Conversion of Metric Units



Step 1


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

typify - символизировать, олицетворять

design - 1. план, чертеж, расчет, проект, проектирование; 2. конструкция, тип; 3. устройство

engineering - техника, конструирование машин

promotion - содействие (развитию)

large-scale enterprises - крупные предприятия

frame of mind - настроение, расположение духа

imagination - воображение

invent - изобретать

performance - 1. работа (машин); 2. характеристика работы машины, эксплуатационные качества; 3. интенсивность труда, работы

engage in - заниматься

development - 1. развитие; 2. строительство; 3. разработка, конструирование; 4. усовершенствование, улучшение, доводка, отладка

drawing - черчение, чертеж

concern oneself - интересоваться, заниматься

current - текущий, современный

utilize - использовать

determine - определять, устанавливать

equipment - оборудование

be in charge of - руководить, стоять во главе

installation - установка (оборудования), монтаж, сборка

handle - 1. управлять, манипулировать; 2. ухаживать (за машиной)

assembly - 1. агрегат, узел, комплект; 2. монтаж, сборка

tool - 1. режущий инструмент, резец; 2. станок

die - 1. матрица, пуансон, штамп; 2. винторезная головка; 3. прессформа

jig - 1. зажимное приспособление, кондуктор, сборочное приспособление; 2. шаблон, калибр

welding - сварка

fixture - зажимное устройство, приспособление

alloy - сплав

Бегло просмотрите текст и скажите:

а) в каком абзаце говорится о специфике машиностроения в конце XX столетия;

б) в каких абзацах говорится о роли инженера и его основных функциях;

в) в каких абзацах идет речь о деятельности инженера: в лаборатории; на производстве; в конструкторском бюро.


The engineer typifies the twentieth century. He is making a vast contribution in design, engineering and promotion. In the organization and direction of large-scale enterprises we need his analytical frame of mind. We need his imagination.

He is either designing the product itself or inventing new products or testing the product, its components, and the materials in it; or analyzing its performance and making a mathematical analysis.

He may be engaged in the development of the new product, making drawings and specifications.

He may be concerning himself with the development of a new production process, or the adaptation of a current process to a new product.

He may be utilizing his engineering know-how in determining the best processes and equipment for the mass production of high-quality products.

He may be the project engineer in charge of the design and installation of a highly automatic conveyer system for handling different kinds of parts between various assembly stations.

He maybe working on designing and developing tools, dies, jigs, assembly fixtures and welding fixtures for the production of an automotive body.

In the 20th century, the engineer had at his command many new sources of power. He works hard to develop better materials, especially new alloys for special purposes. He wants to make machinery automatic.



1. Назовите значения следующих интернациональных слов.

Значения выделенных слов («ложных друзей переводчика») уточните по словарю.

contribution, organization, test, component, to analyze, adaptation, project, conveyer, special, direction, analytical, analysis, specifications, assembly, station, command

2. Выпишите из третьего и предпоследнего абзацев английские слова и сочетания слов, служащие для обозначения понятий, связанных с деятельностью инженера в конструкторском бюро. Переведите их на русский язык с помощью политехнического словаря и дополните таблицу.

Вид деятельности Объект деятельности
1. to develop разрабатывать new product  
2.   drawings and specifications  
3. to design     новая продукция, новые инструменты, узлы, крепления

3. Выпишите из второго абзаца текста английские слова и сочетания слов, служащие для обозначения понятий, связанных с деятельностью инженера в лаборатории. Переведите их на русский язык с помощью политехнического словаря и составьте таблицу, аналогичную таблице задания 2.

4. Найдите в четвертом-восьмом абзацах текста английские эквиваленты для следующих русских слов и словосочетаний.

существующий процесс, источники энергии, установка, узлы, сплавы, транспортировка, упорно работать, инженерное умение, ответственный за..., в своем распоряжении


5. Завершите предложения, подобрав соответствующие окончания в правой колонке.

1. The engineer typifies... a) the products' performances.

2. He makes a great contribu- b) deals with the automation of

tion... production processes.

3. His main functions are... c) the 20th century.

4. The engineer also analyses... d) the analytical frame of mind and

5. So he can work in... imagination.

6. At present the engineer... e) to progress.

7. The work of the engineer f) designing, developing and testing

requires... the products.

g) the designing office, in the lab and in the production field of engineering.

6. Пользуясь информацией текста, заполните таблицу, ответив на вопрос: What does the engineer do?

