Практическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (профессиональная лексика)»

Сборник материалов к итоговой


Для специальности

2-89 01 01 «Туризм и гостеприимство»

Составлен в соответствии

с образовательным стандартом

специальности 2-89 01 01

«Туризм и гостеприимство»

Практическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (профессиональная лексика)» - student2.ru

Минск 2013

Авторы:Бобрович А.А., Валько О. А., Занкевич А.А., Николаев Д.Г., Трухан М.А., Уэльская А.А.

Материалы сборника обсуждены:

на заседании цикловой комиссии туризма и гостеприимства

Председатель О.И. Дудина

Протокол № __ от «__»________ 2013 г.

на методическом совете

Протокол № __ от «__»_________2013 г.

СодержаниеСтр.Введение …………………………………………………………………………………....41. Условия и порядок проведения итоговой аттестации…………….………………..........42. Практическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (профессиональная лексика)…………………………8

3. Теоретическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену

по дисциплине « Организация туризма»……….……………………………………….31

4. Практическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену

по дисциплине «Организация туризма»…..……………………………………………101

5. Теоретическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену

по дисциплине «Туроперейтинг»……………………………………………………….104

6. Практическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену по дисциплине «Туроперейтинг»..………………………………………………………135

7. Теоретическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену

по дисциплине «Экскурсоведение»……………………………………………………..145

8. Практическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену

по дисциплине «Памятники истории и культуры Республики Беларусь»………..…191

9. Теоретическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену по дисциплине «Краеведение Беларуси»….……………...............................................234Список литературы………………………………………………………………………281
ВведениеГосударственный экзамен является итоговой аттестацией турагента-экскурсовода по специальности «Туризм и гостеприимство», позволяющей выявить теоретическую подготовку учащегося к решению профессиональных задач. Он проводится в виде итогового междисциплинарного экзамена. Программа государственного экзамена включает основные вопросы базовых дисциплин – «Организация туризма», «Памятники истории и культуры Республики Беларусь», «Иностранный язык (профессиональная лексика)», «Краеведение Беларуси», «Экскурсоведение», «Туроперейтинг».Государственный экзамен призван подтвердить соответствие уровня подготовки учащегося квалификационным требованиям, предусмотренным государственным стандартом.Ответ учащегося на государственном экзамене должен быть содержательным, полным. Учащемуся необходимо показать, что он:1. Знает основы организации туристических и экскурсионных услуг, ценообразования туристического продукта, деятельности предприятий средств размещения, обеспечения специалистом туристических формальностей.2. Имеет системное представление о структурах и тенденциях развития отечественной и мировой индустрии туризма.3. Понимает порядок формирования, продвижения туристического продукта.4. Умеет использовать знания по теории туризма и гостеприимства при решении практических задач.Государственный экзамен принимает государственная экзаменационная комиссия, состоящая из председателя и членов комиссии. Итоговая оценка определяется большинством голосов. Условия и порядок проведения итоговой аттестации При проведении текущей и итоговой аттестации критериями оценки служат объем, полнота, системность и обобщенность усвоенных общеобразовательных, общенаучных и профессиональных знаний, умений и навыков.Итоговая аттестация проводится в целях определения соответствия компетентности выпускника требованиям образовательного стандарта специальности и служит основанием для присвоения ему квалификации.Итоговая аттестация осуществляется государственной квалификационной комиссией.Государственная квалификационная комиссия создается во всех типах учреждений, обеспечивающих получение среднего специального образования и прошедших аккредитацию, независимо от их подчиненности и формы собственности.Государственная квалификационная комиссия создается по каждой специальности и, как правило, является единой для всех форм обучения. В зависимости от числа выпускников по одной специальности могут создаваться несколько комиссий или одна объединенная для родственных специальностей.Государственная квалификационная комиссия работает в сроки, определенные учебным планом специальности. График работы согласовывается с председателем, утверждается руководителем учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования, и доводится до сведения учащихся не позднее, чем за две недели до начала итоговой аттестации.Время работы государственной квалификационной комиссии рассчитывается исходя из установленных для каждого вида итоговой аттестации норм времени и числа учащихся, участвующих в итоговой аттестации. При этом продолжительность работы комиссии в день не должна превышать семи астрономических часов. При необходимости группа делится на подгруппы.Председателями государственной квалификационной комиссии, по предложению руководителя учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования, могут назначаться руководители и высококвалифицированные специалисты отраслевых министерств и других органов управления отраслями, организаций, педагогические работники высших учебных заведений, не работающие в данном учреждении образования, в том числе на условиях штатного совместительства или почасовой оплаты труда. Председатель государственной квалификационной комиссии утверждается Министерством образования Республики Беларусь или иным органом управления, в подчинении которого находится учреждение, обеспечивающее получение среднего специального образования. Заместителем председателя государственной квалификационной комиссии назначается руководитель учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования, или его заместитель.В состав государственной квалификационной комиссии на правах ее членов (4 или 6 человек) могут входить: руководитель учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования, или его заместитель (если они не назначены заместителем председателя), а также заведующий отделением, председатели предметных (цикловых) комиссий, преподаватели специальных дисциплин. Кроме педагогических работников в состав государственной квалификационной комиссии могут быть включены высококвалифицированные специалисты по профилю специальности. Для ведения и оформления документации на период итоговой аттестации в состав государственной квалификационной комиссии включается технический секретарь, который назначается приказом руководителя учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования. Состав государственной квалификационной комиссии (председатель и члены комиссии) по аккредитованным специальностям в частном учреждении, обеспечивающем получение среднего специального образования, утверждается Министерством образования Республики Беларусь.Государственная квалификационная комиссия определяет уровень качества теоретической и практической подготовки выпускников, принимает решения о присвоении им квалификации, выдаче диплома (с отличием, без отличия), рекомендует выпускников для поступления в высшее учебное заведение, подготавливает предложения по дальнейшему совершенствованию профессиональной подготовки специалистов.