After listening write a summary of the text. Share your summary with your partner
1. Discuss in pairs:
- What did you think when you heard the headline?
- What adjectives would you use to describe this story and why?
- What do you know about Rio de Janeiro and its carnival?
- Are you a carnival person?
- Have you ever been anywhere where there was a riot of colour and music?
- What would your city be like if happiness reigned across it?
- Does your city have any festivals or carnivals?
- Is there social harmony in your town?
- Do you think everyone has the right to play?
- Would you like to attend Rio’s carnival?
- Did you like reading this article?
- What do you think about what you read?
- Does violence overshadow life in your town?
- Are there waves of drug-related crimes in your town or country?
- How would residents of your town react to the killing by a drug gang of a six-year-old boy?
- What do you think is the best way for Rio to rid itself of drugs, guns and crime?
- What is your image of Brazilian people?
- In what other ways can a city’s residents say “no” to violence?
- Do you think people are immune to seeing death and destruction on TV and in the papers?
- Did you like this discussion?
1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the unit:
- День города – важный праздник для всех жителей. Подготовка идет целый год, и все принимают участие в ней. Празднование идет в течение целой недели. Проходят концерты, эстафеты, духовые оркестры проходят по улицам и играют гимн. Город живет полной жизнью, все гудит. Вечером начинаются основные гуляния, а ключевым моментом является – салют. А на следующее утро дворники убирают мусор, оставшийся от вчерашнего праздника.
- Вокруг нас раздавались взрывы фейерверков, а на улицах ходили шумные толпы людей. Все продолжают пить и есть вплоть до утра, направляясь то в один, то в другой бар.
- Основной чертой данного фестиваля являются огромные живые костры, которые разжигают на улицах. Также данный праздник – самый шумный в мире благодаря невероятно громким хлопушками, которые постоянно раздаются и днем, и ночью.
- Я всегда примеряю несколько нарядов перед тем, как пойти на вечеринку. Но с другой стороны я не хочу разодеваться в пух и прах. Все, что я хочу, - быть королевой балла.
- Вечеринка удалась на все сто, поэтому мне понадобится несколько дней, чтоб восстановиться после нее.
- Когда студенты делают домашнюю работу самостоятельно, то это нормально, когда они совершают ошибки, для того они и учатся.
- Когда часы 12 бьют, люди дают обещания на следующий год. Тем самым они принимают решение изменить свою жизнь к лучшему.
- Есть несколько негласных правил, как устроить самую чумовую вечеринку: во-первых, необходимо определить тематику, согласно которой гости должны одеться; во-вторых, создать располагающую атмосферу, подобрать необходимые элементы (шарики, свечи и т.д.); в-третьих, гости будут чувствовать себя лучше, если их радушно встретит хозяин; в-четвертых, необходимо как следует запастись едой и напитками, предусмотреть вкусы максимально всех гостей; а самое главное – развлекательная программа (подбор треков на любой вкус, выбор конкурсов).
- Не волнуйтесь о беспорядке, если вы грамотно перепоручите эту обязанность, то гости с удовольствием помогут Вам.
2. Translate the review from a travel magazine from Russian into English:
Любителям эффектных зрелищ рекомендуется обязательно посетить так называемый «Фаллас» - мартовский праздник, который проводится в Валенсии. «Фаллас» - это чрезвычайно шумная неделя огней, фейерверков и парадов, после которой обычно хочется отдохнуть и перевести дух.
В течение этих пяти дней грандиозной феерии город значительно разрастается, поскольку обычно тихое население Валенсии "раздувается" до двух миллионов человек, которые приезжают на празднование дня Святого Джозефа, покровителя плотников. Праздничная неделя в Валенсии не ограничивается одними только фейерверками и световыми эффектами. Еще одно яркое событие праздника – это ежедневное представление под названием ‘mascleta’, которое проводится на площади Plaza Ayuntamiento в 2 часа дня. На это представление собираются толпы людей, и на площади буквально не протолкнуться. Тем, кто хочет насладиться видом этого действа, рекомендуется забронировать себе номер в одном из отелей, находящихся на площади. Причем, бронировать номер нужно за несколько месяцев вперед. Самые запоминающиеся впечатления от этого праздника остаются не от самого зрелища, а от звуковых эффектов, сопровождающих представление, т.к. ‘mascleta’ - это многочисленные фейерверки, петарды и хлопушки. Каждый день группы гуляющих устраивают соревнования по взрыву всех этих пиротехнических изделий. Побеждают самые шумные.
Unit 5. EDIBLE
Look up the translation of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary:
1) adventurous (adj) I’m not as adventurousas you and I haven’t travelled as much.