At the plant In the lab In the designing office
1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________   _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


7. Воспользовавшись заполненной вами таблицей задания 6 и активной лексикой раздела, расскажите о работе инженера: 1) в области конструирования; 2) в исследовательской области; 3)на производстве.

8. Ситуации для высказываний. Используйте активную лексику, приведенную ниже:

а) Вы инженер-конструктор. Расскажите, где вы работаете и чем занимаетесь.

б) Вы работаете в исследовательской лаборатории по испытанию новых узлов (материалов). Скажите, в чем заключается ваша работа.

в) Ваш цех переходит на выпуск нового вида продукции. Скажите, в чем будет заключаться ваше участие (как инженера) в этом процессе.

Active Vocabulary

Область применения Существительные и сочетания с существительными Глаголы и глагольные сочетания
1. Деятельность инженера в различных областях   to design to develop to invent to test to analyze to handle to make drawings
2. Место изготовления изделий enterprise conveyer system assembly station  
3. Машины и механизмы tool die jig fixture automotive body machinery
4. Характеристики изделий performance specifications
5. Технологические процессы, операции   to weld to assemble to produce


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

set up - основывать, учреждать

consequence - следствие, результат

subject - предмет

emphasis - ударение, подчеркивание

appropriate - соответствующий

similar - похожий, подобный

in the opinion - по мнению

condense down - уменьшить до

objective - цель

search out - отыскать, разыскать, найти

self-assurance - самоуверенность, самонадеянность

encouragement - поощрение

solution - решение, разрешение (проблемы)

recognize - признавать

area - область

interchange - взаимообмен

undergraduate - студент последнего курса

post-graduate – аспирант

Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие за ним задания.


Engineering education developed very differently on the Continent and in the UK. On the Continent, engineering and technical sciences were set up in technical universities, while in the UK engineering departments were set up in multi-discipline universities. As a consequence, engineering education developed on the Continent as a more professionally oriented subject, while in the UK the emphasis was on engineering science. Perhaps because of their size and their more professional engineering-oriented courses the Continental technical universities have developed a much closer relationship with industry. In Germany, the Herr Professor is also likely to be a Herr Director and there are many visiting industrial professors, who will spend a day a week in the University. In France much of the lecturing is provided by staff from the appropriate industries. There is nothing similar in UK engineering departments.

The question is what is to be done about engineering education in the UK? In the opinion of Britain's specialists, 70 to 80 engineering faculties in English universities and polytechnics should be condensed down into 20 or so major technical universities. They should become more industrially-oriented.

Lastly, the objective of engineering education and training should be recognized. So what should be the objective of undergraduate education? It is to educate and train people to think and search out knowledge for themselves, and to have the self-assurance to apply it to the job in hand. Many of the courses are now much too intensive and students have too little time or encouragement, to read and think for themselves. The solution is to recognize that it is impossible to cover all the subjects which an engineer may find useful in a lifetime, and realize that if he has been correctly educated he can read up on subjects which he may need as he progresses in his career.

However, industry must recognize that a graduate will need training in the specific area in which he is working, and must also be prepared to encourage him to attend continuing education courses and/or seminars and conferences as appropriate. It is clear that there is to be much more interchange of staff between industry and higher education.

The education and training of engineers must be a partnership between industry and higher education, which extends from undergraduate education and training through to post-graduate short and long courses and research.


9. В первом абзаце текста сравнивается система высшего технического образования в Великобритании и на континенте. Есть ли различия между ними? Какие? Выделите в этом абзаце: а) причину, б) следствие, в) пример.

10. Оставшаяся часть текста является ответом на вопрос: What is to be done about engineering education in the UK? Еще раз прочитайте эту часть текста и перечислите изменения, которые, по мнению автора, должны быть внесены в систему технического образования Великобритании.

11. Одним из способов улучшения подготовки инженеров является сотрудничество высших учебных заведений с промышленностью. В чем оно должно проявляться? Подтвердите свой ответ ссылкой на текст.

Step 2


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

ancient - древний, старинный

occupation - занятие, профессия

skill - умение

evolve - развиваться

forerunner - предшественник

craftsmen - ремесленники

ancestor - предок

devise - придумывать, изобретать, разрабатывать

erect - строить, сооружать, воздвигать

civil engineer - инженер-строитель

define - определять

application - применение, приложение, использование

operate - приводить в действие, управлять

by means of - при помощи, посредствам

device - устройство, приспособление, механизм, аппарат, прибор

steam engine - паровая машина

previously - ранее, прежде

human being - человек

key - ключевой, ведущий

horsepower - лошадиная сила

customer - покупатель, заказчик, клиент

amount - количество

ability - способность

advantage - 1. преимущество; 2. выгода, польза

interaction - взаимодействие

enormous - громадный, огромный

source of power - источник энергии

gasoline - (амер.) бензин

widespread - (широко) распространенный

Прочитайте текст А и определите: а) о каких инженерных профессиях идет речь в первом абзаце; б) о каких механизмах и машинах сообщается в третьем абзаце; в) в связи с чем упомянут XIX век в последнем абзаце.


