Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the

Chimney-piece was an old copy of Lawrence's portrait of Kemble as Hamlet.

On a small table was a pile of typescript plays.

The room was surrounded by bookshelves under which were cupboards, and

From one of these Julia took a bundle of her latest photographs. She handed

One to the young man.

"This one is not so bad."

"It's lovely."

"Then it can't be as like me as I thought."

"But it is. It's exactly like you."

Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru

She gave him another sort of smile, just a trifle roguish (она улыбнулась ему по-

другому, слегка лукавой улыбкой; trifle — немного, слегка, чуть-чуть, a trifle

— пустяк, мелочь, безделица) she lowered her eyelids for a second (она на

секунду прикрыла: «опустила» веки) and then raising them (и затем взмахнув

ими: «поняв их») gazed at him for a little (смотрела на него в упор несколько

секунд; to gaze — пристально глядеть, глазеть, уставиться) with that soft

expression (с тем мягким выражением) that people described as her velvet look

(который /люди/ описывали как ее бархатный взгляд). She had no object in

doing this (она не преследовала никакой цели, смотря так: «делая это»; object

— предмет, объект, конечная цель, намерение). She did it, if not mechanically

(она смотрела так, если и не машинально), from an instinctive desire to please

(/то/ с инстинктивным желанием нравиться). The boy was so young, so shy

(юноша был так молод, так застенчив), he looked as if he had such a nice nature

(он, казалось, был такой добродушный: «он выглядел, как если бы у него был

такой хороший характер»), and she would never see him again (и она больше

никогда не увидит его снова), she wanted him to have his money's worth (она

так хотела, чтобы он получил что-то действительно ценное: «достойное его

затрат»; money's-worth — что-то имеющее реальную ценность); she wanted

him to look back on this (она хотела, чтобы он вспоминал эту встречу: «это»)

as one of the great moments of his life (как один из величайших моментов в

своей жизни). She glanced at the photograph again (она снова взглянула на

фотографию). She liked to think she looked like that (ей нравилось думать, что

она /действительно/ выглядела так). The photographer had so posed her

(фотограф расположил ее в такой позе; to pose — ставить в определенную

позу; позировать, рисоваться), with her help (с ее помощью), as to show her at

her best (что она представала в лучшем свете: «чтобы показать ее с лучшей

стороны»). Her nose was slightly thick (ее нос был слегка толстоват; slightly —

слегка, едва, чуть-чуть), but he had managed (но ему удалось) by his lighting (с

помощью /его/ освещения) to make it look very delicate (заставить выглядеть

Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru Which were signed photographs of George V and Queen Mary. Over the - student2.ru

его тонким: «изящным»), not a wrinkle (ни единая морщинка) marred the

smoothness of her skin (не портила гладкость ее кожи; to mar — повреждать,

искажать), and there was a melting look in her fine eyes (и /был/

нежный/мягкий взгляд в ее прекрасных глазах; to melt — таять; плавиться).

trifle ['traIf(q)l] roguish ['rqVgIS] object ['ObdZ ekt, -Ikt| ]

mechanically [mI'kxnIk(q)lI] desire [dI'zaIq] lighting ['laItIN]

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