2) ant (n) An antis a small insect that lives in a large group.
3) a balanced view (n) A happy childhood gives you a balanced viewof food.
4) caterpillar (n) While Mark was in Africa he ate caterpillars.
5) childhood (n) Your childhoodis the period of your life when you are a child.
6) chop (v) Julio used to chopvegetables in the kitchen.
7) cobra (n) A cobrais a large poisonous snake.
8) cockroach (n) When Mark was in Indonesia he ate roasted cockroachesas a main course.
9) consumer (n) The Swiss are the world’s biggest chocolate consumers.
10) experiment (with) (v) Emma Bunton’s family used to experiment withfood.
11) a good source of ... (phr) Insects are a good source ofprotein and minerals.
12) grasshopper (n) Mark ate lots of fried grasshoppersin Thailand.
13) grow up (phr v) When I was growing up, we all used to eat round a table.
14) lifetime (n) The average person will consume 10,000 chocolate bars in a lifetime.
15) per capita (adj) The Swiss are the world’s biggest per capitachocolate consumers.
16) shoot (v) The shower scene in Psycho took seven days to shoot.
17) treat (n) Restaurants were a treatfor Emma when she was growing up.
1) anchovies (n) Anchoviesare small fish that taste of salt.
2) cod (n) Codis a common type of white fish.
3) hake (n) Hakeis a large fish eaten as food.
4) lobster (n) Lobsteris a type of seafood with a long body, eight legs and two large claws.
5) mussels (n) Musselsare a type of seafood consisting of a soft body inside a hard black shell.
6) prawns (n) Prawnsare small and pink and are a type of seafood.
7) salmon (n) Salmonis a common type of fish with pink flesh.
8) sardines (n) Sardinesare small silver fish that people often buy in tins.
9) trout (n) A troutis a fish commonly eaten in food that lives in rivers or lakes.
10) tuna(n) Tunais a large fish that people often buy in tins.
1) cherry (n) A cherryis a small round red or black fruit.
2) fig (n) A figis a soft fruit with purple or green skin and a lot of seeds inside.
3) grapefruit (n) A grapefruitis a fruit with yellow skin that looks like an orange.
4) lime (n) A limeis a fruit with green skin that looks like a lemon.
5) mango (n) A mangois a tropical fruit with red or green skin that is yellow inside.
6) melon (n) A melonis a large round fruit with yellow or green skin and orange, green or white flesh inside.
7) peach (n) A peachis a fruit with furry yellowish-pink skin.
8) plum (n) A plumis a small round fruit with purple, red or yellow skin.
9) raspberry (n) A raspberryis a small soft red fruit that grows on a bush.
10) strawberry (n) A strawberryis a small soft red fruit with a lot of very small seeds on its skin.
1) bacon (n) Baconis meat from a pig that British people sometimes eat for breakfast.
2) chicken (n) Cobra tastes meaty – a bit like chicken.
3) lamb (n) Lambis the meat from a young sheep.
4) sausages (n) Sausagesconsist of a long thin tube of skin containing small pieces of meat.
5) turkey (n) Turkeyis white meat that is similar to chicken.
6) veal (n) Vealis the meat from a young cow.
1) aubergine (n) Auberginesare long vegetables with purple skin.
2) bean (n) There are many different types of beansincluding green beans and soya beans.
3) cabbage (n) A cabbageis a hard round vegetable with large green leaves.
4) carrot (n) A carrotis a long thin orange vegetable.
5) cauliflower (n) A caulifloweris a vegetable with a hard, round white part in the centre of green leaves.
6) celery (n) Celeryis a long thin green vegetable, usually eaten raw in salads.
7) courgette (n) A courgetteis a long vegetable with dark green skin that looks like a cucumber.
8) cucumber (n) A cucumberis a long thin vegetable with green skin and is white inside, often eaten in salads.
9) garlic (n) Garlicis a round white vegetable with strong flavour that is often added to food.
10) leek (n) A leekis a long thin vegetable that is white at one end with green leaves at the other.
11) lettuce (n) A lettuceis a vegetable with large thin green leaves, eaten raw in salads.
12) mushroom (n) A mushroomis grey or brown vegetable with a round top and a short stem.
13) olive (n) Olivesare small and black or green – they are eaten raw or used for their oil.
14) onion (n) An onionis a round vegetable with thin brown skin that tastes and smells very strong.
15) pepper (n) A pepperis a red, green or yellow vegetable with small white seeds inside.
16) radish (n) A radishis a small pink or purple vegetable, eaten raw in salads.
