Correct the mistakes, if any.

1. cloths 2. vallies 3. selfs 4. youthes 5. sheeps 6. Eskimoes 7. mouths 8. species 9. oxes 10. antennas 11. photoes 12. proofs 13. editors-in-chiefs 14. airs 15. fishes 16. deer 17. radios 18. dears 19. womens 20. cargoes

21. tooths 22. handsful 23. babys 24. wolfs 25. crisises 26. Chinese 27. stand-bies 28. toothbrushs 29. sands 30. scarfs 31. luggages 32. wifes 33. swines 34. Kennedys 35. knowledges 36. loavs 37. soloes 38. homeworks 39. mouses 40.Gatsbies

41. Swisses 42. safes 43. datas 44. woman-doctors 45. passers-bys 46. trousers 47. criterions 48. grouses 49. furnitures 50. chieves 51. Englishes 52. cattles 53. handkerchieves 54. mother-in-laws 55. lices 56. postmans 57. breakdowns 58. potatos 59. means 60. forget-me-nots

*15. Complete with the correct form of the noun in brackets.

1. all the ___ (basis) 2. a bunch of ___ (lily-of-the-valley) 3. different ___ (datum) 4. two different __ (date) 5. a few ___ ( deer) 6. some valuable ___(advice) 7. all the necessary ___ (series) 8. several Indian ___ (chief) 9. four ___ (hoof) 10. various ___ (cactus) 11. two small slowly moving ___ (antenna) 12. a lot of ___ (bacterium) 13. everybody’s ___ (breakdown) 14. about ten ___ (woman-driver) 15. five ___ (aerial) on the roof 16. children and ___ (grown-up) 17. few really good ___ (zoo) 18. three expensive ___ (piano) 19. a crowd of angry ___ (dwarf) 20. most white ___ (mouse) 21. both __ (foot) 22. many of scientific ___ (formula) 23. pots and pots of blooming ___ (cactus) 24. several ___ (furniture) 25. one and a half ___ (loaf) of brown bread

*16. Complete using a noun in the plural.

1. In towns wild animals are kept in ____ 2. Brave men in the war become ____ 3. We lock doors, but sometimes lose the ____ 4. Ladies have babies, cows have ___ 5. Post is delivered by ____ 6. Criminals are arrested by the ____ 7. Children grow up and become ___ 8. Computers use some ____ 9. On snails’ heads you can see _____. 10. Things that are sold are called ____

11. To buy something you need ________. 12. To answer well you need good ____ 13. Beds, sofas, chairs, tables are all ____ 14. Small coins in England are called ___ 15. Mathematicians deal with ____. 16. To bake bread you need ____. 17. Men, when they are very young, are called ___ 18. Married women have ___ 19. Married men have ___ 20. In recipes sugar is often measured by ____

21. Big money is often kept in ___ 22. You put boots on your ____ 23. Poultry farmers breed hens, ducks and ___ 24. Aerials used to be placed on the ___ 25. In America aerials are called ____ 26. Cats should (but don’t) catch ___ 27. In arguments you need not only opinions, but also ___ 28. Buses are slower than ___29. Men’s life is shorter than ___ 30. Whales are not insects, they are ___

17. Speak about lots and lots of such things.


1. кенгуру 2. средство 3. тряпки 4. быки 5. ступни 6. грузы 7. средства 8. одежда 9. волы 10. пригоршни 11. базы 12. молодежь 13. овцы 14. бойскауты 15. мыши 16. картошка 17. англичане 18. французы 19. швейцарцы 20. датчане

21. голландцы 22. японцы 23. дети 24. жизни 25. младенцы 26. физика 27. килограммы 28. математика 29. взрослые 30. волосы 31. волосинки 32. прохожие 33. рты 34. главнокомандующие 35. знания 36. зеваки 37. данные 38. дрожжи 39. даты 40. достопримечательности

41. содержание 42. куски 43. ножницы 44. чернила 45. фонетика 46. ножи 47. таможня 48. очки 49. утесы 50. товар 51. фотографии 52. ломтики 53. вши 54. серия 55. шахматы 56. рыбы 57. бильярд 58. пригород 59. листья 60. формулы 61. ванны 62. пенсы 63. свекрови 64. телята 65. гуси 66. куры 67. курятина 68. щуки 69. половинки 70. фрукты

*19. What will you need for :

1. cutting cloth 2. reading 3. an argument 4. taking a bath 5. Shopping 6. happiness 7. sleeping 8. baking a pie 9. holidays in the South 10. a trip 11. aerobic classes 12. teaching 13. becoming a top model 14. beginning family life 15. buying a cassette-recorder 16. mountaineering 17. breathing 18. hiking 19. getting wool 20. getting pork

*20. Translate and use in the plural speaking about

a) the Zoo b) the Red Book c) professions d) science and technology e) hobbies:

Model: We can watch monkeys in the zoo.

1. японец 2. гусь 3. знания 4. буханка 5. мебель 6. волос 7.доказательство 8. явление 9. пианино 10. мышь 11. багаж 12.окружение 13. олень 14. скот 15. нервный срыв 16. товар 17.пижама 18. ножницы 19. кусок 20. детка 21. совет 22.француз 23. фрукт 24. богатство 25. вид транспорта 26. половинка 27.лестница 28. теленок 29. вор 30. тропинка


Падежных форм в английском языке гораздо меньше, чем в русском – сохранились только два падежа: общий (man, girl, cat, etc.) и притяжательный (man’s, girl’s, cat’s, etc.).

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