А.3.2 Тренировочные упражнения

Aa [æ] bag, dad, Alice, Ann, Hans, can, camp, act, as, rabbit, family, fat, granddad, grandparents, animal, hat, cap, black, jacket, hands, pants, carrot, rabbit, apple, fat, jam, bag, blackboard, Maths, Saturday

ee; ea [i:] thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, meet, green, please, we, tea, teacher, eat, seat, she, geese, tea, please, meal, meat, peace, cheese, cream, reading, season, clean, please

Ii; Ee [ɪ] in, it, Italy, England

Ee; ea [e] pet, pencil, seven, friend, penfriend, ten, twenty, seven, eleven, twelve, dress, desk, secretary, sweater, head, egg, lemon, bread

Uu; Oo; ou [ʌ] run, ugly, under, uncle, husband, cousin, mother, son, mum, drum, summer, Sunday, Monday, sum, lunch, some, onion, supper, butter, color, under, umbrella

Aa; ar [a:] park, garden, France, carpet, arm, armchair, father, aunt, dark, car, farm, scarf

ir; er [ɜ:] girl, bird, birthday, her, Germany, shirt, skirt

Aa; Oo [ɒ] watch, hop, cock, copy, not, dog, got, hobby, robot, coffee, orange, holidays

Oo; or; ou; al [ɔː] door, short, sport, four, floor, walk, talk, corn, or, salt

Aa [eɪ] take, Kate, name, Spain, table, favorite, game, plane

ear [ɪə] clear, near, hear, here, ear

air; eir; ere; ear [eə] chair, their, there, bear, where, wear

Cc [k] cat, cold, can, cricket, clown

Ch [tʃ] chair, teacher, chess, kitchen

ing [ŋ] spring, playing, painting, flying, reading, watching; swimming, wearing, acting, writing, riding, flying, going, washing, having, eating, making, doing, climbing

oo; ue; ui; oe; Oo [u:] school, cartoon, balloon, blue, shoes, soon, school, who, whose, boots, pool, soup, juice

Uu; ou [ju:] music, computer, you

Xx [ks] box, Max, next

th [θ] three, thanks, bathroom

Ii; Yy [aɪ] nine, fly, climb

oy; oi [ɒɪ] toy, boy, noise

ou [aʊ] count, house, blouse, trousers

Uu; ue; ui [ju:] music, Tuesday, suit

wh [h] who, whose.

ear; air; eir [eə] wear, bear, chair, heir, pair

Cc; sh; ch [ʃ] she, shoe, fish, sugar, Chicago

A.3.3 Чтение гласных в разных типах слогов

Гласные 1 тип 2 тип 3 тип 4 тип
a [eɪ] late [æ] back [a:] party [ɛə] care
i [aɪ] time [ɪ] big [ə:] girl [aɪə] fire
e [i:] he [e] bed [ə:] her [ɪə] here
o [oʊ] go [ɒ] got [ɔː] port [ɔː] more
u [ju:] tube [ʌ] but [ə:] turn [juə] pure
y [aɪ] my [ɪ] myth [ə:] myrtle (мирт) [aɪə] lure

A a

1 тип [eɪ] 2 тип [æ] 3 тип [a:] 4 тип [ɛə]
game face fate hate lake name glad back active angry bank damp party hard art army arms car care hare bare fare rare ware

E e

1 тип [i:] 2 тип [e] 3 тип [ə:] 4 тип [ɪə]
be we week tree sheep see bed bench best desk end chess her serve perfect vertical fertile ferment here mere hero period periodic serious


1 тип [aɪ] 2 тип [ɪ] 3 тип [ə:] 4 тип [aɪə]
I time climate price life bring big distance drink pity girl bird dirty first birthday fire hire tire mire wire


1 тип [ju:] 2 тип [ʌ] 3 тип [ə:] 4 тип [jʊə]
duty student suit tulip union constitution cup bucket bus but butter club turn further turner church curly surfa[ɪ]ce During Curiosity Cure Cureless Furious Durability стойкость

O o

1 тип [oʊ] 2 тип [ɒ] 3 тип [ɔː] 4 тип [ɔː]
go no bone vote home rose box boxing cost concert doctor doll border for corner form fork morning sore fore forecast more forum core


[u:] [ʊ] [ʌ] все, что течет и изменяется
Too Boot Cool Fool Booth Choose Roof Spoon zoo Book Foot Wool Look Wood Woodwork Hook Cook cookery Blood Bloody Bloodless Blood-donor Flood Flooding Flood-gate Flood-tide

a+l,ll [ɔːl]

