Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests


Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests -


(for English language learners)

Complex teachings programme

Syllabus assignment

For all economic specialities

(2 term)

Kyiv – 2011


Навчально-методичний комплекс

(для студентів всіх економічних спеціальностей)


Matusova O.M.

Translated by:

Mazina M.M.

Edited by:

Обговорено та схвалено на засіданні кафедри економіки та менеджменту

Протокол № 7 від 17 лютого 2011 р.


The main goal of the course “Political economy” is studying the laws and categories of this science, patterns of functioning and development of economic systems, ways and methods of effective use of scarce productive resources of the society, ways of solving the global problems, such as “what, how and for whom to produce?”

To achieve this aim the solution of the following tasks is necessary: defining the role of economic theory in the society; determination of its subject, object and method; determination of the main provisions of the economic theories economic science is based on; clarification of the system of the main economic indexes and indicators; defining the basis of micro and macroeconomics.

After studying the course students should


· the general tendencies and regularities of social production development;

· the conditions of civilized forms of economy developed by human society use in Ukraine during centuries and creation of an effective, self-sufficient production;

· the mechanism and regularities of establishment of the market economy, the ways of its creation and the preconditions of its effective functioning;

· the ways of reforming administrative system, getting over remains of colonialism and remains of economic disasters, revival of economic culture of our people;

· the mechanism of the social economic self regulation.

be able to:

· think critically, analyze economic process by themselves, work with sources, primary statistic and archive materials;

· use instruments of economic categories and notions while formulating their thoughts;

· amylase processes, which are currently taking place in the Ukrainian economy;

· operate the methods of research of economic phenomena.

PLANS OF SEMINARS and Tasks for individual work

Seminar 1. The subject and object of political economy

1. The subject and object of political economy.

2. The methods of knowledges the economical processes. Functions of political economy.

3. The problem of choice and opportunity cost. The manufacturing feasibilities of society. The table and the production-possibility curve.

Task for individual work

Analyze the formation of the main schools of political economy according to stages of development the economical relations.


producer Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - виробник
hypothesis Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - гіпотеза
deduction Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - дедукція
induction Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - індукція
consumer, user Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - споживач, користувач
opportunity cost Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - альтернативна вартість
free capital flow Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - вільний рух капіталу
antitrust legislation Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - антимонопольне законодавство
policy of non-interference, hands-off policy Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - політика невтручання
simulation, modeling Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - моделювання
manufacturing feasibilities, production possibilities Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - , Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - виробничі можливості
production-possibility curve Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - крива виробничих можливостей
ownership, property Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - власність
private property Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - приватна власність
communal property Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - громадська (колективна) власність
joint ownership Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - спільна власність, співволодіння
state (public) ownership Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - державна власність
cooperative property Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - кооперативна власність

Core reading

1. Kreps David M. A course in microeconomic theory. Prinston Univ Press, 1990, 429 p.

2. Weingast B.R., Wittman D. The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy. Oxford University Press, 2006, 869 p.

3. Башнянин Г.І., Лазур П.Ю., Медведєв В.С. Політична економія: Ч.1. Загальна економічна теорія, Ч. 2. Спеціальна економічна теорія. – К.: Ніка-Центр, Ельга, 2002. – 528 с.

4. Башнянин Г.І., Шевчук Є.С. та ін. Політична економія: Навчальний посібник. – Львів: “Новий світ – 2000”, 2004. – 480 с.

5. Зазимко А.З. Політична економія: Структурно-логічний навчальний посібник. – К.: КНЕУ, 2005. – 358 с.

Additional reading

1. Макконнелл К.Р., Брю С.Л. Экономикс: принципы, проблемы и политика. В 2-х т. / Пер. с англ. – М.: Республика, 1992. – 600 с.

2. Encyclopedia of International Political Economy. R.J. Jones. Routledge, 2001, 1776 p.

Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests

1. The essence and structure of society’s economic needs.

2. The Law of increasing needs.

3. The product utility.

4. Economic interests, their classification and interaction.

Task for individual work

To define the difference between economic resources and factors of production.


commodity, good, product Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - товар
marginal product utility Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - гранична корисність продукту
competition Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - конкуренція
economy: traditional, command (planned), market, mixed, transition Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - економіка: традиційна, командна (планова), ринкова, змішана, перехідна
rural economics Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - економіка сільського господарства
to get (to receive) a profit Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - отримувати прибуток
unwarranted interference Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - недозволене втручання
interaction, interface Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - , Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - взаємодія, узгодження
close cooperation Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - тісна взаємодія
physical need Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - природна потреба
necessities of life   життєві потреби
constantly growing requirements Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - постійно зростаючі потреби
the good things of life, creature comforts Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - життєві блага
material welfare Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - матеріальні блага
to be suspected of corruption Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - бути підозрюваним в корупції
lobbyism, lobbying Seminar 2. Economic needs of society. Economic interests - лобізм

Core reading

1. A New Handbook of Political Science. Robert E. Goodin, Hans-Dieter Klingemann. Oxford University Press, 1998, 829 p.

2. Башнянин Г.І., Шевчук Є.С. та ін. Політична економія: Навчальний посібник. – Львів: “Новий світ – 2000”, 2004. – 480 с.

3. Кривенко К.Т., Савлук В.С., Бєляєв О.О. Політична економія: Навчальний посібник. – К.: КНЕУ, 2001. – 508 с.

4. Найдьонов В.С. Економічна теорія: Курс лекцій. Ч. 1. – К.: КиМУ, 2004. – 87 с.

5. Основи економічної теорії: Посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів / За ред. С.В. Мочерного. – К.: Академія, 2002. – 472 с.

Additional reading

1. Макконнелл К.Р., Брю С.Л. Экономикс: принципы, проблемы и политика. В 2-х т. / Пер. с англ. – М.: Республика, 1992. – 600 с.

2. Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, Jerry R. Green Microeconomic Theory. Oxford University Press, 1995, 500 p.

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