The Past Progressive Tense. Exercise 1. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative

Exercise 1. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. The birds will be going South in a couple of days. 2. I’ll be waiting for you. Come back. 3. Now he will be looking for a new job. 4. They will be having dinner tomorrow at six. 5. I’ll be coming to see you. They will be coming too. 6. It’ll be getting dark in an hour or so. 7. I will be going to town soon. 8. This time on Sunday I’ll be waiting for his call. 9. Night after night he’ll be sitting in that empty room all alone. 10. Stella will be watching TV all day long again. 11. No one will be waiting for him. 12. They’ll be having a wonderful time. 13. Tim will be coming back in two days. 14. She’ll be talking to her mother-in-law again.

Exercise 2. Extend the statements using the Future Progressive Tense of the words in brackets.

Pattern:Don’t write to us in July (travel). We’ll be travelling.

1. Don’t come to see her after lunch. (revise) 2. Don’t expect that he will come next Sunday. (work) 3. Don’t tell your parents about it. (grumble) 4. Don’t leave the children alone (fight) 5. Don’t think I will help you with your maths tomorrow. (pack things) 6. Don’t read this book. (have problems with unknown words). 7. Don’t watch that film. (have nightmares) 8. Don’t waste your time waiting. (talk to you later) 9. Don’t come to the session tomorrow. (not miss anything) 10. Don’t worry about his health. (get better)

Exercise 3. Ask questions to the sentences beginning with the words in brackets.

1. They will be having an English lesson at 10.00 a.m. in room 31. (What? Where? When? Which?) 2. The students will be revising for their exam the whole May. (Who? What? What … for?) 3. They will be staying at home all day long tomorrow. (Who? Where?) 4. Tomorrow at this time they will be coming to see you. (When? Who? What?) 5. My sister will be waiting for you at the station. (Who? Where?) 6. They will be listening to my story and wondering. (Who? What?) 7. Don’t explain it to me. Tomorrow will be talking to the head master. (Who? What? Who … to?) 8. I believe they’ll be arriving in no time. (Who?) 9. Don’t come back. No one will be expecting you. (Why?) 10. I expect Marc will be telling the same story all over again. (Who? What? What?)

Exercise 4. Use the Future Progressive Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. This time next month I (have rest) in Florida. 2. She (wait) for you when you come out. 3. I (stay) outdoors tomorrow because my brother (practise) the piano all day. 4. When you (see) him? 5. Why don’t you ever go out? – If I’m out for long, my child (cry). 6. In a hundred years people (go) to Moon and Venus for their week-ends. 7. We (land) in a few minutes. 8. He (look) for a new secretary now. 9. He will arrive at 10.30. – OK, I (expect) him. 10. When you (wear) your new dress? 11. He doesn’t want to retire. I think he still (work) when he is eighty. 12. Who (work) here next year? 13. They (make) an official announcement next week. 14. I (see) you tomorrow?

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Завтра он будет весь день готовиться к экзаменам. 2. Не опаздывайте. Я буду ждать вас в читальном зале в девять. 3. Что вы будете делать завтра в восемь? 4. Не звоните мне завтра. Я весь день буду заниматься. 5. Они будут работать весь июнь, а потом будут отдыхать. 6. Через неделю в это время я уже не буду заниматься. Я буду купаться и лежать на пляже. 7. Ты будешь сегодня вечером смотреть телевизор? 8. Завтра в одиннадцать у нас лекция по истории. 9. Он приедет через три дня примерно в это же время. 10. Послезавтра у моей сестры экзамен в музыкальной школе. Завтра она весь день будет играть.

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