Возвратные местоимения (Reflexive Pronouns)

Возвратные местоимения обычно употребляются после глаголов и соответствуют окончанию -ся(сокращенное «себя») русских возвратных глаголов: e.g. умываться.

Личные местоимения Возвратные местоимения
I–я myself
You – ты, Вы youself / yourselves
He– он himself
She –она herself
It –он, оно, она для неодуш. сущ-ных в ед. ч. itself
We –мы ourselves
They– они themselves
  e.g. I wash myselfevery morning. – Я умываюсь каждое утро. You must ask yourselfabout it. – Ты должен спросить самоб этом. He wrote it himself. –Он написал это сам.

Exercise 10. Заполните пропуски подходящим возвратным местоимением.

1. It is easy to translate this text. I can do it myself .

2. My brother is only three years old. But he can wash and dress _________.

3. ‘Who made such a beautiful dress?’ ‘I have made it _________ .’

4. He _________ can’t believe that he took the first place.

5. You can make a cup of coffee for _________.

6. Don’t worry about us. We can take care of _________ .

7. ‘Who told you they got married?’ ‘Helen _________ .’

8. The taxi didn’t come and we had to carry our heavy luggage _________ .

9. She looked at _________ in the mirror.

10. She learnt English _________ .

11. This knife is very sharp. Don’t cut _________ .

12. The play _________ was interesting but the acting was poor.

Exercise 11.Заполните пропуски подходящим личным или возвратным местоимением.

1. He is very selfish. He only thinks of himself .

2. Look behind_________ !

3. It was so dark that we could hardly see anything in front of _________ .

4. The children hurt _________ while playing.

5. I don’t like anybody to do my work instead of _________ .

6. It’s cold. Close the door behind _________ .

7. I always keep my dictionary in front of _________ on my desk.

8. My brother cut _________ while he was shaving.


3.1. Неопределенные местоимения some/ any и их производные (Some / Any and their Derivatives)

Неопределенные местоимения some, any обозначают некоторое количество и употребляются как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчиляемыми существительными.

SOME употребляется в утвердительное предложении (+).

1. Some(несколько) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе: e.g. There are some lemons on the plate.

2. Some(немного, некоторое количество)употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными: e.g. There is some milk in the cup.

3. Some(немного) употребляется в вопросительных предложениях, если это просьба или предложение: e.g. Can I have some milk? Would you like somecakes?


somewhere–куда-нибудь: e.g. I’d like to go somewhere on Sunday.

somebody, someone– кто-то, кто-нибудь: e.g. There’s somebody at the door. Please come and see.

something –что-нибудь: e.g. I’d like somethingto eat.

Anyупотребляетсяв вопросительном предложении (?).

1. Any(какие-либо, какие-нибудь) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе: e.g. Are there any lemons on the plate?

2. Any(сколько-нибудь)употребляется снеисчисляемыми существительными: e.g. Is there any milkin the cup?


anywhere (куда-нибудь): e.g.Would you like to go anywhere on Sunday?

anybody, anyone(кто-то, кто-нибудь): e.g. Is there anybodyin the room?

anything(что-нибудь): e.g. Do you see anythingon the table?

Anyупотребляется в отрицательном предложении (-).

Not any(никакие)= no:e.g. There aren’t anybooks on the table. = There are nobooks on the table.


not anything (ничего): e.g. I don’t seeanythingon the table.

not anybody / anyone(никого): e.g. I don’t see anybodyin the room.

Exercise 1. Вставьте some или any.

1. Are there ___ pictures in this book?

2. They didn’t bring ___ books from the library.

3. Can I have ____ milk in my coffee?

4. Would you like ____ sugar in your tea?

5. Are there ____ glasses on the table?

6. There are ____ trees in my garden, but there aren’t ____ flowers.

7. I bought ____ books and ____ magazines yesterday.

Exercise 2. Вставьте a, an, some или any.

1. I have a brother, but I don’t have any sisters.

2. There are _____ letters on the desk.

3. Can I have _____ Coke, please?

4. Would the children like ____ apple?

5. Is there _____ milk in the fridge?

6. We’d like _____ fruit for dessert.

7. I’d like _____ strawberries, please.

8. There isn’t _____ art gallery in this town.

9. Would you like _____ sugar in your coffee?

10. There aren’t _____ plates in the cupboard.

11. I can’t find _____ mushrooms in the kitchen.

12. He’s thirsty. He’d like _____ beer.

Exercise 3. Вставьте some или any + body/thing/where.

1. There’s ___ at the door. Please go and see.

2. Does ___ mind if I open the window?

3. ‘Do you live ____ near Ann?’ – ‘No, she lives very far from me.’

4. You must be very hungry. Would you like ___t o eat?

5. I put my dictionary ___ yesterday. I can’t find it ___ .

6. We couldn’t go ___ last year.

7. Where are my keys? I don’t see them ___ .

8. ‘Is ___ at home?’ – ‘Come in, please’.

3.2. Неопределенные местоимения much /many /a lot /lots of /(a) few /(a) little

Неопределенные местоимения much / many / a lot / lots of, (a)few / (a)little выражают неопределенное количество и употребляются с исчисляемымии неисчисляемыми существительными: pens, boys, cars, friends,money, milk, water, sugar, etc.

1. Сисчисляемыми существительными употребляются:

Many(много): cars, books, friends в отрицательных (-) и вопросительных предложениях (?): e.g There aren’t manycars in the street. Are there manycars in the street?

How many?(Cколько?)в вопросительных предложениях (?): e.g.How manycars, friends, boys etc.

A few(несколько, немного) / few(мало) употребляются в утвердительных (+), отрицательных (-), вопросительных (?) предложениях: e.g. There are a feworanges left. There are so few old buildingsin the town.

2. C неисчисляемыми существительными употребляются:

Much(много): milk, coffee, time отрицательных (-) и вопросительных предложениях (?): e.g. Is there muchmilk in the bottle? There isn’t muchmilk in the bottle.

How much? (Сколько?) в вопросительных предложениях (?): e.g. How much milk, money, etc.

A little(немного) /little(мало)употребляютсяв утвердительных (+), отрицательных (-), вопросительных (?) предложениях: e.g. They have a littlemoney, so they aren’t poor. They have littlemoney. They are poor.

3.C исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными употребляются:

A lot of / lots of(много): money, boys, milk, cars – в утвердительных предложениях (+):e.g. There are a lot of / lots ofcars in the street. There is a lot of /lots ofmilk in the bottle.

  Исчисляемые существительные Неисчисляемые существительные
утвердительные a lot of / lots of a lot of / lots of
вопросительные many much
отрицательные many much
утвердтительные (a) few (a) little

Exercise 4. Вставьте much или many.

1.How….much……wine? 2. How ……............ children? 3. How …………….. shops? 4. How …………….. pencils? 5. How ……………… water? 6. How ……………… jam? 7. How ……………… cars? 8. How …………… ... bread? 9. How …………...... apples? 10. How …………. glasses? 11. How …………. records? 12. How …………. money? 13. How ………… books? 14. How ………… tea? 15. How ………… cheese? 16. How ……….. honey? 17. How ……….. people? 18. How ……….. students?

Exercise 5. Закончите диалог. Вставьте much или many.

Aina: How much coffee do you drink a day?

Jesus: How ……. cups do I drink every day? I don’t drink ….. coffee. Maybe one cup in the mornig. That’s all. And you?

Aina:Same here. I don’t have …… hot drinks in a day. I prefer mineral water.

Jesus:Do you know ……… people here?

Aina:No, I don’t. I know only Philip and Yumi, but I haven’t spent ……. time here. Jesus, how …… classes do you have this afternoon?

Jesus:None. And I don’t have ……. homework, I’m free.

Aina:Me, too. Let’s go to the cinema.


Exercise 6. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Have you got ….A……. friends?

A) many B) much C) a lot of

2. There are ………. people in the room.

A) much B) a little C) a lot of

3. How ………. oranges are there on the table?

A) many B) a few C) much

4. Can I have ………. sugar, please?

A) a few B) a little C) little

5. How ………. money has Fred got?

A) many B) little C) much

6. There are ……. monkeys at the Zoo.

A) much B) a few C) a little

7. There are …….. chairs in the room.

A) a little B) much C) a few

8. We are late. We have very ……… time!

A) little B) few C) many

Exercise 7. Вставьте a few, (a) little, much, many, a lot of.

1. Please don’t put ____ pepper in the meat.

2. There were ____ plates on the table.

3. Did she write you ____ letters from the country? – Yes, she wrote____.

4. He got a satisfactory mark. Only____ of his answers were correct.

5. I have ____ time, so I can’t go with you.

6. He didn’t have ____ English books at home so he had to go to the library for more books.

7. I don’t have ____ bags. Just ____ , perhaps one or two.

8. Do we have ____ chalk? – Yes, we have ____ chalk here.

9. Why did you eat so _______ meat?

10. They have _______ money, so they aren’t poor.

Exercise 8. В каждом предложении ошибка. Найдите и исправьте её.

1. I never eat many bread with soup.

2. Sorry. We have got a little potatoes in our fridge.

3. Pete does not have many money.

4. There is not much biscuits in the box.

5. I did not buy some coffee, because I thought we had some.

6. Would you like any tea in your coffee.

7. Bob always likes any sugar.

8. Close your eyes I have got anything for you.

9. Anybody left a book in the classroom yesterday.

10. John lives anywhere near London.

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