Reading Mathematical and Chemical Symbols

4 + 7 = 11 · 4 plus 7 equals 11 · 4 plus 4 is equal to 11 · 4 added to 7 makes 11 · 4 and 7 is 11 · 4 and 7 are 11
11 – 4 = 7 · 11 minus 4 equals 7 · 4 from 11 leaves 7 · 11 diminished by 4 is equal to 7
1 × 1 = 1 2 × 2 = 4 3 × 3 = 9 4 × 4 = 16 · Once one is one. · Twice two is four. · Three times three is nine. · Four times four is sixteen.
12 × 12 = 144 12 (multiplied) by 12 equals 144
25 : 5 = 5 25 divided by 5 equals 5
0.2 · Point two · Nought point two · Zero point two · Point two
0.002 · 0 point 00 two · Point two oes two · Point nought nought two
1.1 one point one
1.25 one point two five
63.57 sixty-three point five seven
32 · Three squared (Three square) · Three (raised) to the second power · Three to the power two · The second power of three
53 · Five cubed · Five cube · Five (raised) to the third power · Five to the power three · The third power of five
107 Ten to the seventh power
10-7 Ten to the minus seventh power
1 : 2 The ratio of one to two
4 : 2 = 2 The ration of four to two is two
20 : 5 = 16 : 4 · The ratio of twenty to five equals the ratio of sixteen to four · Twenty is to five as sixteen is to four
No. Symbol Latin name English name
H hydrogenium hydrogen
He helium helium
Li litium lithium
Be beryllium beryllium
B borum boron
C carboneum carbon
N nitrogenium nitrogen
O oxygenium oxygen
F fluorum fluorine
Ne neon neon
Na natrium sodium
Mg magnesium magnesium
Al aluminium aluminum aluminium
Si silicium silicon
P phosphorus phosphorus
S sulphur sulphur
Cl chlorum chlorine
Ar argon argon
K kalium potassium
Ca calcium calcium
Sc scandium scandium
Ti titanium titanium
V vanadium vanadium
Cr chromium chromium
Mn manganum manganese
Fe ferrum iron
Co cobaltum cobalt
Ni niccolum nickel
Cu cuprum copper
Zn zincum zinc
Ga gallium gallium
Ge germanium germanium
As arsenicum arsenic
Se selenium selenium
Br bromum bromine
Kr krypton krypton
Rb rubidium rubidium
Sr strontium strontium
Y yttrium yttrium
Zr zirconium zirconium
Nb niobium niobium
Mo molybdaenum molybdenum
Tc technetium technetium
Ru ruthenium ruthenium
Rb rhodium rhodium
Pd palladium palladium
Ag argentum silver
Cd cadmium cadmium
In indium indium
Sn stannum tin
Sb stibium antimony
Te tellurium tellurium
I iodium iodine
Xe xenon xenon
Cs caesium cesium caesium
Ba barium barium
La lanthanum lanthanum
Ce cerium cerium
Pr praseodymium praseodymium
Nd neodymium neodymium
Pm promethium promethium
Sm samarium samarium
Eu europium europium
Gd gadolinium gadolinium
Tb terbium terbium
Dy dysprosium dysprosium
Ho holmium holmium
Er erbium erbium
Tm thulium thulium
Yb ytterbium ytterbium
Lu lutetium lutetium
Hf hafnium hafnium
Ta tantalum tantalum
W wolframium tungsten wolfram
Re rhenium rhenium
Os osmium osmium
Ir iridium iridium
Pt platinum platinum
Au aurum gold
Hg hydrargyrum mercury
Tl thallium thallium
Pb plumbum lead
Bi bismuthum bismuth
Po polonium polonium
At astatium astatine
Rn radon radon
Fr francium francium
Ra radium radium
Ac actinium actinium
Th thorium thorium
Pa protactinium protactinium
U uranium uranium
Np neptunium neptunium
Pu plutonium plutonium
Am americium americium
Cm curium curium
Chemical compounds and Chemical equations
2MnO2 two molecules of M N O two
H+ · hydrogen ion · univalent positive hydrogen ion
Cu++ divalent positive cuprum ion
Al+++ trivalent positive aluminium ion
Cl- · negative chlorine ion · negative univalent chlorine ion
O = C = O C O two
4KCl four molecules of K C L
4HCl + O2 = 2Cl2 + 2H2O four molecules of H C L plus O two give two molecules of C L two and two molecules of H two O
Zn + CuSO4 = Cu + ZnSO4 Z N plus C U S O four give C U plus Z N S O four
PCl3 + 2Cl → PCl5 P C L three plus two molecules of C L give P C L five
H2 + J2 Reading Mathematical and Chemical Symbols - 2HJ H two plus J two form and are formed from two molecules of H J
C2H2 + H2O → CH3CHO C two H two plus H two O give C H three C H O
AcOH Reading Mathematical and Chemical Symbols - AcO- + H+ A C O H forms and is formed from A C oxygen ion plus hydrogen ion

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