The Present Perfect Tense

The Present Perfect tense показывает, что действие уже совершено и результат его налицо: All the pupils have done their exercises.

The Present Perfect tense образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в настоящем времени и третьей основной формы смыслового глагола:

I (we, you, they) have seen this film several times.

He (she, it) has seen this film several times.

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола:

I (we, you, they) have not (haven’t) seen you for many years.

He (she, it) has not (hasn’t) seen you for many years.

В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим:

Have you (I, we, they) finished this work?

Has he (she, it) finished this work?

What has he (she, it) done?

What have you (I, we, they) done?

В вопросах к подлежащему порядок слов не изменяется:

Who has opened the door?

Возможные показатели времени: already, never, ever, often, seldom, always, yet, lately, recently, just.

Exercise . 1 Make the sentences negative and ask questions

1.I have seen the film. I saw it in London 2. Well, I have had a word with the boss 3. I have read this book 4. I have broken my pencil 5. The taxi has arrived. 6. I have seen Tim with a new girlfriend 7. He has been to England twice. 8. I think I’ve seen you somewhere. 9. You have done everything for us. 10. You have spoiled everything.

Exercise.2 Make the sentences negative and ask questions

1.Have you done your homework? 2. Have you rung him? 3. What have they done? 4. I haven’t seen Peter today. 5. He has missed a lot of classes this week. 6. I have written a letter this morning. 7. Have you ever been to the Hermitagе . 8. She has already seen this film. 9. I have seen many pictures lately. 10. I have already translated the text

Exercise 3.Supply the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.

1.I (not get) the grant this year.2.The settlers (leave) the bay forever.3.He (not answer) my letter yet.4.You ever (eat) caviar?5.She recently (become) a student.6.They (travel) across England.7.How long you (be) here?8.My friend (buy) a new car.9.I (lose) my gloves.10.I never (ride) a camel

Exercise 4 . Answer the questions saying “yes” and using the verb suggested in the Present Perfect Tense.

Example: Are the rooms clean? (do)

Yes, My mother has done them.1.Does she know about the territory of U.K.? (read)2.Is breakfast ready? (cook)3.Do you know how tasty the pie is? (eat)4.Is she at home? (come)5.Are the papers ready? (type)6.Do you know the melody? (hear many times)7.Can you speak on the subject? (read about it)8.Is Ann on holiday? (go to Scotland.)9.Are you ready with the report? (write it)10.Can you do this work? (finish it)

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