All Ball Call fall Tall Hall Wall small Always Also Already almast

au [ɔː]

autumn fault august faulk [bɔːk] мешает autograph auto paul audience bauble [bɔːbl] пустяк authority   author autobiography daughter bauxite [‘bɔːksaɪt] боксит autobahn

aw [ɔː]

draw Awe [ɔː] благоговейный страх awkward   awful awe-struck [ɔːstrʌk] пораженный bawbee [bɔː’biː] полпени bawdy-house [ˈbɔːdɪhaʊs] дом (плохой)   awning [ˈɔːnɪŋ] навес, тент awl [ɔːl] шило


Before e, i, y

[k] [s]
active actor dictation ethnic balcony coal collect cold decorate cake courage discuss education heroic central December exceptional exercise office century decide force palace city circus ice piece silence

ai,ay [eɪ]

rain paint main mail afraid again grain against day may play way say player tray day-tock

igh [aɪ]

night light fight high sight highway right righteous [ˈraɪtʃəs] праведный, справедливый.

ck [k]

black back clock jacket nickel ticket pick pocket sock stocking thick neck

ch [tʃ]

chair check cherry rich choose detachment отряд teacher teach branch kitchen lunch much

sh [ʃ]

ship shop brush fresh wash сrush дробить (ие) British finish shirt fish sheep wish




1) A black fat cat sat on a mat

And ate a fat rat.

2) That's the man who sat on my hat in the tram.

3) If you Sandy, have two candies

Give one candy to Andy, Sandy.

If you, Andy, have two candies

Give one candy to Sandy, Andy.

4) Fat man.

That fat man.

That fat man with a black hat.

That fat man with a black hat in his hand.

That fat man with a black hat in his hand sat on a tram.

That fat man with a black hat in his hand sat on a tram was not my dad.

5) Ну, почему считает папа,

Что все медведи косолапы?

Нет, мой медведь не косолап,

Я спросил его «Stand up!»

Он встал на две кривые лапы,

- Садись. – «Sit down», -

Прав мой папа.

6) This is a cat,

She looks for a rat,

Her name is Pete,

She likes to eat.

Ee; ea [e]

1) Let him go to bed.

2) Every day in every way.

3) The weather is getting better and better.

4) East or West home best.

5) Health is above wealth.

6) All is well that ends well.

8) Ted.

Ted went.

Ted went with ten healthy men.

Ted went with ten healthy men to Exeter.

Ted went with ten healthy men to Exeter, Nelly met them.

Yes, when Ted went with ten healthy men to Exeter, Nelly met them at the end of the street.

9) Two heads are better than one.

Uu; Oo; ough; ou [Λ]

1) Such a fine day, you are lucky.

2) You must.

You must come.

You must come by bus.

You must come by bus and see us.

You must come by bus to see us in London on Sunday.

Best for fun you must come by bus to see us in London on Sunday.

3) Solomon Grundy

Born on a Monday,

Christened on Tuesday,

Married on Wednesday,

Took ill on Thursday,

Grew worse on Friday,

Died on Saturday,

Buried on Sunday.

This is the end

Of Solomon Grundy

4) Little Jack Horner sat in a corner,

Eating his Christmas pie.

He put in his thumb,

And he pulled out a plum,

And said: «What a good boy am I!»

5) Take some money,

Buy some honey.

6) Вот автобус. It’s a bus.

Я ждал его почти что час.

7) This is a monkey,

He is on a donkey

His name Pride,

He likes to ride.

8) Tiger and Bunny

Have a lot of money

They go to the store

For carrot and honey.

or; er [∂:]

1) Peter is afraid of the doctor.

2) The concert performance.

The concert performance of the Bulgarian singer.

The concert was different.

The concert performance of the Bulgarian singer was different and much better.

The concert performance of the Bulgarian singer was different and much better than I expected.

3) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

4) If you ever, ever, ever

Meet a grizzly-bear,

You must never, never, never

Ask him where he is going, or what he is doing.

If you ever, ever dare

To stop a grizzly-bear,

You will never meet

Another grizzly-bear.

Ea; ee; ie; ea; [i:]

1) Please, believe me. Please, leave me in peace.

2) Seeing is believing.

3) A friend in need is a friend indeed.

4) I see a bee in a tree.

5) I see Pete in the street.

6) I like tea and meat.

7) Seek.

Seek a free seat.

Do you agree to seek a free seat?

Do you agree to seek a free seat and keep it for me?

Do you agreeto seek a freeseat and keep it for me, please?

8) Hector Protector was dressed all in a green;

Hector Protector was sent to the Queen.

The Queen did not like him,

No more did the King;

So Hector Protector was sent back again.

9) Green color, red color

Я в краски кисточки макаю.

10) Медведь -лежебока зимой сладко спит,

И снится медведю конфетка –a sweet.

Мохнатому Мишке, наверное редко,

В лесу удается отведать конфетку.

11) Жил-был на свете маленький слоник,

Он по утрам говорил всем: «Good Morning!»

Солнечный зайчик смеялся в ответ:

«Доброе утро! Привет!»