Engineering is one of the most ancient occupations in history. Without the skills included in the broad field of engineering, our present-day civilization never could have evolved. The first toolmakers who chipped arrows and spears from rock were the forerunners of modern mechanical engineers. The craftsmen who discovered metals in the earth and found ways to refine and use them were the ancestors of mining and metallurgical engineers. And the skilled technicians who devised irrigation systems and erected the marvellous buildings of the ancient world were the civil engineers of their time.

Engineering is often defined as making practical application of theoretical sciences such as physics and mathematics. Many of the early branches of engineering were based not on science but on empirical information that depended on observation and experience.

The great engineering works of ancient times were constructed and operated largely by means of slave labor. During the Middle Ages people began to seek devices and methods of work that were more efficient and humane. Wind, water, and animals were used to provide energy for some of these new devices. This led to the Industrial Revolution that began in the eighteenth century. First steam engines and then other kinds of machines took over more and more of the work that had previously been done by human beings or by animals. James Watt, one of the key figures in the early development of steam engines, devised the concept of horsepower to make his customers understand the amount of work his machines could perform.

Since the nineteenth century both scientific research and practical application of its results have escalated. The mechanical engineer now has the mathematical ability to calculate the mechanical advantage that results from the complex interaction of many different mechanisms. He or she also has new and stronger materials to work with and enormous new sources of power. The Industrial Revolution began by putting water and steam to work; since then machines using electricity, gasoline, and other energy sources have become so widespread that they now do a very large proportion of the work of the world.



1. Во втором абзаце текста вы встретили термин empirical information, в третьем абзаце – термин horsepower, в четвертом – mechanical advantage. Как переводится каждый из этих терминов? Выпишите их значения из словаря. В связи с чем упомянут каждый из этих терминов в соответствующем абзаце?

2. Выпишите из текста названия всех механизмов и машин прошлого и назовите соответствующие им русские термины.

3. Выпишите из текста виды источников энергии и назовите соответствующие им русские эквиваленты.

4. а) Следующие слова имеют общий корень со словами русского языка. Постарайтесь перевести их, не обращаясь к словарю.

engineering, civilization, modern, metal, construction, to refine, metallurgical, irrigation, practical, physics, empirical, application

б) Следующие слова – «ложные друзья переводчика». Выпишите те их значения из словаря, которые соответствуют контексту.

occupation, civil, human, observation

5. Выпишите все интернациональные слова из последнего абзаца текста, назовите их значения, выделите «ложных друзей переводчика». Подготовьте этот абзац для чтения вслух.


6. Завершите предложения, подобрав соответствующие окончания в правом столбце.

1. Engineering is ... a) many new sources of power

2. It is based on ... such as electricity, gasoline,

3. In ancient times engineering atomic power, etc.

work was done... b) the Industrial Revolution began.

4. In the Middle Ages the methods c) one of the most ancient oc-

and devices of work... cupations in history.

5. In the 18th century... d) and much stronger materials

6. Steam gave man... to work with.

7. Since the 19th century both e) by means of slave labor.

scientific research and its f) became more efficient.

practical application... g) theoretical sciences such as

8. In the 20th century the physics and mathematics.

mechanical engineer had... h) great sources of energy.

9. The engineer has new and... i) have greatly progressed.

7. Пользуясь информацией из текста, дополните таблицу.

Engineering specialty Its forerunner Its function
mechanical engineer tool-makers who chipped arrows and spears from rock to make tools and machinery
mining engineer    
civil engineer    
metallurgical engineer    


8. Ответьте на вопросы по теме “The Engineering Profession”.

1. Who were the forerunners of modern mechanical, mining and metallurgical, and civil engineers? 2. How is engineering often defined? 3. What kind of information were many of the early branches of engineering based on? Give some examples. 4. Name two important factors in the explosion of scientific knowledge in modern times. 5. What made people in the Middle Ages in Europe begin to experiment with new devices and methods of work? 6. What was the historical result of experimentation with different kinds of energy? 7. Who was James Watt? Why did he devise the concept of horsepower? 8. What advantages have scientific research and its applications given to the mechanical engineer? 9. What energy sources have come into common use since steam engines were developed at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?

