To write, to think, to study, to look for, to play, to learn, to work, to live, to wait

3. Задайте вопросы и ответьте на них, работая в парах. Используйте Present Perfect Continuous или Present Perfect и соответствующие обстоятельства времени.

How long...

A: How long have you been using computer?

B: For about 10–12 years, I think.

1. use / personal computer?

2. use / a mobile phone?

3. live / your current address?

4. study / at the University?

5. learn / English?

6. know / Mary?

7. be married / the Smiths?

4. Проанализируйте изложенную ситуацию и составьте предложение о том, что произошло или происходит, используя слова, данные в скобках. Используйте Present Perfect Continuous, где это возможно. В остальных случаях используйте Present Perfect.


Bob is walking on the golf course (поле для гольфа). He is wearing golfing shoes and carrying a set of golf clubs (клюшки для гольфа). He started his game three hours ago.

(play/for) He has been playing golf for three hours.

1. It is 11 p. m. and Stephen is sitting in the library. He has a book on philosophy open on the table and is writing notes in an exercise book. He came to the library at 5 p. m. – study / for

2. Delia is putting on her coat at the health centre, preparing to go home. Her shift began at 9 a. m. – work / since

3. Sally is in the gym. She is on the rowing machine (гребной тренажер) and still has ten minutes before she finishes her routine. She started rowing twenty minutes ago. – row / for

4. Phyllis is in the bathroom putting on her make-up. It is 8.30. She started half an hour ago. – put on / for

5. John Smith is on his way to work. He is stuck in a big traffic jam. He left home at 7.00. – drive / since

6. Andrew is Professor of Electronic Engineering. He was made a professor in 2005. – be / since

7. Diego is a prize-winning skater. He began participating in the local ice-dance competition seven years ago. – compete / for

8. Diego won the first prize four years ago and has won it each year since then. – win / for

9. Mary Ross started farming when she was 25. She is now 30. She is still
a farmer. – farm / for

10. Mr Patterson is having a meeting with his staff at Gargantuan Games. He called the meeting at 2.00 and it is now 4.15. – have a meeting / for

5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous или Present Continuous.

1. This student (lose) his book. He (look for) it everywhere but can't find it.

2. I (not/see) him since he left for the United States.

3. Where you (be)? We (wait) for you for 2 hours.

4. Look! Someone (break) the cup.

5. The student (write) a report since early morning, she (write) only a half of it and (think) over the second half.

6. I (want) for a long time to give you a present.

7. You look tired. You (work) hard?

8. The girl (speak) over the phone too long, it's high time to stop talking.

9. It (rain) the whole week and still (rain). It (not/stop) yet.

10. The secretary (make) several mistakes while typing as she (chatter) all the time.

11. Our lecturer is a well-known scientist. He (write) several monographs.

12. I (read) still your book but (not/finish) it yet.

13. The water is everywhere because Linda (wash) the dog.

14. Helen (put on) her coat and is about to leave.

Прочитайте электронное сообщение и вставьте наиболее подходящие формы глаголов. Используйте сокращенные формы.

Hi Kerry!

This is a quick message to tell you the news. I've just discovered (just / discover) the truth about Stan. He (1)… (see) Lynne for months and he (2)… (never say) a word about it to me! Every time I (3)… (ask) him, he (4)… (tell) me he doesn't know her very well. What a liar! I'm ashamed because I (5)… (be) so trusting! All this time we (6)… (go out) together, he (7)… (cheat) on me!

I (8)… (speak) to him about it and I (9)… (give) him back all his CDs and the ring he gave me. I (10)… (always / hate) this girl Lynne. I don't know why he likes her. She (11)… (go out) with every boy in my class!

How are you? I hope Tim isn't like Stan!

See you around,


Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Я работаю в университете с прошлого года.

2. Как давно этот исследователь изучает данную проблему?

3. Они ищут ключ от лаборатории уже полчаса, но до сих пор не нашли его.

4. Как давно вы пишете курсовую работу? Сколько страниц вы уже написали?

5. Этот человек изучает английский в течение 3 месяцев, но уже достиг значительных успехов.

6. Мы ждем автобус уже полчаса.

7. Снег идет с утра.

8. Вы давно здесь сидите?

The Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Прошедшее совершенное продолженное время

Утвердительная форма прошедшего совершенного продолженного времени образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в прошедшем совершенном времени (had been) и причастия настоящего времени (Participle I) смыслового глагола:

I had been working till late in the evening yesterday. – Вчера я работал до позднего вечера.

Для образования вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол hadставится перед подлежащим, а остальная часть временной формы – после подлежащего:

Had you been working till late in the evening yesterday? – Вы работали вчера до позднего вечера?

Для образования отрицательной формы после вспомогательного глагола hadставится отрицательная частица not:

I had not been working till late in the evening yesterday. – Я не работал вчера до позднего вечера.

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