Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur

Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Рис. 114. Нижний эпифиз бедренной кости, правой,вид спереди:

Intercondylar fossa; 2 - Lateral condyle; 3 - Patellar surface; 4 - Medial condyle

Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Рис. 115. Надколенник, правый (А - передняя поверхность, Б - суставная поверхность, В - вид сбоку)


Base of patella; 2 - Anterior surface; 3 - Apex of patella; 4 - Articular surface

Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Рис. 116. Большеберцовая кость, правая (А - вид спереди, Б - вид сзади, В - вид с латеральной стороны, Г - проксимальный эпифиз, вид сверху):

Medial condyle; 2 - Lateral condyle; 3 - Tibial tuberosity; 4 - Soleal line; 5 - Interosseous border; 6 - Medial surface; 7 - Nutrient foramen; 8 - Anterior border; 9 - Lateral surface; 10 - Medial border; 11 - Malleolar groove; 12 - Medial malleolus; 13 - Intercondylar eminence; 14 - Fibular articular facet; 15 - Posterior surface; 16 - Shaft of tibia; Body of tibia; 17 - Fibular notch; 18 - Inferior articular surface; 19 - Anterior intercondylar area; 20 - Superior articular surface; 21 - Lateral intercondylar tubercle; 22 - Lateral intercondylar area; 23 - Medial intercondylar tubercle


Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Рис. 117. Малоберцовая кость, правая (А - вид спереди; Б - вид сзади; В - вид с медиальной стороны; Г - суставные поверхности нижних эпифизов костей голени):

1 - Apex of head; 2 - Head of fibula; 3 - Neck of fibula; 4 - Lateral surface; 5 - Medial surface; 6 - Interosseous border; 7 - Medial crest; 8 - Anterior border; 9 - Lateral malleolus; 10 - Malleolar fossa; 11 - Articular facet; 12 - Shaft of fibula; Body of fibula; 13 - Posterior border; 14 - Posterior surface; 15 - Nutrient foramen; 16 - Articular facet; 17 - Articular facet; 18 - Inferior articular surface; 19 - Fibula; 20 - Tibia; 21 - Medial malleolus; 22 - Malleolar groove

Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Рис. 118. Кости стопы, правой, вид сверху:

1 - Calcaneal tuberosity; 2 - Body of talus; 3 - Neck of talus; 4 - Head of talus; 5 - Talus; 6 - Navicular; 7 - Intermediate cuneiform; Middle cuneiform; 8 - Medial cuneiform; 9 - Base of metatarsal; 10 - Shaft of metatarsal; Body of metatarsal; 11 - Head of metatarsal; 12 - Metatarsal [I]; 13 - Base of phalanx; 14 - Shaft of phalanx; Body of phalanx; 15 - Head of phalanx; 16 - Proximal phalanx [I]; 17 - Distal phalanx [I]; 18 - Distal phalanx [V]; 19 - Middle phalanx [V]; 20 - Proximal phalanx [V]; 21 - Lateral cuneiform; 22 - Tuberosity of fifth metatarsal bone [V]; 23 - Cuboid; 24 - Calcaneus


Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Рис. 119. Кости стопы, правой, вид снизу:

1 - Calcaneus; 2 - Cuboid; 3 - Tuberosity of cuboid; 4 - Groove for tendon of fibularis longus; Groove for tendon of peroneus longus; 5 - Tuberosity of first metatarsal bone [I]; 6 - Metatarsal [V]; 7 - Proximal phalanx [V]; 8 - Middle phalanx [V]; 9 - Distal phalanx [V]; 10 - Distal phalanx [I]; 11 - Proximal phalanx [I]; 12 - Sesamoid bones; 13 - Metatarsal [I]; 14 - Medial cuneiform; 15 - Intermediate cuneiform; Middle cuneiform; 16 - Lateral cuneiform; 17 - Navicular; 18 - Head of talus; 19 - Neck of talus; 20 - Body of talus; 21 - Sustentaculum tali; Talar shelf; 22 - Talus, posterior process

Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Рис. 120. Кости стопы, правой (А - вид с медиальной стороны, Б - вид с латеральной стороны):

I - Distal phalanx [I]; 2 - Proximal phalanx [I]; 3 - Head of phalanx; 4 - Shaft of phalanx; Body of phalanx; 5 - Base of phalanx; 6 - Head of metatarsal; 7 - Shaft of metatarsal; Body of metatarsal; 8 - Base of metatarsal; 9 - Metatarsal [I]; 10 - Medial cuneiform;

II - Navicular; 12 - Head of talus; 13 - Neck of talus; 14 - Body of talus; 15 - Sustentaculum tali; Talar shelf; 16 - Calcaneal tuberosity; 17 - Calcaneus, medial process; 18 - Medial tubercle; 19 - Lateral tubercle; 20 - Talus, posterior process; 21 - Cuboid; 22 - Calcaneus, lateral process; 23 - Calcaneus; 24 - Intermediate cuneiform; Middle cuneiform; 25 - Lateral cuneiform; 26 - Distal phalanx [V]; 27 - Middle

phalanx [V]; 28 - Proximal phalanx [V]; 29 - Metatarsal [V]; 30 - Tuberosity of fifth metatarsal bone [V]

Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Рис. 121. Кости стопы, правой, вид сверху (А - кости, Б - отделы стопы):

1 - Calcaneus; 2 - Talus; 3 - Navicular; 4 - Intermediate cuneiform; Middle cuneiform; 5 - Medial cuneiform; 6 - Metatarsals [I-V]; 7 - Sesamoid bones; 8 - Distal phalanx; 9 - Middle phalanx; 10 - Proximal phalanx; 11 - Head of metatarsal; 12 - Shaft of metatarsal; Body of metatarsal; 13 - Base of metatarsal; 14 - Tuberosity of fifth metatarsal bone [V]; 15 - Cuboid; 16 - Lateral cuneiform; 17 - Phalanges;


18 - Metatarsus; 19 - Ankle

Gluteal tuberosity; 2 - Pectineal line; Spiral line; 3 - Lesser trochanter; 4 - Neck of femur; 5 - Greater trochanter; 6 - Fovea for ligament of head; 7 - Head of femur - Рис. 122. Ладьевидная кость, правая (А - вид сзади, Б - вид спереди): Рис. 123. Медиальная клиновидная кость,

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