9. Расскажите об истории развития инженерной профессии. Используйте активную лексику раздела.

Active Vocabulary

Область применения Существительные и сочетания с существительными Глаголы Прилагательные
1. Специалисты различных отраслей техники toolmaker craftsman mining engineer metallurgical engineer civil engineer   efficient human  
2. Машины и механизмы steam engine device arrow to erect to escalate to refine  
3. Методы исследования, используемые при расчетах механизмов, и дисциплины, связанные с этим empirical information observation experience mechanical advantage horsepower physics mathematics  
4. Деятельность инженера в различных областях to discover to perform to provide to calculate to depend upon  


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

rapid - быстрый, скорый

expansion - 1. рост, развитие, распространение; 2. расширение

increase - рост, увеличение

establish - основывать, учреждать, создавать, организовывать

aerospace - аэрокосмический

nuclear - ядерный, атомный

petroleum - нефть

concerned with - занятый (чем-либо)

require - 1. требовать; 2. нуждаться

creative - творческий, созидательный

available - имеющийся в распоряжении, доступный

manufacture - производство, изготовление

research and development - научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы

aircraft - самолеты, авиация

braking system - тормозная система

fabricate - производить, изготовлять

entire - полный, целый, весь

Bachelor of Science - бакалавр точных (естественных) наук

master’s degree - ученая степень магистра

keep up with changes - следить за изменениями

compete - конкурировать

Прочитайте текст и выберите заглавие к нему.

Development of Engineering

Science and Engineering

Engineering Specialties


One result of the rapid expansion of scientific knowledge was an increase in the number of engineering specialties. By the end of the nineteenth century not only were mechanical, civil, and mining and metallurgical engineering established but the newer specialties of chemical and electrical engineering also emerged. This growth in the number of specialties is continuing with the establishment of such disciplines as aerospace, nuclear, petroleum, and electronic engineering. Many of these are subdivisions of earlier specialities – for examples electronic from electrical engineering or petroleum from chemical. Within the field of mechanical engineering the major subdivision is industrial engineering which is concerned with complete mechanical systems for industry rather than individual machines.

Engineers design and make machines, equipment and the like. Such work requires creative ability and a working knowledge of scientific principles. The engineer must also have an understanding of the various processes and materials available to him/her and could be working in any of the following areas: the organization of manufacture, research and development, design, construction, sales and education.

Because of the large number of engineering fields today there are often many different kinds of engineers working on large projects such as the development of nuclear power or new aircraft. In the design of a new aircraft mechanical engineers work not only on the plane's engines but on other mechanical aspects such as the braking system. When the aircraft goes into production mechanical and industrial engineers are involved in designing the machines necessary to fabricate the different parts as well as the entire system for assembling them. In both phases of such a project mechanical engineers work with specialists in fields such as aerospace and electronic engineering. Each engineer is a member of a team often headed by a systems engineer able to combine the contributions made by all the different disciplines.

Another result of the increase of scientific knowledge is that engineering has become a profession. A profession is an occupation like law or medicine that requires specialized advanced education. Today it requires at least four or five years of university study leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. More and more often engineers, especially those engaged in research, get an advanced master's or doctor's degree. Even those engineers who do not study for advanced degrees must keep up with changes in their profession. A mechanical engineer who does not know about new materials cannot successfully compete with one who does.


10. Вы ознакомились с содержанием текста. Как вы поняли из контекста значение словосочетаний industrial engineer, systems engineer?

11. Суммируйте информацию текста, закончив следующие высказывания соответствующими окончаниями из правого столбца.

1. Engineering is based on... a) to the growth in the number of

2. The rapid increase of scientific engineering fields.

knowledge leads... b) that each engineer keeps up with

3. Another result of the increase changes in his profession.

of scientific knowledge is... c) a large number of different kinds

4. Profession is an occupation... of engineering specialities.

5. Because of the large number d) that requires specialized ad-

of engineering fields the de- vanced education.

velopment of a complex mech- e) that engineering has become a

anism requires... profession.

12. Дополните составленный вами рассказ информацией из текста "The Engineering Profession" и сделайте сообщение на тему "Engineering and Engineering Profession".