Форма и сроки проведения итоговой аттестации определяются учебным планом специальности.К итоговой аттестации допускаются учащиеся, прошедшие полный курс обучения и выполнившие все требования учебного плана специальности и учебных программ дисциплин.Допуск учащихся к итоговой аттестации осуществляется приказом руководителя учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования.Учащийся, не прошедший итоговую аттестацию в установленные учебным планом специальности сроки по уважительной причине, допускается к итоговой аттестации в другой срок во время работы государственной квалификационной комиссии.Учащийся, получивший по результатам итоговой аттестации неудовлетворительную оценку или не прошедший итоговую аттестацию в установленные сроки, отчисляется из учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования. Ему выдается справка установленного образца.Повторная итоговая аттестация разрешается один раз в течение трех лет с момента окончания учащимся полного курса обучения, но не ранее чем через 10 месяцев. Повторно сдаются государственные экзамены только по тем дисциплинам, по которым была получена неудовлетворительная оценка. Наименование и объем этих дисциплин определяется учебным планом специальности, действовавшим в год окончания учащимся полного курса обучения, с учетом изменений в учебных программах дисциплин за истекший период.При неудовлетворительной оценке по результатам защиты дипломного проекта (работы) учащемуся по решению государственной квалификационной комиссии определяется новая тема дипломного проекта (работы) или разрешается повторная защита дипломного проекта (работы) по ранее утвержденной теме.Учащемуся, получившему по результатам повторной итоговой аттестации положительные оценки, выдается диплом о среднем специальном образовании. Справка, ранее выданная в учреждении, обеспечивающем получение среднего специального образования, остается в личном деле выпускника.Повторная итоговая аттестация с целью повышения оценки не допускается.Форма проведения государственного экзамена по дисциплине (специальности) определяется учреждением, обеспечивающим получение среднего специального образования.Устный государственный экзамен по дисциплине проводится по билетам, письменный – по заданиям.Экзаменационные билеты и варианты заданий разрабатываются преподавателем соответствующей дисциплины, рассматриваются предметной (цикловой) комиссией и утверждаются руководителем учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования, не позднее чем за 10 дней до начала государственного экзамена.Для разработки экзаменационных материалов и программы подготовки учащихся к государственному экзамену по специальности приказом руководителя учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования, создается рабочая группа из преподавателей дисциплин, которые выносятся на государственный экзамен. В экзаменационные материалы включаются теоретические вопросы, задачи, тесты, деловые ситуации и другие виды заданий, позволяющие осуществить контроль результатов учебной деятельности выпускника по ряду дисциплин учебного плана в соответствии с квалификационными требованиями к специалисту. Экзаменационные материалы и программа подготовки учащихся к государственному экзамену по специальности рассматриваются цикловой комиссией, утверждаются руководителем учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования.Программа подготовки доводится до сведения учащихся не позднее чем за два месяца до начала государственного экзамена по специальности.Перечень оборудования, наглядных пособий, справочной литературы и других материалов, предназначенных для использования на государственных экзаменах, составляется преподавателями, обсуждается цикловой комиссией, утверждается заместителем руководителя по учебной работе.Количество комплектов экзаменационных билетов и вариантов заданий должно соответствовать количеству учебных групп, а число билетов – превышать число учащихся в группе. Повторное использование экзаменационных билетов и заданий не допускается.Расписание государственных экзаменов составляется с учетом следующих требований: в течение дня в учебной группе проводится один письменный или устный государственный экзамен по дисциплине, интервал между государственными экзаменами должен быть не менее пяти дней.Государственный экзамен по специальности может проводиться в течение нескольких дней в два этапа - теоретический и практический. Интервал между проведением отдельных этапов не должен превышать пяти дней.Время на проведение государственного экзамена по специальности рассчитывается путем суммирования времени на каждый этап. На проведение одного из этапов экзамена в письменной форме отводится не более четырех астрономических часов (240 минут) на учебную группу, в устной форме - не более 40 минут на одного экзаменуемого.На проведение консультаций перед экзаменом предусматривается не более трех астрономических часов (180 минут).Учащийся, получивший на государственных экзаменах по дисциплинам неудовлетворительную оценку по одной из дисциплин, не лишается права продолжать сдачу государственных экзаменов по другим дисциплинам.Государственный экзамен по специальности оценивается одной оценкой с учетом оценки отдельных его этапов. В случае, если по одному из этапов учащийся получил неудовлетворительную оценку, он не допускается к сдаче следующего этапа и ему выставляется неудовлетворительная оценка по государственному экзамену по специальности.В государственную квалификационную комиссию представляются следующие материалы:1) приказ о допуске учащихся к итоговой аттестации;2) сводные ведомости успеваемости учащихся, заверенные заместителем руководителя по учебной работе, и книжки успеваемости учащихся;3) учебные программы по дисциплинам, вынесенным на государственные экзамены, а по специальностям искусства – программы выступлений;4) комплекты экзаменационных билетов и варианты заданий для письменных экзаменационных работ; утвержденный перечень оборудования, пособий и материалов;5) дипломные проекты (работы) вместе с письменными отзывами руководителей и рецензиями.Итоговая аттестация проводится на открытом заседании государственной квалификационной комиссии с участием не менее 2/3 состава комиссии.Решение государственной квалификационной комиссии об оценке учащихся принимается на закрытом заседании простым большинством голосов и объявляется в день завершения итоговой аттестации.Решения о присвоении учащимся квалификации и выдаче дипломов (с отличием, без отличия) и по другим вопросам принимаются государственной квалификационной комиссией в полном ее составе на итоговом закрытом заседании.По окончании итоговой аттестации председатель государственной квалификационной комиссии в двухнедельный срок составляет отчет о результатах итоговой аттестации, направляет его в Министерство образования Республики Беларусь или иной орган управления по подчиненности, копию - руководителю учреждения, обеспечивающего получение среднего специального образования.В отчете должны быть отражены следующие вопросы: уровень подготовки выпускаемых специалистов; количество выпускников дневных отделений, рекомендованных к поступлению в высшие учебные заведения; предложения по дальнейшему совершенствованию подготовки специалистов.