17) spinach (n) Spinachis a vegetable with dark green leaves that are cooked or eaten raw in salads.
1) antioxidant (n) Chocolate contains antioxidantswhich protect the body against cancer.
2) bake (v) When you bakesomething, you put it in the oven.
3) biscuit (n) I often have a cup of tea with a biscuitas a snack.
4) bottled (adj) A lot of people drink bottledwater nowadays.
5) bread (n) I usually have breadand jam for breakfast.
6) burger and chips (n) Kids love eating burgers and chips.
7) caffeine (n) Chocolate contains caffeine.
8) chocolate-covered (adj) Have you ever eaten chocolate-coveredpeanuts?
9) cocoa (n) White chocolate doesn’t contain any cocoa.
10) cooked (adj) Do you prefer raw or cookedvegetables?
11) crème caramel (n) Crème caramelis a sweet food made from cream, eggs and sugar.
12) crisp (n) Don’t eat too many crisps– they’re bad for you.
13) curry (n) Curryis a hot, spicy dish from India.
14) dark chocolate (n) Dark chocolateis healthier than milk chocolate.
15) deep-fry (v) When you deep-frysomething, you cook it in a lot of hot oil.
16) dish (n) Mark has tasted many unusual dishesfrom around the world.
17) draught (adj) Do you prefer bottled or draughtbeer?
18) fast food (n) Fast foodis food such as burgers and chips.
19) feast (n) Mark had a feastof insects when he was in Indonesia.
20) flavour (n) What’s your favourite ice-cream flavour?
21) fresh (adj) I prefer eating freshfish to frozen fish.
22) frozen (adj) I prefer eating fresh fish to frozenfish.
23) fry (v) When you frysomething, you cook it in hot oil.
24) main course(n) When Mark was in Indonesia he ate roasted cockroaches as a main course.
25) mild (adj) “Mild” is a word that means the opposite of “strong”.
26) milk chocolate (n) A lot of milk chocolatecontains very little cocoa.
27) mineral (n) Insects are a good source of protein and minerals.
28) over-cooked (adj) Vegetables that are over-cookeddon’t have much flavour.
29) peas (n) Peasare very small round green vegetables.
30) popcorn (n) I love eating popcornat the cinema.
31) protein (n) Insects are a good source of proteinand minerals.
32) raw (adj) Rawmeat or fish has not been cooked.
33) red(meat) (n) Beef is a type of red meat.
34) rice (n) Most Indian and Chinese dishes contain rice.
35) roast (v) When you roastsomething, you cover it with oil and cook it in the oven.
36) salted peanuts (n) Salted peanutsare crunchy and salty.
37) seafood(n) L obster and mussels are types of seafood.
38) strong(adj) D o you like strong, black coffee?
39) syrup (n) Chocolate syrupwas used for blood in the shower scene in Psycho.
40) tinned(adj) Tinnedfood is food that you buy in a tin.
41) tray dinner (n) O n Saturday we had a tray dinnerin front of the TV as a treat.
42) vitamin (n) Fruit and vegetables contain important vitamins.
43) weak (adj) I prefer my coffee weak, with lots of milk.
44) white (meat) (n) Chicken and turkey are types of white meat.
45) white chocolate (n) White chocolatedoesn’t contain any cocoa.
1) a bar of chocolate/soap
2) a bowl of fruit/sugar
3) a box of chocolates/matches
4) a bunch of bananas/flowers
5) a jar of honey/instant coffee
6) a packet of cigarettes/crisps
Taste and Texture
1) bitter (adj) Lemons have a bittertaste.
2) bland (adj) Something that is blanddoesn’t have much taste.
3) delicious (adj) Cobra is a little tough and chewy, but delicious.
4) disgusting (adj) Something that tastes disgustinghas a taste that you really dislike.
5) fishy (adj) “Does Cobra taste fishy?” “No, it tastes meaty.”
6) fruity (adj) There’s a rich liquid inside the cockroaches that tastes sweet and fruity.
7) meaty (adj) “Does Cobra taste fishy?” “No, it tastes meaty.”
8) revolting (adj) “Revolting” is a word that means the same as “disgusting”.
9) salty (adj) Somethingthat is salty tastes of salt.
10) spicy (adj) Curry is a hot, spicydish.
11) tasty (adj) Fried grasshoppers are really crisp and tasty.
1) chewy (adj) Cobra is a little tough and chewy, but delicious.
2) crisp (adj) Fried grasshoppers are really crispand tasty.
3) crunchy (adj) Roasted cockroaches are really crunchyon the outside.
4) dry (adj) Do you prefer dryor sweet wine?
5) greasy (adj) Something that tastes greasyhas been cooked in too much oil.
6) tough (adj) Something that is toughis difficult to chew.
Supplementary Reading
1. Read and translate the text:
Children of the Corn
A survey done this summer by Teenage Research Unlimited found that 35 percent of girls and 18 percent of boys thought being veggie was "in". Concern for animals is the leading reason kids give up eating meat.
In the last decade, animal-rights groups have made teenagers a prime target. At big rock concerts People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) shows stomach-turning footage of the worst slaughterhouses. Amy Kennedy, 20 of Philadelphia, vividly recalls seeing its videos three years ago. "I knew instantly that I would never eat meat again." Most veggies are indignant about factory-farming practices like debeaking chickens and clipping the tails off pigs.
Usually, moms and dads aren't too thrilled about their kids' vegetarianism. "It scares them," says Dr David Herzog of Massachusetts General Hospital. But getting enough protein – usually parents’ biggest fear – is not a problem. It is plentiful in the whole grains vegetarians are so fond of. iron and zinc are a more serious consideration, however, since they are most concentrated in animal flesh.
Most adolescent veggies have the same problems as their carnivorous peers: they like junk food. High school vegetarians, who complain about the limited options in their cafeterias, report that greasy cheese pizza and peanut butter sandwiches (both high in fat as well as protein) are their staples.
Giving up meat can sometimes be a warning sign of something more serious, like an eating disorder. Experts say many young women who suffer from anorexia start out as vegetarians.
Fortunately, most teen vegetarians face more mundane problems - like fitting into the family's eating routine. In the Ahkami household in southern California, mom Linda prepares two dinners most nights - one for her two vegetarian daughters, and another with meat for her husband. "It can be a nuisance," she admits.
Exercises on the text
1. Correct each of these statements:
1. Most teenagers stop eating meat because they are worried about their health.
2. At rock concerts, some animal-rights groups show videos of terrible diseases you can get from eating meat.
3. Most parents are worried that their children will not get enough vitamins if they are vegetarians.
4. Teenagers say there is a big selection of high quality vegetarian food in their school cafeteria.
5. Giving up meat is always a sign of a psychological problem.
6. Linda Ahkami cooks vegetarian food for the whole family every night.
2. Complete these sentences about yourself:
1. The reason that I eat a lot of________ is that ___________.
2. The kind of food I like best is ____________.
3. The first time I ate __________ , I ____________.
4. One reason people become vegetarians is that _______________.
5. One thing that I can’t eat is _______________.
6. The most unusual food I’ve ever eaten was ______________.
7. The thing I don’t like about (vegetarians/eating meat/modern farms) is that ______________.
3. Do you think it is wrong to kill animals for food? Why/why not? Is it more acceptable to eat fish and some types of meat than others? Is it wrong to kill animals for leather?
4. Do you agree with the vegetarians who avoid eating meat for health reasons? Why/why not?
1. Before listening the article “Chocolate Is Good For Your Heart” answer the question: “Are the items in the table healthy?” Rate them and share your ratings with your partner: 10 = Super healthy 1 = Will send you to an early grave. Change partners and share again.
2. Spend one minute writing down different words you associate with the word ‘heart’. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Make up sentences that will bring out the meaning of the words and word combinations.
3. Match the phrases from the article “Chocolate Is Good For Your Heart” you are going to listen to. Sometimes more than one choice is possible. Listen and check if you were right:
1) chocolate may |
2) This is fantastic news for |
3) They compared how much chocolate |
4) lower the risk |
5) dark chocolate was the healthiest |
6) at least one |
7) The risk of suffering a |
8) natural compounds in chocolate |
9) Buijsse warns people not to suddenly |
10) other high-calorie |
4. Listen to the article “Chocolate Is Good For Your Heart”. Decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F):
- The article says German chocolate is the healthiest in the world.
- A study looked at 20,000 people over an eight-year period.
- Researchers followed people who were on a chocolate diet.
- Researchers found white chocolate helped reduce heart attacks.
- Chocolate cut the chances of strokes more than heart attacks.
- Chemicals in chocolate called flavonols are not found in nature.
- The lead researcher warned people not to eat too much chocolate.
- The researcher suggested replacing sweets with chocolate.
5. Listen to the recording one more time and reproduce how the words below were used in the article:
1) carried
2) lovers
3) diet
4) bad
5) healthiest
6) milk
7) least
8) risk
9) blood
10) suddenly
11) gain
12) calorie
6. After listening write five GOOD questions about chocolate in the table. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers: