VIII. Переведите минитексты, применяя приемы простой лексической подстановки и альтернативной подстановки.

1. Forests cover less than one-third of the total area of the United Kingdom and are concentrated chiefly in northeastern Scotland and southeastern England; oak, elm, ash, beech, pine, and birch are the most common trees. Fauna includes red deer, fox, otter, squirrel, and rabbit.

(Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia)

2. Richard I was born on 8th September 1157 at Beaumont Palace in Oxford. The third and eldest surviving son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, he succeeded to the throne in 1189. Richard spent barely seven months of his 10 year reign on this country, and three of those were in the first year of his accession. His queen, Berengaria of Navarre, never set foot in England.


3. The Third Crusade, led by Richard I, was the most successful. The crusaders suffered terribly in the heat, and from disease, especially dysentery. Richard took the city of Acre and reached an agreement with Saladin to allow Christians free passage to Jerusalem, but the holy city remained in Muslim hands until 1917.


IX. Работа со словарём. Научитесь одним движением руки открывать нужную букву в словаре.

Mm Ss Tt Pp   muzzle, meed, marmot, mangy shrewd, stain, synopsis, stab toss, thimble, tallow, twitter, tongs paw, password, pad, pillar, pod  

  VIII. Переведите минитексты, применяя приемы простой лексической подстановки и альтернативной подстановки. -


I. Определите вид лексического соответствия слов

(полное/ частичное):

  1. Chlorine 2. grand piano 3. hives (мед.) 4. stepfather   5. Canaries 6. billionaire 7. Roger 8. minuet     9. Zoology 10. otic 11. Orkney Islands 12. Sunday  

II. Определите вид лексического соответствия

(полное / частичное).

1. cat 5. tool

2. dog 6. Mexico

3. five

4. sister

III. Сравните объем значений в исходном и переводящем языках.

1. место — place 3. голова — head

2. время — time 4. дерево — tree

IV. Найдите эквиваленты, обращая внимание на

Недифференцированность значений в английском

Или русском языках.

1. переводчик 2. подчёркивать 3. учёный 4. время 5. тетрадь 6. реклама 7. палец 8. делать 9. чайник 10. час 11. билет 12. зонт 13. глотать (пищу, слюну, слова, слёзы, воздух, книги) VIII. Переведите минитексты, применяя приемы простой лексической подстановки и альтернативной подстановки. - 14. mother in law 15. girl 16. boat 17. boot 18. сake 19. sandals  

V. Переведите минитексты, применяя приемы простой

Лексической подстановки и альтернативной подстановки.

а) The Great Pyramid at Giza was originally 482 feet tall. It contained over two million blocks of stone, each weighing about 2.5 tons, although some of them weighed up to 14 tons. It was covered in highly polished limestone which gleamed in the sun. It took fifty thousand people twenty years to build.

(R. Nicholson, C. Watts)

б) Microchips are about the size of a child’s fingernail. They are made from very thin slices, or “chips”, of a mineral called silicon. Each chip is only 0.1 of a millimeter thick. A many-layered pattern of electrical pathways or circuits, too small to be seen by the naked eye, is etched on the surface of each individual microchip.


в) Almost three-fifths of the population belongs to the Church of England (Anglican); Roman Catholics constitute one-eighth of the population; there are some Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists; and the remainder are mostly other Protestants, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs.

(Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia)

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