Complete the following sentences in appropriate ways, using one word for each blank space

1. Please _____ us a rate for the insurance against all risks, warehouse to warehouse, of a shipment of 20 (twenty) containers.

2. The Contractor agrees that it shall _____ the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates, agents, employees, directors, officers, vessels and insurers against all claims, demands and actions of any nature.

3. During the delivery of the cargo in lighters, barges and other delivering vessels Ingosstrakh bears _____ only if the use of such vessels is common according to the local conditions.

4. Lloyd’s is not an _____ company, but an international insurance market consisting of over 260 approved insurance brokers’ firms and more than 20,000 _____.

5. All insurance policies required of the Contractor under this contract shall contain endorsements that the underwriters will have no rights to sue, recover, claim and/ or _____ any loss and/ or damages of any nature for any reason against the Operator.

6. We wish to renew our _____ policy No. 34 on the same terms as before, to cover consignments of textile machinery.

7. We forward two _____ forms, duly completed, for shipments to Bombay and Melbourne _____.

8. Insurance Policy to be issued _____ the name of the Buyers _____ 70 per cent of the cif value of the goods.

9. Under insurance contracts concluded in accordance with these Rules are _____ losses arising from fortuitous accidents and _____ of the carriage.

10. Claims not payable if amounting _____ 0.5 per cent of the insured value or to 10 pounds sterling, _____ is the lesser sum.

11. We opened the cases and contacted the Lloyd’s _____ in Barcelona.

12. The Organiser agrees to _____ the Sponsor in the event of any circumstances which may arise which may result in a claim under the insurance policies and shall not settle any such claim without _____ written approval of the Sponsor.





¨ What type of transport is the cheapest?

¨ What transport is the best to carry bulk goods? Why?

¨ What new traits are specific for today’s transportation?

¨ How important is transport as a major service to business?

Transportation, being a service to business, plays a very important role as large amounts of merchandise are transported between different countries by sea, air, rail, and road.

Road transport is comparatively cheaper, but takes much time. In recent years haulage (trucking) has greatly increased offering faster services and modern facilities. Carriage by rail is faster. This type is preferred when transporting perishable or bulk goods. Air transport is used for speed and is consistently increasing as it is undoubtedly the best method for carrying certain types of goods. Its disadvantages are numerous and obvious.

Most traditional type of transport, i.e. by sea, has many limitations, being a very complicated business. Parties to that service have to observe a lot of rules and regulations that have been piled up for years.

In recent years modern types of transport have greatly encouraged the use of containers, which provide speedy, safe, and relatively inexpensive door-to-door deliveries, and are becoming more and more popular with exporters alike.


LETTER 1 (Advice of dispatch and packing particulars)

September 17, 20…

Dear Sirs

We advise you that the consignment you ordered last month was dispatched on September 15 and is to arrive within two weeks.

The engine parts have been wrapped in waterproof greased paper and packed into standard crates suitable for the type of equipment to be delivered.

Units have been packed separately into boxes attached to the inside of each crate. Lifting hooks are provided at four points. Please note that these crates are non-returnable.

The generators have been bolted into specially made crates and surrounded by hard padding.

For each crate the sum of $20 is charged. The amount is repayable if you return crates in reasonable condition.

Faithfully yours

A. Claws

Andrew Claws

LETTER 2 (Advice of dispatch)

March 30, 20…

Dear Sirs

We acknowledge receipt of your confirmation that your consignment should be sent by ferry and rail, and we have accordingly shipped the 2 lb. tins in 10 crates, each crate containing 6 strong cardboard cartons, which in turn contain 24 tins each. The 4 lb. tins are in further 10 crates, each carton containing 12 tins. Gross weight of each crate is 6 cwt. Marking: ... ... ... ... ...

We trust the consignment arrives safely.

Yours faithfully

S. Andersen

S. Andersen

LETTER 3 (Details of packing)

Monsieur J. LELOT

Service des Achats


191, av Halévy

69002 LYON CEDEX 02


Dear Mr. J. Lelot

We are pleased to confirm your order enclosed with your letter of 5th June 20… .

The goods will be forwarded packed in special cases so as to avoid damage in transit according to your instructions, delivery by refrigerated lorry to your Leeds warehouse. A copy of the waybill will be sent to you within a week. The special shockproof packing will be charged at ?2 per package. Pallets will be charged at cost.

We are sure you will find our packing excellently suited to your requirements.

Sincerely yours

T. Collins

T. Collins

LETTER 4 (Details of transportation)

April 8, 20…

Dear Sirs

As you requested in your letter dated 4th April, we are sending 200 crates by rail to Boulogne where our agent will personally supervise loading on board the Boulogne – Folkestone ferry.

We would remind you that these new boxes must not under any circumstances be stored in an enclosed space or near a heat source. Please acknowledge receipt of the goods immediately by fax.

Faithfully yours



LETTER 5 (Shipment of short-shipped goods)

May 19, 20…

Dear Sirs

Your Order No. 2345

We received your letter of 12th May concerning the above order. We regret that you did not receive the full consignment of cutlery.

Our forwarding agents have informed us that the crates (Nos. 27-29) were left behind on the wharf in the port of shipment. They are arranging for the dispatch of the three crates short-shipped on board the M.V. Marine Star which is due to arrive in Marseilles on the 2nd June. The dispatch will be franco domicile, with duty paid.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the short-shipment, which was due to circumstances beyond our control. We shall contact our agents and the port authorities to prevent delays occurring in this way in the future.

Yours faithfully



LETTER 6 (Consequences of non-compliance with packing instructions)

August 9, 20…

Dear Sirs

Your Order No. 024875

We received your letter of August 3 yesterday. We regret very much the damage caused to the four crates. We are very concerned to hear that your packing instructions were not carried out.

We have been in touch with our packers and we have asked them to send a detailed report. We have no explanation to offer yet, but will give a full account as soon as we can.

In the meantime, we have arranged for the dispatch of four replacement crates, and we have asked our packers to carry out the packing instructions carefully.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the error. We shall ensure that similar mistakes do not occur again.

Faithfully yours,




See LETTER 5 …in the future… - в будущем

Как правило, в современном английском языке выражение «in the future» используется в конце предложения, в то время как в начале предложения и в середине в этом выражении определенный артикль отсутствует – «in future».

haulage перевозка; транспортировка; буксировка SYN: trucking
perishable goods скоропортящиеся товары или грузы SYN: perishables
bulk goods насыпные, наливные или навалочные грузы SYN: bulk cargo; bulk freight
greased paper промасленная бумага ♦ grease-proof paper – восковая бумага
non-returnable не подлежащий возврату
to bolt скреплять болтами
padding набивка; набивочный материал
repayable подлежащий возмещению; выплачиваемый; погашаемый
cwt. центнер от англ. hundredweight
shockproof packing   противоударная упаковка SYN: shock-resistant
pallet тех. паллет; поддон
to charge at cost взыскивать по себестоимости
enclosed space закрытое помещение
cutlery ножевой товар; ножевые изделия
wharf причал; пристань
short-shipped неотгруженный; недопоставленный
franco domicile франко место назначения

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