Практическая часть к государственному квалификационному экзамену по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (профессиональная лексика)».

Учебный год

1. Прочитайте задание и выполните его в письменном виде.

    • прочитайте объявление туристического информационного центра об имеющихся вакансиях и напишите свою автобиографию и сопроводительное письмо
    • прочитайте жалобу туристов и напишите письмо-извинение
    • прочитайте письмо-запрос и дайте на него ответ

Памятка для написания резюме и сопроводительного письма

  1. Прочитайте объявление о вакансиях и обратитесь по поводу трудоустройства на эту должность.
  1. Представьте свои профессиональные и личные качества так, чтобы они соответствовали той должности, на которую вы претендуете.
  1. Укажите возможности связаться с вами. Поблагодарите за внимание к вашему письму и выразите надежду на ответ. Не забудьте правила оформления соответствующей деловой корреспонденции на английском языке.

Памятка для написания ответа на жалобу

  1. Прочитайте письмо клиента в турагентство и напишите письмо-извинение.
  1. Определите те случаи, за которые ответственность несет Ваше турагентство и те, которые вне Вашей компетенции. Предложите соответствующую компенсацию.
  1. Принесите вежливые извинения и не забудьте правила оформления соответствующей деловой корреспонденции на английском языке.

Памятка для написания ответа на запрос туристической информации

  1. Прочитайте запрос туристов об информации и напишите ответ на запрос.
  1. Постарайтесь учесть интересы всех, кто планирует принять участие в поездке.
  1. Будьте позитивны и помните правила оформления соответствующей деловой корреспонденции на английском языке.

