Study the following information about ways of writing a cover letter

Covering letter is a letter we write to a company in which we apply for a vacant position. A cover letter is a brief one page letter sent along with the resume to potential employers. The purpose of the cover letter is to present yourself to potential employers and to let them know what position you are interested in and why you'd be a good fit for their company.First paragraph: This is the "why I'm writing to you" paragraph which immediately tells the employer the position you want to be considered for. This is short - usually 2-3 sentences. Points to cover:

  • Why you are writing and which position you are applying for.
  • How you heard about the position is irrelevant unless it is a mutual contact or recruiting program.
  • Show from your research why you are interested in this position or organization. The goal is to make a connection - do this briefly and specifically or leave it out; sweeping statements will not work.

Study the following information about ways of writing a cover letter - Second paragraph: This is the "why I'm qualified" paragraph. Highlight some of your most relevant experiences and qualities as they relate to the position for which you are applying. Choose 2 - 3 points you want to make about specific experiences/accomplishments or about general qualities you have exhibited, and provide specific examples to support those points. This paragraph will change according to the job/employer for which you are applying. Points to ponder:

  • The first sentence should be a hard-hitting opener. It is a quick introduction, which is accomplishment-oriented and directed at the skills and qualifications needed for the job/industry.
  • The body of the paragraph should provide evidence to back up what you've just claimed. Cite specific jobs/internships/activities/projects and accomplishments associated with those experiences. Use your resume to come up with some specifics, but never reiterate passages from your resume word for word. Discuss why what you did is to the employer- relate the facts to the job. Strong examples are important!
  • The final sentence is a summary of what you've discussed above. It's a good idea to mention the position title and company name to bring the reader back to the specific job in question.

Final paragraph: This is a short 2-4 sentences paragraph. You should refer to the enclosed letter of application, resume, request an interview and let the reader know what will happen next (Contact them within specific period of time unless it is a recruiting program). It is vital that you thank the reader for his/her time and consideration.

2) Write a cover letter for CV you have already written in previous units. Use appendix 7 for sample of cover letter.

3)Immigration to the USA has become one of the most topical issues and you should study this issue by visiting the site

Prepare to review the numerous problems involved, such as Illegal immigration, Improvement of the US Immigration system, Work with Mexico, Getting a Green Card, etc. and write a report on the request of your employer.

Study the following information about ways of writing a cover letter -

Study the following information about ways of writing a cover letter - Writing a scholarly article

Writing a scholarly article is a way of sharing the results of your research; it allows you to share your discovery with the rest of the world.

Read the first section of writing a scholarly article of the second part of the textbook. Read also appendix 10 for information about writing synopses and annotations for articles.

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