Step 3


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

depend on - зависеть от

essential - 1. обязательный, необходимый; 2. основной, существенный

triangle - треугольник

major - 1. больший; 2. главный, крупный

pure - 1. чистый; 2. теоретический

investigation - (научное) исследование

research - исследование, изучение, изыскание, научно-исследовательская раблта

generalization - обобщение

on the other hand - с другой стороны

principal - главный, основной

technique - техника, технические приемы, технология, методы

employ - 1. предоставлять работу, нанимать; 2. употреблять, использовать, применять

Бегло просмотрите текст А и скажите:

а) связан ли он по тематике с предыдущими текстами данного цикла;

б) в каких абзацах текста содержится информация о работе инженера;

в) в каком абзаце текста расшифровывается понятие "the essential triangle";

г) раскрывает ли заглавие "The Essential Triangle" содержание текста. Предложите свои варианты заглавия.


Technological and industrial progress depends on the scientist, the engineer and the technologist – an essential triangle. Each makes major contribution to progress. The engineer depends upon the scientist for new knowledge and upon the technologist for specialized assistance in translating engineering plans into operating reality.

The pure scientist can make his contribution to progress through the investigation of the unknown.

The interests of the research engineer are in the area of applied science and research. Scientists work in a world of generalizations and abstractions. The technologist, on the other hand, works in the real world of specific things and concrete objects. His problems are practical and they require practical solutions. He is more interested in how to do things. He must understand engineering tables and formulas and apply them in his work. The scientist, the research engineer, the technologist – all play an important role in the modern world.

The principal work of the engineer is design. He has to design products, machines and production systems. Like the research engineer, the engineer asks "why?". Like the technologist, he is also concerned with "how?".

The engineer must combine many of the characteristics of the scientist, research engineer and technologist. He must have a basic knowledge of the sciences, and understanding of the abstract techniques of the research engineer and he should know much of the technology employed by technologists.

Perhaps the most important function of the engineer is to integrate the work of the essential triangle. His interest must be in combining the abstract-theoretical world and the technical-practical world.



1. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и сочетания, составленные из интернациональных слов. Значение выделенных слов – «ложных друзей переводчика» – уточните по словарю.

technological progress, industrial progress, specialized assistance, reality, abstraction, concrete object, specific, table, formula, role, modern, principal, to combine, basic, abstract techniques, function, to integrate

2. а) Найдите в тексте существительные, образованные от приведенных ниже глаголов и уточните их значения.

to know, to contribute, to assist, to investigate, to generalize

б) Найдите в тексте глаголы, от которых образованы приведенные ниже существительные, и уточните их значения.

requirement, combination, integration

3. Найдите в первом-четвертом абзацах английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний и слов.

прикладная наука и исследования, главная работа, практические решения, применять, производственные системы, подобно, играть важную роль, зависеть от, проектировать машины


4. Завершите предложения, подобрав соответствующие окончания в правой колонке.

1. The essential triangle consists a) to design

of... b) how to do things.

2. The scientist makes his con tribution c) to integrate the work of the to progress through... essential triangle.

3. The technologist is more d) the scientist, the techno-

interested in... logist, the engineer

4. The principal work of the engineer is... e) the investigation of the unknown

5. The most important function

of the engineer is...

5. Пользуясь информацией текста, заполните таблицу.

Сфера деятельности Деятель
new knowledge scientist
work in the area of applied science and research  
translating engineering plans into operating reality  
production process  
designing products, machines, production systems  


6. Расскажите о роли ученого, инженера и технолога в научно-техническом прогрессе, используя следующие словосочетания и активную лексику.

the essential triangle, to consist of, to make contribution to progress, to investigate the unknown, to deal with the production process, to design new products, to integrate the work.

Active Vocabulary

Область применения Существительные Глаголы Прилагательные
1. Методы исследования и систематизация знаний object area knowledge investigation generalization abstraction solution assistance to abstract to generalize       principal basic practical theoretical abstract essential major technical  
2. Применение изделий, конструкций   to apply to employ


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

improvement - улучшение, усовершенствование

productivity - производительность

in turn - в свою очередь

availability - наличие

perform - исполнять, выполнять, делать

train - обучать, готовить

to be familiar - знать что-либо

processing - обработка

particularly - особенно, в особенности

tool engineer - технолог

common - общий

approach - подход

advanced engineering courses - курсы повышения квалификации для инженеров

participate - участвовать

complicated - сложный


Future improvements in productivity are largely dependent on the application of science to manufacturing. This depends in turn on the availability of large numbers of scientifically trained engineers. Higher schools can serve the needs of industry in two ways: by performing basic research and by training well-qualified engineers in the manufacturing field.