Task 1 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Hotel & Catering Reporter Sunday 12/05   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  

San Sola Airlines

The largest carrier in the Middle East has vacancies at its UK call centre for a reservations agent.

full or part-time

Applicants should be able to handle pressure and achieve targets.

Apply in writing, enclosing CV, to Simon Scott, Human Resources Officer, 44 Morris Road, London W14 6TA

Task 2 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Guardian Wednesday June, 11   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  


The Clarion Hotel is seeking a well-presented person to maximize room occupancy and supervise front-desk operations including check-in and check-out. Strong management and organizational skills are required as well as a sense of humour and the ability to handle the occasional emergency.

Apply in writing, enclosing CV, to Mr Freeman, Human Resources Officer, 12 Green Street, London W14 6TA

Task 3 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Daily News Tuesday August, 4   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  

American Express, one of the world’s leading financial organizations, is looking for an EVENTS MANAGER.

Key tasks include writing proposals and making sure events run to budget. Expertise in World and Excel is a must.

If you are a creative person with initiative send your CV and covering letter to Jim Baker, Executive Recruitment, 15 Bargly Str, Dayton OH 55042

Task 4 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Times Friday September, 6   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  


London tour operator SMILE TRAVEL is seeking an innovative individual to take charge of a busy department. The successful candidate will be responsible for the supervision of ten staff in the hotel section.

Duties include solving problems and making financial decisions. Computer literacy and travel background essential.

Apply in writing, enclosing CV, to Mrs Williams, Manager, 1 Brixton Lane, London S22 6TA

Task 5 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Tourism Review Friday October, 16   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  


Conference Consultants is a dynamic events management organization which provides creative, exciting and affordable solutions for conferences and exhibitions. We are currently looking for a hardworking person to join our staff.

The successful applicant will be responsible for organizing special events. This person will have excellent customer service and management skills and be prepared to work under pressure.

Apply in writing, enclosing CV, to the Human Resources Officer, 80 Cambell Street, London WC2 9AN

Task 6 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Hotel & Catering Reporter Friday November, 16   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  


This is a chance to become a part of a well-established international five-star hotel.

We are looking for a Night Auditor for a busy hotel front office. Reporting to the Front Office Manager, you will be skilled at supervising staff, handling guest queries and complaints, maximizing room occupancy and producing daily business figures.

If you are well-presented and patient with a friendly, helpful personality send your CV and covering letter to Jim Baker, Executive Recruitment, The Manor Park Hotel, 15 Bargly Str, Dayton OH 55042.

Task 7 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Hotel & Catering Reporter Friday November, 16   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  

Travel Sales Consultant

Leading travel agency ABC TRAVEL is seeking a travel

sales consultant to sell holidays and other travel products.

Good telephone, IT and numeracy skills are a must.

The job involves booking package tours, making hotel reservations and arranging car hire as well as designing individual holidays for independent traveller. You will be caring and have an outgoing personality.

Apply in writing, enclosing CV, to the Human Resources Officer, 18 Baker Street, London WC2 9AN

Task 8 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Hotel & Catering Reporter Monday December, 21   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  

Resort reps

If you enjoy being in foreign places but don’t like being on the move the whole time, then being a resort representative is a great job for you.

You will need to be enthusiastic, energetic, possess excellent communication skills and be good at dealing with emergences and making decisions on your own.

Apply in writing, enclosing CV, to Mrs Williams, Manager, ABC HOLIDAY INN, 12 Brighton Lane, London S22 6TA

Task 9 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Hotel & Catering Reporter Monday April, 14   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  

Hotel Receptionist

Excellent entry level vacancy for outgoing personality at this three-star hotel. The person appointed will be the first point of contact for visitors, clients and suppliers. Good phone and customer skills are a must. In this full-time position you will be part of a friendly and dynamic team, responsible for handling all front desk operations.

Reply to Mrs Smith, Manager, The Manor Park Hotel, 12 Furtree Str, Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire.

Task 10 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Hotel & Catering Reporter Monday April, 14   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  

Front Office Manager

This is a chance to become a part of a well-established international five-star hotel.

We are looking for a Front Office Manager for a busy hotel front office. To join our staff you will be skilled at supervising staff, handling guest queries and complaints, maximizing room occupancy and producing daily business figures.

If you are well-presented and patient with a friendly, helpful personality send your CV and covering letter to John Bright, Manager, The Manor Park Hotel, 10 Park Lane, London OH 55042.

Task 11 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Global Tourism Friday December, 10   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  


Adlon Tours agency is seeking a right candidate

to take groups of foreign holiday-makers and independent

travellers round city attractions.

Good knowledge of historical sites and tourist attractions is a must.

