Find in the text the English equivalents for the following

- нарушение федеральных законов

- генеральный прокурор

- штат сотрудников

- подкуп

- саботаж

- государственная измена

- кража со взломом

- мошенничество

- государственная собственность

- назначение.
6. Make and translate short sentences with the following:

matters pertaining to internal national security

crime detection

economic crimes

science of fingerprinting

crime science searchers

firearms and self-defence
7. Match the English and Russian equivalents:

Espionage убийца

Sabotage кража

Treason кража со взломом

Burglary убийство

Theft шпионаж

Murder саботаж

Killer государственная измена.

Text №2

1. Some new words for the text:

Security – безопасность, охрана, защита

Violation - нарушение

Inquiry – расследование, следствие, исследование

Responsibility – обязанность, ответственность

Gambling – азартные игры

Extortion - вымогательство

Fear - страх

Intimidation – запугивание, устрашение

Bribery - взяточничество

Sufficient evidence – достаточные, неопровержимые улики

Local – местный, локальный

To locate – обнаруживать местонахождение

To apprehend - задерживать

Fingerprint – отпечатки пальцев

Identification – опознание, идентификация

Means - средство

Scientific examinations – научные исследования

To convict – осуждать, выносить обвинительный приговор

To prove - доказывать

To suspect - подозревать

To commit crime – совершить преступление

To pose a threat to – представлять угрозу (кому-либо)

Valuable leads – ценные версии

File - картотека

Retraining courses – курсы переподготовки

Preservation – сохранение, сохранность

Physical evidence – вещественные улики

To recruit – набирать, комплектовать

To assign - назначать

To fulfil - выполнять

Robbery - грабеж

Embezzlement – растрата, присвоение денежных средств

Fraud – обман, мошенничество

Property – имущество, собственность
2. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the notes after the text

Federal Bureau of Investigation

United States Department of Justice

There are some basic components providing the effective work of the Bureau. They are Identification Division, Laboratory Division, Domestic Intelligence Division, Files and Communications Division, Crime Records Division, Training Division and Special Investigation Division.

Identification Division

The largest collection of fingerprints in the world is maintained in the Identification Division of the FBI. A dangerous fugitive, wanted in one state, may be located through fingerprint identification after his arrest on a minor charge under a different name by a police agency in another state. Fingerprints often are the only means of identifying victims of various crimes.

Laboratory Division

The FBI Laboratory is the greatest criminological laboratory in the world. During the first 35 years of its existence, this laboratory made approximately 4.000.000 scientific examinations. Today, this laboratory is a large complex of scientific equipment, staffed with over 300 employees most of whom have technical training. Included in this group are over 100 Special Agents with specialized training in a wide range of scientific fields. Many crimes are solved and many defendants convicted on the basis of material evidence submitted to the laboratory for examination. Laboratory examinations on many occasions have proved the innocence of persons suspected of having committed crimes.

Domestic Intelligence Division

The FBI fights against all elements which pose a threat* to the security of the people in the United States, to the Nation’s security.

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