12) Шел англичанин мне навстречу,

И вдруг я слышу: «Добрый вечер!».

- Good evening.- Я ему ответил,

И вечер стал как утро светел.

13) К моим ресничкам сон прилип, -

Вот-вот засну – I want to sleep,-

Я тру глаза и сон гоню,

Но я уже почти что сплю.

Как рано сон ко мне прилип,

Я спать хочу – I want to sleep.

14) Скворчиху-мать, отца - скворца

Скворчoнок просит без конца,

С утра до ночи он кричит:

«Я есть хочу –I want to eat

Tweet - tweet, tweet – tweet».

Ii[i]; Ee [i:]

1) It’s a pity that little Kitty lives in a big city.

2) Six little kittens lost their mittens.

3) It’s a pity, they were so pretty.

4) It’s the limit.

William is quick-witted.

Live and learn.

5) My sister. My sister and Tim. My sister and Tim will visit Jim who lives in a big city. My sister and Tim will visit Jim who lives in a big city, and they will eat fish.

6) Everything is good in its season.

7) Speaking is silver but silence is gold.

8) Still waters run deep.

9) Be slow to promise and quick to perform.

10) To buy a pig in the pocket.

11) Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey,

Twere came a big spider,

Who sat down behind her,

And frightened Miss Muffet again.

12) Jack and Jill went up to hill

To fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown

And Jill came tumbling after.

13) Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

14) If a thing is once begun

Never leave it

Till it`s done.

ur; or; ir; er; ear [∂i]

1) The work shows the workman.

3) A little girl with a pretty curl.

4) I observed.

I observed an absurd person.

I observed an absurd person and I heard her.

I observed an absurd person and I heard her recite the verses.

When I returned I observed the absurd person and I heard her recite the verses.

5) Это птичка. It’s a bird.

Она семечки клюет.

6) Вот девочка. It’s a girl.

Я в гости к вам её привел.

Oo; Aa; all; aer; or; aw; au; augh; oor; our [ɔ:]

1) The hall is on the fourth floor.

2) New lords - new laws.

3 It's not.

It's not my fault.

It's not my fault that she called.

It's not my fault that she called Paul's daughter.

It's not my fault that she called Paul's daughter who played with a ballin the hall.

4) All is well that ends well.

5) The more we study, the more we know.

The more we know, the more we forget.

The more we forget, the less we know.

The less we know, the less we forget.

The less we forget, the more we know.

So, why study?

6) Draw, draw, draw –

Нарисуй скорей ведро.

7) One, two, three, four,

Mary at the cottage door.

Five, six, seven, eight,

Eating cherries off a plate.

8) Жил-был на свете маленький слоник

Он по утрам говорил всем: «Good Morning»

Солнечный зайчик смеялся в ответ:

«Доброе утро! Привет!»

Oo; Aa [o]

1) Rod often goes into a hot water.

2) A watched pot never boils.

3) Honesty is the best policy.

4) Tom and his dog went to the pond.

5) On a hot day.

On a hot day I went to read.

On a hot Day I want to read a novel.

On a hot day I want to read a novel by Walter Scott.

On a hot day I went to read a novel by Walter Scott and drink a lot cold water.

6) A small pot is soon hot.

7) A watched kettle never boils.

8) Make a long story short.

9) Every cook praises his own broth.

10) Doctor Foster went to Gloucester

In a shower of rain.

He stepped into puddle,

Right up to his middle,

And never went there again.

11) Lucy Locket lost her pocket,

Kitty Fisher found it;

Not a penny was there in it,

Only ribbon round it.

12) This is a fox,

She looks at a box,

She makes a plan,

To catch a hen.

13) A big fox

Lives in a box.

And the rabbit.

Has a bad habit.

He comes near the box.

14) Шли мы рядышком с тобой:

Я –a girl, а ты- a boy.

Мальчик рядом с девочкой,

Таня рядом с Севочкой.

Uu; Oo; Wh; ue; oul [ u: ]

1) Too good to be true.

2) Two.

Twoof you.

Two of you admired the moon.

Two of you admired the moon in June.

It’s true that two of you admired the moon in June.

3) He took the book to school.

4) The cook took a good look at the cookery book.

5) A good beginning makes a good ending.

6) Look.

Look at the cook.

Look at the cook, she would put the pudding on the table.

Look at the cook, she would put the pudding on the table if she could.

Aa; ar; ea; ough; au; augh; al;ear [ a: ]

1) Far from eyes - far from heart.

2) It’s enough to make a cat laugh.

3) I can't.

I can't laugh.

I can't laugh and dance.

I can't laugh and dance in grass.

I can't laugh and dance in grass in my aunt`s garden after dark.

4) He laughs best who laughs last.

5) A barking dog seldom bites.

6) The dogs bark but the caravan goes on.

7)This is a dog,

He growls as a frog,

His name is Mark,

He likes to bark.

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