The job involves arranging package tours and coach hire as well as designing individual holidays for independent traveller. You will be caring and have an outgoing personality and able to put others first.

Write to apply, enclosing CV, to the Human Resources Officer, 218 Sun Set Boulevard, LA WC2 9AN

Task 12 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Tourist Navigator Monday March, 11   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  


ABC Travel agency is a looking for an industrious and ambitious person to take responsibility for organizing holidays and journeys for travellers in Europe.

Good organizational and communicative skills is a must.

The job also involves coordinating the work of several sales consultants so you should be prepared to work under pressure.

If you are a creative person with initiative send your CV and covering letter to Anne Blanc, Executive Recruitment, 5 rue de la Liberation, 76000 Rouen, France

Task 13 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Eye Witness Weekly May, 10   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  


British Airways has vacancies at Heathrow Flight Office for

an air hostess with at least one year’s experience in travel business.

Key tasks include looking after passengers and serving meals for them. Dealing with people of all ages and levels requires excellent people skills.

You will be well-presented, have an outgoing personality and able to work in a team.

Write to apply, enclosing CV, to the Human Resources Officer, 211 Park Lane, London WC2 9AN

Task 14 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The Global Traveller Friday April, 11   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  


SOLA VOYAGE Company is seeking a right candidate

to take care of groups of holiday-makers on a luxurious cruise liner

in the Mediterranean.

The job involves arranging leisure activities, looking after passengers as well as organizing special events on board. You are communicative with a good sense of humour, have a friendly, helpful personality then this is a chance for you to become part of a creative team.

Write to apply, enclosing CV, to the Human Resources Officer, 102 Luna Boulevard, Milan

Task 15 Read the advertisement and apply for the job. Write your CV and a cover letter.

The World Tours Tuesday June, 17   Tourist Information Centre   Do you want to work in the Travel Industry?   We are currently seeking to recruit a number of recently qualified and / or experienced travel professionals to work in a variety of locations. Vacancies in reservations, sales, hotel and catering and holiday villages.   Candidates should speak English and possess excellent interpersonal skills. Motivating salary for the right people.  


SOLA VOYAGE Company is seeking an ambitious person

to take responsibility for the work of a customers’ service on board

of a luxurious cruise liner in the Mediterranean.

Key tasks include looking after passengers’ requirements, room service and porter duties. You will be able to deal with people of all ages and levels and make decisions on your own.

Apply in writing, enclosing CV, to the Human Resources Officer, 102 Luna Boulevard, Milan

Task 16 Read a letter of complaint and write a letter of apology.

Mr Arthur Grundy

7 St Luke’s Rd

Tunbridge Wells

TN 4 9CG

27th June


Med Tours

106 Netherwood Rd

London W14 3PG

Dear Sir or madam,

I am writing to complain about the terrible organization of a holiday recently booked with Med Tours.

My wife and I had chosen to stay in Bugibba, Malta from 19-26 June (ref: BMT 532) in order to celebrate our wedding anniversary together in peaceful and relaxing surroundings.

Our troubles began at the airport where our outward flight was delayed for over four hours. The check-in staff were unhelpful and there was no representative from Med Tours present to help deal with the situation. We finally took off at 3.15 pm and eventually arrived at the hotel in the evening tired and frustrated with having wasted the first day of the holiday.

The hotel was reasonably comfortable but the food lacked variety and the service was poor. Although advertised in your brochure as `a stone’s throw from the beach`, the hotel is in fact situated on the other side of a busy main road and is at least 20 minutes` walk away. The shops in the resort were crowded and expensive and there were a lot of noisy road works in the town.

Last but not least, the return flight was scheduled for 9.10 am which meant having to leave the resort at dawn to get to the airport on time. As a result, the stay is certainly not seven days as advertised and certainly cannot be described as `a haven of peace and tranquility`. I am therefore looking for compensation for the inconvenience and distress of a ruined holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Arthur Grundy

Task 17 Read a letter of complaint and write a letter of apology.

Mr Michael Singh

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

31st May

Customer Service Manager

Alpha Tours

112 Harrow Way

Old Woking


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about the terrible organization of a holiday recently booked with Alpha Tours.

My wife and I had chosen to stay in Cyprus from 22-29 May (ref: BMT 42) in order to celebrate our wedding anniversary together in peaceful and relaxing surroundings.

Our troubles began at the airport where our outward flight was delayed for over four hours. The check-in staff were unhelpful and there was no representative from Alpha Tours present to help deal with the situation. We finally took off at 4.30 pm and eventually arrived at the hotel in the evening, exhausted and disappointed with having wasted the first day of the holiday.

The hotel was reasonably comfortable but a refurbishment was taking place during the first two days of our stay there. The noise did not give us opportunity to have a rest in the afternoons. The food lacked variety and the service was poor.

Last but not least, the return flight was scheduled for 8.30 am which meant having to leave the resort at dawn to get to the airport on time. As a result, the stay is certainly not seven days as advertised and certainly cannot be described as `a haven of peace and tranquility`. I am therefore looking for compensation for the inconvenience and distress of a ruined holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Singh

Task 18 Read a letter of complaint and write a letter of apology.

Mrs Ann Grundy

7 St Luke’s Rd

Tunbridge Wells

TN 4 9CG

27th July


Med Tours

106 Netherwood Rd

London W14 3PG

Dear Sir or Madam,

I was shocked with the terrible organization of a holiday recently booked with Med Tours.

My husband and I had chosen to stay in Thessaloniki from 10-17 July (ref: BMT 532) in order to spend our holiday together in peaceful and relaxing surroundings.

Our troubles began as soon as we arrived at the airport where our outward flight was delayed for over five hours. The check-in clerk was unhelpful and there was no representative from Med Tours present to help deal with the situation. We finally took off at 5.10 pm and eventually arrived at the hotel in the evening, tired and frustrated with having wasted the first day of the holiday.

The hotel was reasonably comfortable but a refurbishment was taking place during the first two days of our stay there. The noise did not give us opportunity to have a rest in the afternoons. The food lacked variety and the service was poor.

To make matters worse, the return flight was scheduled for 9.10 am which meant having to leave the resort at dawn to get to the airport on time. As a result, the stay is certainly not seven days as advertised and certainly cannot be described as `a haven of peace and tranquility`. I am therefore looking for compensation for the inconvenience and distress of a ruined holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Ann Grundy

Task 19 Read a letter of complaint and write a letter of apology.

Mr Ronald Bouma

22 Pineapple Avenue


TN 4 9CG

22th October


Sunshine Travel

10 Abbey Road

Liverpool, Great Britain

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my strongest dissatisfaction with the terrible organization of a holiday recently booked with Sunshine Travel.

My wife and I had chosen to stay in Corsica from 9-17 October (ref:BMT 532) in order to have an annual vacation in a sunny and peaceful place.

Our troubles began at the airport where our outward flight was delayed for over four hours. The check-in staff were unhelpful and there was no representative from Sunshine Travel present to help deal with the situation. We finally took off at 3.15 pm and eventually arrived at the hotel in the evening, exhausted and disappointed with having wasted the first day of the holiday.

The hotel was reasonably comfortable but the food lacked variety and the service left much to be desired. Although advertised as `a stone`s throw from the beach`, the hotel is in fact situated on the other side of a busy main road and is at least 20 minutes` walk away. The shops in the resort were crowded and expensive and there were a lot of noisy road works in the town.

Finally, the return flight was scheduled for 9.10 am which meant having to leave the resort at dawn to get to the airport on time. As a result, the stay is certainly not seven days as advertised and certainly cannot be described as `a haven of peace and tranquility`. I am therefore looking for compensation for the inconvenience and distress of a ruined holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Ronald Bouma

Task 20 Read a letter of complaint and write a letter of apology.

Mrs Ellen Green

7 St Luke’s Rd

Tunbridge Wells

TN 4 9CG

20th September


Med Tours

106 Netherwood Rd

London W14 3PG

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about the terrible organization of a holiday recently booked with Med Tours.

My husband and I had chosen to stay in Madrid from 5-19 September in order to celebrate our wedding anniversary together in peaceful and relaxing surroundings.

Our troubles began at the airport where our outward flight was delayed for over four hours. The check-in staff were unhelpful and there was no representative from Med Tours present to help deal with the situation. We finally took off at 3.15 pm and eventually arrived at the hotel in the evening, tired and frustrated with having wasted the first day of the holiday.

The hotel was reasonably comfortable but the service left much to be desired. Although advertised as `a stone`s throw from the beach`, the hotel is in fact situated on the other side of a busy main road and is at least 20 minutes` walk away. The shops in the resort were crowded and expensive and there were a lot of noisy road works in the town.

Last but not least, the return flight was scheduled for 9.10 am which meant having to leave the resort at dawn to get to the airport on time. As a result, the stay is certainly not seven days as advertised and certainly cannot be described as `a haven of peace and tranquility`. I am therefore looking for compensation for the inconvenience and distress of a ruined holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Ellen Green

Task 21 Read a letter of complaint and write a letter of apology.

Ms Anne Blanc

8 Park Lane


CG 5 4PM

29th July


Alatan Tours

106 Netherwood Rd

London W14 3PG

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about the terrible organization of a holiday recently booked with Alatan Tours.

My sister and I had chosen to stay in Milan from 15-24 July in order to spend our summer vacations together in a peaceful and picturesque place.

Our troubles began at the airport where our outward flight was delayed for over four hours. The check-in staff were unhelpful and there was no representative from Alatan Tours present to help deal with the situation. We finally took off at 3.15 pm and eventually arrived at the hotel in the evening, tired and frustrated with having wasted the first day of the holiday.

The hotel was reasonably comfortable but the service left much to be desired. Although advertised as `a stone`s throw from the beach`, the hotel is in fact situated on the other side of a busy main road and is at least 20 minutes` walk away. The shops in the resort were crowded and expensive and there were a lot of noisy road works in the town.

Last but not least, the return flight was scheduled for 9.10 am which meant having to leave the resort at dawn to get to the airport on time. As a result, the stay is certainly not ten days as advertised and certainly cannot be described as `a haven of peace and tranquility`. I am therefore looking for compensation for the inconvenience and distress of a ruined holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Anne Blanc

Task 22 Read a letter of complaint and write a letter of apology.

Mr Benjamin Clark

211 Park Lane

TN 4 9CG, Cambridge

United Kingdom

28th June


San Sola Voyage

102 Luna Boulevard

Milan, Italy

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my strongest dissatisfaction with the terrible organization of a holiday recently booked with San Sola Voyage.

My wife and I had chosen to stay in Sicily from 20-27 June (ref:BMT 532) in order to spend our summer vacation on sunny beaches of the Mediterranean Sea.

As soon as we arrived at the airport our troubles began. Our flight was delayed for over four hours. The check-in clerk was unhelpful and there was no representative from San Sola Voyage present to help deal with the situation. We finally took off at 3.15 pm and eventually arrived at the hotel in the evening, tired and frustrated with having wasted the first day of the holiday.

The hotel was reasonably comfortable but the food lacked variety and the service was poor. Although advertised as `a stone`s throw from the beach`, the hotel is in fact situated on the other side of a busy main road and is at least 20 minutes` walk away. The shops in the resort were crowded and expensive and there were a lot of noisy road works in the town.

Last but not least, the return flight was scheduled for 9.10 am which meant having to leave the resort at dawn to get to the airport on time. As a result, the stay is certainly not seven days as advertised and certainly cannot be described as `a haven of peace and tranquility`. I am therefore looking for compensation for the inconvenience and distress of a ruined holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Benjamin Clark

Task 23 Read a letter of complaint and write a letter of apology.

Mr Alfred Tork

9 Seaford Street


TN 4 9CG

25th August


Sola Tours

106 Netherwood Rd

London W14 3PG

Dear Sir or Madam,

I was shocked with the terrible organization of a holiday recently booked with Sola Tours.

My brother and I had chosen to stay in Luxor from 11-18 August (ref: BMT 532) in order to spend our summer vacations together in peaceful and relaxing surroundings.

Our outward flight was delayed for over five hours and it was only the beginning of our troubles. The check-in clerk was unfriendly and unhelpful and there was no representative from Sola Tours present to help deal with the situation. We finally took off at 5.10 pm and eventually arrived at the hotel in the evening, tired and disappointed with having wasted the first day of the holiday.

The hotel was uncomfortable because a refurbishment was taking place during the first two days of our stay there. The noise did not give us opportunity to have a rest in the afternoons. The food lacked variety and the service was poor.

To make matters worse, the return flight was scheduled for 9.10 am which meant having to leave the resort at dawn to get to the airport on time. As a result, the stay is certainly not seven days as advertised and certainly cannot be described as `a haven of peace and tranquility`. I am therefore looking for compensation for the inconvenience and distress of a ruined holiday.

Yours faithfully,

Alfred Tork

Task 24 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mr Michael Williams

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Alpha Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My wife and I, plus two our teenage children, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

My wife likes collecting old jewellery and is interested in cooking. The children’s main interests are music, sport and dance. They will tolerate some sightseeing or a walk the open air. As for me, I am fond of history and painting.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Williams

Task 25 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mr Michael Williams

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My wife and I, a newly married couple, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

My wife likes visiting museums and galleries and is interested in cooking. My main interests are sport and walk in the open air. In addition, I am fond of history and painting.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Williams

Task 26 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mr Michael Williams

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My wife and I, an elderly couple, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

We both are fond of exploring new places and meeting people. We like visiting museums and learning about national features of other countries such as music, festivals and cuisine.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Williams

Task 27 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mr Michael Williams

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My wife and I, plus our teenage son, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

We all are fond of exploring new places and meeting people. We like sightseeing, sport and walk in the open air. Besides we are interested in learning about cultural heritage of your nation.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Williams

Task 28 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mr Michael Williams

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My wife and I, plus our teenage daughter, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

We all are fond of visiting museums and galleries. We like sightseeing, sport and music. Besides we are interested in going to some architectural monuments and buildings of your country.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Williams

Task 29 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mr Michael Williams

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My girl-friend and I are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to see and do in your city.

