Ex. VII. Complete the sentences with passive and perfect forms of the participle

Example:Mr. King was interviewing an applicant. He was very friendly and the applicant wasn't nervous at all.
Being interviewed by a friendly Mr. King the applicant wasn't nervous at all.

1. All applicants that Mr. King interviews are fortunate because he is very friendly. All applicants …… by Mr. King are really fortunate.

2. Having interviewed ten applicants already, Mr. King is understandably tired. The applicants, …… before, know what to expect.

3. Never having seen Mrs. Green in church before, the pastor was surprised to receive her large donation. Never …… in church before, Mrs. Green surprised everyone with her large donation.

4. Clothes that Elite Dress Salon imports are usually quite expensive, but clothes …… by the Campus Sport Shop are usually quite cheap.

5. Having operated on this patient before, the doctor knew what to expect. The patient …… before by this doctor, also knew what to expect.

6. The committee members discussed the problem after they had been served lunch. Having ….

7. Mrs. Sylvester taught chemistry for twenty years. She will retire next month. Having ….

Ex. VIII. Translate into English using participles:

1.Дослідник залишив лабораторію, коли закінчив експеримент. 2.Після того, як нове обладнання було випробувано в дії, його рекомендували до виробництва. 3.Комп’ютери, що встановлені в нашому офісі, значно допомагають нам у роботі. 4.Маючи здібність зберігати значну кількість інформації, великий комп’ютер може виконувати переклади з однієї мови на іншу. 5.Вчені, що прибули для участі в конференції, сьогодні відвідають виставку нових інформаційних технологій. 6. Ввійшовши в кімнату, я віддав лист жінці, що сиділа біля вікна. 7. Коли я дивився цей фільм, я згадав своє дитинство. 8. Деякі марки, зібрані ним, дуже цікаві. 9. Проробивши цілий день на сонці, я вирішив подзвонити їй. 10. У дітячому віці, він не міг зрозуміти серйозності ситуації. 11. Коли він був дитиною, він довго жив з батьками за кордоном. 12. Людина, що написала цю книгу, багато подорожувала. 13. Залишившись один, він почав розпаковувати речі. 14. Люди, що очікували на вас, тільки що пішли.

Oral practice: About Ukraine

Ex. I. Discuss the following questions:

1. Do you get many foreign visitors in your country? Which are the most popular places? Which countries do the tourists come from? What do they like about it? What do they find different?

2. What holiday do we celebrate on the 24 August?

3. When do we celebrate the Constitution Day?

Ex. II. Which country does each extract refer to? (the USA, Great Britain, or Ukraine)

a) Its climate is moderate. Winter is rather mild with no severe frosts but with snowfalls everywhere except its southern part. The rivers and lakes freeze in winter. Summer is hot and dry with occasional rains and thunderstorms.

b) The climate of this country is mild. The summers are cool and rainy. July is the warmest month. The average July temperature in the south-east is 17oC, and in the north-west 14oC. There is much rain and fog in autumn and in winter. The average January temperature is about 5oC above zero. But of course, the climate is different in different parts of the country.

c) Virtually every type of climate can be found somewhere in this country — from arctic to subtropical. Most of the country has a humid continental climate with hot summers and cold winters.

Ex. III. Read the following text and do the exercises below:

About Ukraine

Hundreds of thousands of visitors come to Ukraine each year. They come for business, on academic and cultural exchanges, to provide expertise, to visit relatives.

Those who discover Ukraine for the first time are impressed by the richness of culture, the beauty of the cities and countryside, and especially by the warmth and hospitality of the Ukrainian people.

The name “Ukraine” was first mentioned in the chronicles of the early 12th century. Kyivan Rus’ was situated there, whose land became the cradle of three nations: Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Now the territory of Ukraine stretches for more than 1,316 kilometres from east to west and almost 893 kilometres from north to south. With the territory of 603.7 thousand square kilometres, Ukraine surpasses France to become the largest country in Europe. The population is approximately 48 million people. Over 55 per cent of the population are urban dwellers.

