Ex.13. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate nouns (plural or singular)

1. I have a ________ but I don’t take many photos.

2. There are seven ________ in a week.

3. There are twelve ________ in a year.

4. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat ________.

5. There was a good ________ on at the cinema.

6. There are sixty________ in anhour.

7. He is not very good at writing ________ .

8. There were very few ________ at University today.

9. I want to water the flowers. I need some ________ .

10. I can speak two foreign ________ .

11. Victor travels a lot. He has been to many ________ .

12. Our house is very small. We don’t have many ________ and there is not much ________ in it.

13. I have a lot of ________ in my group. They all are very nice.

14. John works for a company that makes agricultural ________ .

15. Please can you help me with these ________ ? They are very heavy.

Ex.14. Translate into English.

1. Дозвольте мені відправити цього листа з Вашого комп’ютера.

2. Дозвольте мені зустріти Віктора та його братів.

3. Знайди мої контрольні роботи на тих полицях.

4. Ваші поради дуже корисні, але я не можу ними скористатися.

5. Інформація була дуже важливою для них.

6. Яка чудова погода!

7. У мене для вас свіжі фрукти.

8. Ви сьогодні слухали новини?

9. Я вважаю, що лише напружене навчання може допомогти успішно скласти іспити.

10. Я люблю каву з молоком.

11. Це не мої гроші, я не можу вам їх позичити.

12. Поліція ще не спіймала злодія.

13. Приємно провести відпустку біля моря, якщо погода сонячна.

14. Мама принесла свіжих овочів та фруктів з магазину.

15. Хто надав вам такіцікаві дані?

Ex.15. Give the feminine of the following nouns.

Host, prince, male, actor, son, bull, heir, bachelor, emperor, steward, monk, gentleman, duke, gander, sir, earl, lion, husband, nephew, stallion, bridegroom, hero, king, drake, stepfather, god, tiger, boy-friend, boar, father-in-law, barman, landlord, cock, count, salesman, prince, uncle, policeman, conductor.

Ex.16. Give the masculine of the following nouns.

Landlady, doe, policewoman, queen, nun, barmaid, ewe, countess, heroine, mother, empress, leopardess, conductress, niece, sow, manageress, aunt, duchess, queen, widow, hostess, actress, stewardess, waitress.

Ex.17. Rewrite the following phrases as compound nouns (remember that the first noun is normally in the singular).

1. a holiday which lasts 3 days

2. a report on an accident

3. a court of law

4. a licence to export

5. research into the market

6. a person who pays taxes

7. the manager responsible for sales

8. a publisher of newspapers

9. the launch of the product

10. the campaign of advertising

11. information about products

12. list of prices

13. services for customers

14. message by telephone

15. a person who holds shares

Ex.18.Make compound nouns from the following words.

weather credit inflation alarm market satellite container card hotel computer identity dish share clock holder forecast card software washer research ship room rate number

Ex.20. Match English compounds with Ukrainian equivalents.

1. Outbreak a) спалах, раптовийпочаток

2. Break out b) бійнапрорив

3. Upturn а) покращення

4. Turnupb) щось загорнуте, відігнуте

5. Outlook а) погляд, краєвид

6. Lookout b) перспектива, оглядовий майданчик

7. Upset а) ситуація, становище

8. Set up b) план, змова

9. Outline а) контури, план_схема

10. Lineout b) пересаджування рослин

11. Overlay а) серветка

12. Layover b) тонкий шар покриття

13. Turnover а) грошовий обіг

14. Overturn b) переворот

Ex.21. Choose the correct form. In some cases, two variants are possible.


a) the house of Nina b) Nina’s house c) Ninas’ house


a) thecar of the Chief Executive b) the Chief Executive’s car

c) the Chief Executives’ car


a) the market share of NTL is 12% b) NTL’s market share is 12%

c) NTLs’ market share is 12%


a) the newspaper of yesterday b) yesterday’s newspaper

c) yesterdays’ newspaper


a) the students’ canteen b) the canteen of the students

c) the student’s canteen


a) the design of the computer b) the computer’s design

c) the computers’ design


a) Dr Audley’s job b) Dr Audleys’ job c) The job of Dr Audley


a) the cat’s food b) the cats’ food c) the food of the cat


a)Ukraines’ economyb) the economy of Ukrainec) Ukraine’s economy


a) the companies’s results b) the companies’ results

c) the results of the companies

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