There is a growing need for engineers who are familiar with the fundamental problems in metal processing and manufacturing. In the near future many of the engineers will be recent university graduates. A few will come through courses of study in industry. Others, having a basic engineering knowledge will continue additional studies at colleges to prepare themselves for work in industry. Therefore, an engineer does not finish his education when he receives his diploma, particularly in the fields of interest to tool engineers who are to study new developments constantly.

There are numerous ways in which industry and education can cooperate on problems of common interest. Scientists and research engineers are engaged in work that is intended to provide a scientific approach to many purely industrial problems. These scientists and engineers can make a real contribution to engineering education or academic research. They can, for example, teach advanced engineering courses and they can actively participate in basic and applied research.

Similarly, large and complicated projects of new technologies could well be handled by institute researchers working on practical applications. This would often provide the most efficient approach to the solution of processing problems.


7. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и расположите их в порядке следования информации в тексте:

а) An engineer does not finish his education when he receives his diploma.

б) There is a close cooperation between industry and education.

в) The higher school can serve the needs of industry.

Логическая схема

8. Ориентируясь на основные блоки схемы, составьте план сообщения по теме "Engineering Profession".

9. Сделайте краткое сообщение на английском языке по каждому пункту плана, ориентируясь на «подблоки» схемы.

Conversion of Metric Units -



Step 1


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

withstand - выдерживать, противостоять

stress - напряжение, усилие; нагрузка

motion - движение

complex - сложный, составной, комплексный

complicated - сложный, трудный для понимания

take into account - учитывать, принимать во внимание

satisfactorily - удовлетворительно

internal combustion engine - двигатель внутреннего сгорания

pump - насос

machine-tool - станок

dam - дамба, плотина

strength of materials - сопротивление материалов

deal with - иметь дело с

assure oneself of smth. - убедиться в чем-либо

В первом абзаце текста подчеркивается, что современные машины подвергаются огромным напряжениям и выполняют сложные движения. В то же время автомобильный двигатель назван «простой» машиной. Какое отношение между первым и вторым положениями этого абзаца?

Основная часть текста посвящена классификации основных отраслей техники, специалистов, работающих в каждой из этих областей, и перечислению основных изделий промышленности. Назовите абзацы и предложения текста, которые относятся непосредственно к машиностроению.


Today machines have to withstand such tremendous stresses and to be able of such complex motions that complicated and specialized calcu­lations taking hundreds of factors into account are needed in the design of even quite a simple machine like a motor-car engine.

So, as engineering progresses, engineers must become ever more scientific and specialized. Today the branches of engineering are so wide that it is impossible to classify them satisfactorily. But we may try to divide them into uses. The main divisions of engineering may be listed as follows:

1. Mechanical engineering.

Steam engines, internal combustion engines, turbines (steam, gas, water), pumps; compressors; machine-tools; mechanisms.

2. Electrical engineering.

a) Power: generators; motors; transformers; transmission (power lines and so on).

b) Electronics: radio, radar, television.

3. Civil engineering.

Dams; tunnels; roads, and so on.

4. Structural engineering.

The structural details of all large buildings and bridges.

5. Chemical engineering.

Any of these branches of engineering may require the special services of the following specialists: the metallurgist; the strength of materials expert; the thermodynamics or heat expert, the mechanics or machines experts; the various production engineering experts such as the engi­neering designer or the tool designer; the mathematician specializing in engineering problems and many more.

The engineer must also deal with the economists to assure himself that he is producing what is wanted, and economically.



1. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Назови­те значения интернациональных слов, проверьте правильность вашей догадки по словарю.

metallurgist, expert, mechanics, structural engineering, chemical engineering, mathematician, generator, civil engineering, heat expert, tool designer, economist, electrical engineering, engineering designer.


2. Подберите из текста словосочетания для заполнения следующих диаграмм, которые отражают отношение между отраслью производства, производителем и из­делием.

Conversion of Metric Units -

Conversion of Metric Units -

3. Прочитайте о том значении, которое имеют технические специальности в экономике Великобритании, и составьте логическую схему текста, аналогичную при­веденным выше. Основным блоком схемы является "Engineering".

So What Is Engineering?

The engineering industry makes most of the things that are essential and useful: aerospace, cars, hospital equipment, telecommunications and even the humble kettle. Engineering also makes most of the things other industries need from cash dispensers and electronic mail for the banking industry to microphones and staging for the entertainment industry. In the production of everything from chocolates to the Channel Tunnel, the key individuals are the engineers. It's an industry that still contributes significantly to the wealth of the UK, the very diverse manufacturing industry sector alone generates around a third of the national wealth and employs approximately 32 percent of the working population.

In recent years, engineering has changed out of all recognition. The sheer speed of change in many manufacturing technologies is startling. Thanks to the introduction of computers and new technologies like Virtual Reality, people are more in control than ever. This also means the engineering employers are looking for people with a wider range of skills and personalities: from lone-theorists to more gregarious and practical individuals; from managers who can handle people, lead teams and solve problems, to creative designers with a keen sense of market realities. Engineering needs them all — women as well as men.


4. Завершите предложения, подобрав соответствующие окончания в правом столбце.

1. At present there are... a) more scientific and specialized.

2. It is very difficult... b) the special services of specialists

3. The main divisions of engi- from various branches.

-neering are... c) numerous branches of engineering.

4. So, engineers must become... d)complicated and specialized

5. In designing even a simple calculations are needed.

machine... e) to give a satisfactory classification

6. Thus, any branch of engi- of these branches.

neering may require... f) mechanical engineering, electrical

engineering, civil engineering,

structural engineering and chemical


5. Заполните таблицу по образцу.

Branch of Engineering Specialist Object of Work
1. civil engineering civil engineer dams, tunnels, roads...
2. mechanical engineering    
3. electrical engineering a) b)     a) b)
4. structural engineering    
5. chemical engineering    

6. Воспользовавшись заполненной таблицей, расскажите об основных отраслях тех­ники, специалистах, работающих в этих отраслях, содержании их работы.

Active Vocabulary

Область применения Существительные и сочетания с существительными Прилагательные, причастия
1. Области техники   mechanical engineering electrical engineering civil engineering structural engineering chemical engineering specialized scientific  
2. Специалисты различных отраслей техники   metallurgist strength of materials expert mechanics heat expert production engineering expert engineering designer tool designer mathematician economist
3. Машины и механизмы   steam engine internal combustion engine turbine pump machine-tool generator motor radio
4. Объекты строительства   tunnel bridge dam


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

branch - отрасль

diversity - разнообразие

allied - союзный, родственный, близкий

construction - строительство, конструирование

operation - действие, работа, функционирование

prime mover - первичный двигатель

media - средства

steam boiler - паровой котел

railroad - железная дорога

harbor - гавань, порт

extent - 1. протяжение; степень, мера; 3. размер, величина

activity - деятельность

applied - прикладной

fuel - топливо, горючее

printing - печатание

heat transfer - теплопередача, теплоотдача

power - энергия

process - обрабатывать

rubber - резина, каучук

Какое событие, связанное с утверждением машиностроения как отдельной отрас­ли техники, упомянуто в первом абзаце текста?

Просмотрите второй абзац текста и определите связь между этим текстом и текстом А, опираясь на знание коннектора in fact.

В третьем абзаце текста дается классификация отраслей и подразделений Амери­канского общества инженеров-механиков. Какие из этих отраслей были отмече­ны в тексте А?


Mechanical engineering has been recognized as a separate branch of engineering since the formation of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers of Great Britain in 1847. The development of the textile machinery, steam engines, machine-tools, pumping machinery, turbines and locomotives of that time made such a diversity interest for civilian engineers that these and allied subjects were called mechanical engineering.

Mechanical engineering deals with the design, construction and operation of machines and devices of all kinds, and with research and sciences upon which these depend. Among these machines are prime movers such as engines and turbines using air, gas, steam and water as operating media; pumping machines and other hydraulic apparatus; steam boilers, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating equipment, transportation structures used in aviation; automotive engineering, railroads and ships, machine-tools, special machines for industry and for construction of buildings, railroads and harbors. In fact, mechanical engineering enters into the work of all engineers whose machines are to be developed for the processes of specialists of the other branches of engineering. To understand better the extent of the activities and interests of mechanical engineers, the following lists of the professional divisions and technical committees of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) are given.

Professional divisions: applied mechanics, aviation, fuel, graphic arts (printing), heat transfer, hydraulics, industrial instruments and regulators, management, materials handling, metals engineering, oil and gas power, process industries, production engineering, railroad, rubber and plastics, textiles, wood industries.


7. Заполните схему, использовав информацию текста.

Conversion of Metric Units -

8. Расскажите: а) об изделиях машиностроения; б) о структуре и деятельности Американского общества инженеров-механиков.

Step 2


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

trend - направление, тенденция

headline - газетный заголовок

creation - создание

reliability - надежность

service life - эксплуатационный срок службы

carry out - выполнять

merely - только, просто

workpiece - обрабатываемое изделие

space - пространство, место

trace - проследить

coal-digging - угледобывающий

installation - установка

casting - отливка, литье, разливка

treatment - обработка

transfer line - автоматическая станочная линия

flexible - гибкий

generation - поколение

evolve - 1. развивать; 2. раскрывать, выявлять

proceeding from - исходя из

allow - позволять, допускать

allow for - предусматривать

solution - решение

blueprint - 1. синька, светокопия; 2. план, проект, программа

coating - покрытие

alloy - сплав

compound - соединение, смесь, состав

tungsten - вольфрам

reinforce - усиливать, укреплять

vulnerable - уязвимый

wear and tear - износ

grain - зерно

harvester - комбайн

last - быть достаточным, хватать

quantity - количество

quality - качество

Переведите заголовок текста (он полностью раскрывает его содержание).

Прочитайте текст и определите:

а) о каких двух основных направлениях современного машиностроения упоминается в первом абзаце;

б) в каком абзаце перечисляются новые виды автоматизированных машин и ме­ханизмов;

в) в каких абзацах говорится о методах повышения срока службы и надежности современных машин.



The scientific and technological progress will continue in engineering along two main headlines. Firstly, it is automation, including the creation of "unmanned" industries. Secondly, raising the reliability and extending the service life of machines.

This certainly requires new technology. The machine modules on a large scale are well suited for "unmanned" industries.

Intense work is being carried out on new robots. What we need is not merely manipulators which can take up a workpiece and pass it on, but robots which can identify objects, their position in space, etc.

We also need machines that would trace the entire process of machining. Some have been designed and are manufactured. Modern engineering thinking has created new automated coal-digging complexes and machine systems, installations for the continuous casting of steel, machine-tools for electrophysical and electrochemical treatment of metals, unique welding equipment, automatic rotor transfer lines and machine-tool modules for flexible industries.

New technologies and equipment have been designed for most branches of engineering.

In the shortest time possible the engineers are to start producing new generations of machines and equipment which would allow manu­facturers to increase productivity several times and to find a way for the application of advanced technologies.

Large reserves in extending service life for machines can be found in the process of designing. At present, advanced methods have been evolved for designing machines proceeding from a number of criteria. Automatic design systems allow for an optimizing of the solutions in design and technology when new machines are still in the blueprint stage.

A promising reserve in increasing the life of parts is strengthening treatment. In recent years new highly efficient methods have been found. First and foremost of them is the vacuum plasma methods for coating components with hard alloy compounds, such as nitrides and carbides of titanium, tungsten and boron. Methods have been designed for reinforcing machine parts most vulnerable to wear and tear, such as in grain harvesters, to make them last several times longer.

Thus, it is not merely quantity engineers and scientists are after, rather it is a matter of major characteristics. In other words, this is a matter of quality, and not of the mere number of new machines, apparatuses and materials.



1. Назовите значения следующих интернациональных слов. Найдите данные слова в тексте и уточните их значения по контексту.

module, robot, to identify, manipulator, electrophysical, electrochemical, unique, rotor, line, productivity, to reserve, criteria, to optimize, vacuum, plasma, component, nitride, carbide, titanium, apparatus

2. Переведите предложения с данными словосочетаниями на русский язык.

3. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты для следующих русских словосочетаний, срок службы, передовые методы, электрофизическая обработка, модуль станка, система проектирования, составы из твердых сплавов, методы вакуумной плазмы, упрочнение деталей машин, гибкое производство, полностью автоматизированное производство


4. Определите, какие из данных высказываний соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. There are two main trends in modern machine-building: auto­mation and raising of the reliability of machines. 2. The creation of "unmanned" industries is included into automation. 3. Machine mod­ules and robots are not suited for "unmanned industries". 4. Auto­mation and raising of the reliability of machines require new tech­nologies. 5. Advanced technologies are applied in most branches of engineering. 6. The service life of machine parts can't be increased by strengthening treatment. 7. Hard alloy compounds are employed for coating components. 8. The process of designing can also be automated. This gives the advantage of optimizing solutions in design and technology.

5. а) Изучите приведенную ниже диаграмму; б) Найдите в тексте A абзацы, соот­ветствующие положениям схемы; в) Дополните диаграмму, если это необходимо.

  Conversion of Metric Units -

Conversion of Metric Units -


6. Ответьте на вопросы по теме "Trends in the Modern Machine-Building Industry".

1. Name the main trends in modern machine-building. 2. What does automation include? 3. In what way can automation be achieved? 4. What is the role of new technologies? 5. Give some examples of advanced methods for increasing the service life of machine parts. 6. How can the Process of designing be improved? 7. What is the main task of the engineers and scientists developing new machines and technologies?

7. