset of the disease be preceded by? 4. What may the pulse rate become on physical exertion?

5. What does the blood analysis reveal? 6. What changes are observed in the size of the heart? 7. What murmurs are heard in the heart? 8. The evidence of what process are the heart murmurs? 9. Where are organic changes clearly marked? 10. What regimen must the patient with rheumatic endocarditis follow?


1. What pain does the patient with angina pectoris suffer from? 2. Where does the pain usually radiate to? 3. When does pain frequently begin? 4. What is the incidence of attacks of pain associated with? 5. Where does the doctor reveal areas of very sensitive skin? 6. What does the electrocardiogram taken during the attack show? 7. During what attacks are no changes in the peripheral blood noted? 8. What changes in the blood are noted in particularly severe attacks of pain? 9. What may the main cause of angina pec-toris be? 10. What medicine may relieve pain in mild and moderate attacks of angina pectoris?


1. What is cardiosurgery? 2. What scientists have been working in this field? 3. Why are the operations on the heart performed? 4. What precedes the operation on the heart? 5. What methods of treatment of a heart disease does the surgeon choose if the therapeu­tic measures have been ineffective? 6. Why are the operations on the heart so difficult? 7. Why are the operations on the contracting heart dangerous? 8. What occurs to the brain cells if there is a long interval of blood circulation during the cardiac operation?

9. What methods are used in cardiosurgery?


1. The disease of what system is atherosclerosis? 2. What does atherosclerosis of the blood vessels result from? 3. When do these metabolic disturbances begin? 4. What must the doctor do to prevent the appearance of the disease? 5. What regimen must such a patient follow? 6. Why is sound sleep very important for such a patient? 7. In what pro­fessional groups is the incidence of atherosclerosis high? 8. Why must patients with ath­erosclerosis not smoke? 9. What must the diet of a patient with atherosclerosis contain?

10. What treatment is indicated in case of atherosclerosis?


1. What Russian scientists proved the existence of an association between a lesion of the central and peripheral nervous system and the development of ulcer? 2. Into what theory was the neurogenious theory of the pathogenesis of ulcer developed by K. Bykov?

3. What are gastric and duodenal ulcers found to result from according to this theory?

4. What does a spastic contraction of vessels in the stomach or duodenum result in? 5. In what persons is ulcer observed to develop in the majority of cases? 6. What other factor may contribute to the onset of ulcer? 7. In whom are ulcers found to develop more fre­quently? 8. What is the disease characterized by? 9. What are the main characteristics of pain in gastric ulcers? 10. What does the course of ulcer vary with? 11. When does exa­cerbation of ulcer occur?


1. What does the term chronic gastritis mean? 2. What diseases may chronic gastritis be associated with? 3. What are the most important causes of chronic gastritis? 4. What clinical manifestations is gastritis characterized by? 5. What symptoms are most fre­quent in gastritis? 6. In what forms of gastritis may nausea and vomiting of mucus be observed? 7. In what case do the symptoms of chronic gastritis become worse?


1. In what sex group is gastric carcinoma more common? 2. At what age is the high­est incidence of gastric carcinoma noted? 3. In what age group is gastric carcinoma known to have a more malignant course? 4. What duration has gastric cancer from the appear­ance of its first manifestations to death? 5. What pathologic conditions have been deter­mined to contribute to the development of gastric carcinoma? 6. What other factors are responsible for the development of stomach carcinoma? 7. What theories have been sug­gested in the aetiology of gastric carcinoma? 8. What are the main symptoms of gastric carcinoma known to be? 9. What does prolonged external profuse bleeding result in?

10. What appetite has the patient with gastric carcinoma?


1. In what sex group is the incidence of acute appendicitis more frequent? 2. What is acute appendicitis known to begin with? 3. Where does the pain become generalized then? 4. When does the pain become worse? 5. What is the pain accompanied by? 6. What temperature has the patient with acute appendicitis? 7. What does the blood analysis reveal? 8. What pulse rate has the patient with acute appendicitis? 9. What tongue has the patient? 10. What treatment is indicated in case of acute appendicitis? 11. Under what anaesthesia is the operation for acute appendicitis performed?


1. What does Botkin's disease affect? 2. What idea about the origin of this disease did

5. Botkin advance? 3. Due to whose efforts was the term "Botkin's disease" introduced into medicine? 4. Who usually falls ill with Botkin's disease? 5. What is Botkin's disease caused by? 6. What instrument (device) may this filterable virus be discovered by? 7. Where is the filterable virus present? 8. Where does the filterable virus survive for days and weeks?


1. What organ is inflamed in acute cholecystitis? 2. What main forms may cholecys­titis have? 3. What does the patient with cholecystitis complain of? 4. What is an attack of pain usually preceded by? 5. Where may pain radiate to in case of acute cholecystitis?

6. When does pain grow much worse? 7. What characteristic clinical manifestations has this disease? 8. What does the physical examination of the patient with acute cholecysti­tis reveal? 9. What treatment do purulent forms of cholecystitis require? 10. What must surgical treatment of acute cholecystitis be followed by?


1. What character of location may peritonitis have? 2. What forms of peritonitis are observed? 3. What kind of pathologic process may peritonitis be? 4. What is acute gen­eral peritonitis believed to be due to? 5. What most frequent conditions may cause peri­tonitis? 6. What main symptoms is this disease characterized by? 7. What is the enlarge­ment of the abdomen due to? 8. What does blood analysis usually reveal? 9. What treat­ment does this condition require? 10. What is to be removed during the operation? 11. What is emergency operative treatment known to be followed by?


1. What is immunity? 2. What kinds of immunity are there? 3. What produces a more Or less permanent protection against subsequent infection? 4. What is an anti- II. Answer the following and check it up: A. What is - student2.ru II. Answer the following and check it up: A. What is - student2.ru toxin? 5. What role docs the antitoxin play in the human body? 6. What are phagocytes and what is their role? 7. How is active artificial immunity produced?


1. Why is the name of Edward Jenner known in medicine? 2. In what century did he live? 3. Why is the incidence of smallpox rare nowadays? 4, What was one of the main causes of death in the 18th century? 5. What had people noted about the origin of small­pox? 6. What substance did E. Jenner introduce to the first child to prevent the develop­ment of smallpox? 7. Why did E. Jenner call his new method of preventing smallpox "vaccination"? 8. What were the results of Jenner's great discovery?

Lesson 51

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. контроль над возрастающим шумом в больших городах; 2. увеличивать продолжительность жизни; 3. хорошо оборудованные современные машины скорой помощи; 4. охранять здоровье всех граждан; 5. уровень здравоохранения;

6. качество медицинского обслуживания

1. the control of growing noises in large cities; 2. to increase the life-span; 3. well-equipped modem ambulances; 4. to protect the health of all citizens; 5. the standard of Public Health; 6. the quality of medical service

Б. 1. устранить шум около больниц; 2. продление продолжительности жизни людей; 3. оборудовать рентгенокабинет современной аппаратурой; 4. граждане России имеют право на оплату по больничному листу; 5. развитие уровня здравоохранения; 6. каче&гвсГмедицинского ухода; 7. загрязнение воздуха; 8. за счет профсоюзов; 9. устранить причины детской смертности; 10. оказывать населению медицинскую помощь

1. to eliminate the noise near hospitals; 2. the extension of the life-span of people; 3. to equip the X-ray room with modem apparatuses; 4. the citizens of Russia have the right to a sick-leave pay; 5. the development of the standard of Public Health; 6. the quality of medical care; 7. air pollution; 8. at the Trade Union expense; 9. to eliminate the causes of children mortality; 10. to serve the population with medical aid

Lesson 52

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

1. частный врач; 2. оборудовать контору; 3. дать совет; 4. оказать медицинскую помощь; 5. стоимость медицинского обслуживания; 6. получать большой доход; 7. широкие вопросы медицины; 8. стоять перед сложной проблемой; 9. по­ советовать обратиться к врачу; 10. обеспечивать всех бесплатным медицинским уходом

1. a private doctor; 2. to equip an office; 3. to give an advice; 4. to give a medical advice (help, aid); 5. the cost of medical service; 6. toget (receive) a large income; 7. broad questions of medicine; 8. to face a complex problem; 9. to advice to see (consult) a doctor; 10. to provide free medical care for everybody

Lesson 53.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

1. частная медицинская практика; 2. устранить загрязнение воздуха; 3. ох­ранять окружающую среду; 4. население нашей страны; 5. хорошо оборудованные современные лаборатории; 6. широкая сеть медицинских учреждений; 7. стоять перед проблемой выбора лечения; 8. ничего не стоить

1. a private medical practice; 2. to eliminate air pollution; 3. to protect the sur­rounding environment; 4. the population of our country; 5. well-equipped modem labo­ratories; 6. a broad network of medical institutions; 7. to face the problem of the choice of treatment; 8. to cost nothing

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Are there private doctors in our country? 2. Who usually consults a private doctor in our country? 3. At what medical institutions can we get a medical advice? 4. What is the average life-span in our country? 5. What measures does our State undertake to elimi­nate the pollution of the surrounding environment? 6. What is the quality of medical service in our country? 7. Why must we fight against noise in a city?

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