To the north is Belarus, Russia is to the north-east and east; Moldova and Romania and Hungary are to the south and south-west; Slovakia and Poland border on the west and north-west. The southern border is on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

The country consists primarily of fertile steppeland with a forest-steppe area across the north and low-lying mountains along the western border. The Dnipro River, which flows down through the centre and separates the country into east and west regions, has played an active role in the country’s development from prehistoric through modern times. Ukraine’s rich soil and moderate climate it ideally suited to agriculture. In the north-west there stretches the land of green meadows and lakes. To the south from Kyiv lie warm fertile lands of Podolia. To the west, Podolia gradually turns into the Carpathians which are beautiful in all seasons of the year. In the eastern part of Ukraine there are forest-steppes and steppes mainly. The Crimea in the south is a favourite place of rest. Mild subtropical climate of the Crimea makes it possible to rest here all the year round.

Ukraine is a relatively modern country with a highly educated population. In Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, the first in Eastern Europe library was opened, the first in Ukraine and Eastern Europe school — the famous Kyiv-Mohyla Academy — was organized there. The city has also 150,000 students of universities, colleges, academies and numerous institutes. Today every third person in Ukraine studies at this or that educational establishment. But the system of education is undergoing a reform to become more democratic, progressive and dynamic.

Ukrainian scholars and researchers make a great contribution to the world science. They study and investigate the mysteries of the Earth’s surface, space, world ocean, the air atmosphere. They have discovered the way of manufacturing artificial diamonds and have developed methods of electric welding. They are known for their achievements in nuclear physics, cryogenics, chemistry, cybernetics and mathematics.


The first free and partially contested elections in Ukraine were held in March 1990 and a new 450-member Supreme Council (parliament) was elected. A declaration of sovereignty was adopted in July 1990; independence was proclaimed on August 24, 1991. This was confirmed by 90% of the voters in a referendum held on December 1, 1991.

In the summer of 1991 the parliament voted to create the post of president and the first presidential election was held in December. Executive power is exercised by a council (cabinet) of ministers headed by the premier, who is appointed by the president subject to parliamentary approval. The Crimea was recognized as an autonomous republic within Ukraine in 1991.

On June 28 1996 a new constitution that guaranteed the right of private property was approved by the parliament.

Ukraine pursues the policy of independence and friendly relations with other countries. Ukraine is one of the founding members of the United Nations Organization and takes part in the work of various international bodies and organizations.

Active Words and Phrases:

expertise спеціальні знання, компетентність executive виконавчий
cradle колиска appoint призначати на посаду
fertile soil плодоносні землі approval схвалення
welding зварювання subject (to) підпорядкувати
contest змагання private property приватна власність
election вибори pursue дотримуватися курсу

Ex. IV. Insert articles where necessary:

1. ___ Ukraine is one of ___ largest countries of ___ Eastern Europe.

2. Its territory stretches for 893 kilometres from ___ north to ___ south and for 1,316 kilometres from ___ east to ___ west.

3. It occupies ___ area from ___ picturesque Polissia to ___ Black Sea and to ___ Sea of Azov; from ___ high Carpathian Mountains to ___ Donets steppes.

4. It borders on ___ Russian Federation, ___ Belarus, ___ Moldova, ___ Poland, ___ Slovakia, ___ Hungary, ___ Romania.

5. ___ major rivers are ___ Dnipro, ___ Bug, ___ Donets and others.

6. Three-fourths of ___ population of ___ Ukraine are ___ Ukrainians, ___ rest is made up of ___ Russians, ___ Jews, ___ Poles, ___ Belarusians, ___ Moldavians, ___ Hungarians and dozens of other nationalities.

7. ___ Kyiv equals ___ Paris in area and almost ___ two-thirds of it are ___ parks, gardens and boulevards.

8. ___ highest peak in ___ Ukrainian Carpathians, named ___ Hoverlah, is 2 thousand meters high.

Ex. V. What do these numbers in the text refer to?

12 603,7 150,000 1,316 893 48 55 450 1990 1991 24 1996 90

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