We both are fond of meeting new people and exploring historical sites. We like sightseeing, sport and music. Besides we are interested in learning national traditions of new countries.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Williams

Task 30 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mr Michael Williams

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My wife and I, plus our teenage son, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

We all are fond of exploring new places and meeting people. We like sightseeing, sport and walk in the open air. Besides we are interested in learning about cultural heritage of your nation.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Williams

Task 31 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mrs Sue Freed

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My husband and I, plus our teenage daughter, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

My husband likes painting and exploring historical places. Our daughter’s main interests are open air sports and dance. As for me, I am fond of visiting museums and learning cooking traditions of different countries. We all like sightseeing and watching festivals.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Freed

Task 32 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mr John Evans

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My wife and I, plus two our teenage sons, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

We all are fond of sightseeing and visiting old castles and historical places. Our sons like sport and walk in the open air. Besides, my wife is interested in cooking national dishes.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Evans

Task 33 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mrs Luisa Stark

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My husband and I, plus our teenage son, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

My husband collects souvenirs and is fond of exploring historical places. Our son’s main interests are open air sports and music. As for me, I am fond of visiting art galleries and tasting cuisine of different countries. We all like sightseeing and watching festivals.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Luisa Stark

Task 34 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Ms Annet Smith

4 Eldertree Cottages

Alton, Hants

GU34 2RB

5th July

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My sister and I, plus our teenage niece, are planning to visit Minsk for a few days. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

My sister is interested in national festivals and traditions. Our niece’s main interests are open air sports and dance. As for me, I am fond of visiting museums and learning cooking traditions of different countries. We all like sightseeing and visiting architectural ensembles.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Annet Smith

Task 35 Read a letter of enquiry and write a reply.

Mr Allan Brenson

5 rue de la Liberation,

76000 Rouen, France

15th June

Top Tours

112 Semashko Str

220000, Minsk


Dear Sir or Madam,

My brother Jim and I are planning to visit Minsk for a few days in July for summer holidays as we are university students. I was wondering if you could give us some advice on things to do.

My brother is fond of collecting handicrafts and visiting historical places. As for me, I am fond of sports and learning cooking traditions of different countries. We both like sightseeing and watching national festivals.

Thanks in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Allan Brenson

Примерные варианты резюме и сопроводительного письма

1 На 8-9



Tatyana Ivanova

18 Semashko Str

220014 Minsk, Belarus

e-mail: tatyana [email protected]

21 years old


Education and qualifications

Minsk College of Business ( specialising in Tourism and Hospitality) 2008-2010

School № 12, Minsk, 1997-2008

Work Experience

Internship at the Cross Hotel (Minsk) Assistant Manager of a three-star hotel (35 rooms, 2 conference halls). Responsible for staff supervision, exhibitions organising and catering. March – April 2010

Global Tours (Minsk) Travel Sales Consultant. June – August 2009

Designed individual tours, arranged car hire and hotel reservations.

Professional Skills

Project management, customer care and PR, IT skills

Computer skills: MS Office, special management software (HOTIX, CALLSTAR)

Languages: Russian, English, some French

Interests: Golf, Japanese theatre

Name and address of referee

Mr Bouma, the Cross Hotel, 14 Nemiga Str, Minsk

1 на 8-9

Cover Letter

Tatyana Ivanova

18 Semashko Str

220014 Minsk, Belarus

e-mail: tatyana [email protected]

20th November

Mr Baker

The Executive Recruitment

The Manor Park Hotel

15 Bargly Str


Dear Mr Baker,

I am writing with reference to the position of Night Auditor as advertised in the Hotel & Catering reporter on 16 November.

Please find enclosed a copy of my CV outlining my background and qualifications. As an Assistant Manager of a three-star hotel I supervised the operation of the night shift and implemented routine checks of the hotel.

I also have practical experience of organizing exhibitions and catering. I am skilled at designing individual tours, arranging car hire as well as making hotel reservations.

I am well-presented and have an outgoing personality. I am used to dealing with people of all ages and levels.

I am available for interview at a time and place of your convenience.

I can be reached at the above postal and email addresses or on 0033 1 5543 7574. I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon

Yours faithfully,

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