V. Вставьте пропущенные слова. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

a b c d e
teamwork labour statistics inventions retailers

1.Government ----------- show that crime is rising.

2.Many companies want all their employees to be good at--------------.

3. Many ----------- buy direct from the factory.

4.Sometimes the cost of ---------- or materials is more than the agreed budget.

5.In the twentieth century ---------and new technology changed the world.

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VI. Переведите письменно слова 1-5. Подберите к словам соответствующие определения.

1. motivating a) usually calm
2. punctual b) encourage other people to work well
3. relaxed c) do what they promise to do
4. helpful d) like to be on time
5reliable e) like to do things for other people

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VII. Соедините части предложений (1-4) и (a-d) по смыслу.

1.Education is sometimes

2. Taxes are collected by government

3. Land includes not only territory

4.Every society must provide

a) from households and firms.

b) referred to as “human capital.”

c) goods and services for the welfare of its citizens.

d) but all of the natural resources .

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VIII. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст.

Markets and government

Markets play a key role in coordinating the choices of individuals with the decisions of business. In modern market economies goods and services are supplied by both business and government. Hence we call them mixed economies. Some products or services are available to those who wish to buy them and have the necessary income – as in cases like coffee and wireless services. Other services are provided to all people through government programs like law enforcement and health care. In a mixed economy goods and services are supplied both by private suppliers and government. Markets offer the choice of a wide range of goods and services at various prices. Individuals can use their incomes to decide the pattern of expenditures and the bundle of goods and services they prefer. Businesses sell goods and services in the expectation that the market price will cover costs and yield a profit.

The market also allows for specialization and separation between production and use. Rather than each individual growing her own food, for example, she can sell her time or labour to employers in return for income. That income can then support her desired purchases. If businesses can produce food more cheaply than individuals the individual obviously gains from using the market – by both having the food to consume, and additional income with which to buy other goods and services.

Much of microeconomics and macroeconomics focuses upon the role of government: how it manages the economy through fiscal and monetary policy, how it redistributes through the tax-transfer system, how it supplies information to buyers and sets safety standards for products.

Iх. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1.Why do the businesses sell goods and services?

2.What does the market allow?

3.What do microeconomics and macroeconomics focuse upon?

Вариант 2

I.Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1.There are thousands of opportunities to build careers.

2.Video game sales are sky rocketing at the moment.

3. In the 19th century Britain dominated international trade.

II. КОПРы (Simple, Continuous(Progressive), Perfect).Прочитайте предложения (1-4) и вставьте пропущенные словосочетания (a-d) в пропуски: a) have benefited b) is preparing c) received d) work.

1.Not many women -----------in video game industry.

2.Consumers ------------greatly from advances in food production.

3.Carla ---------- the briefing.

4. We -------- your order yesterday.

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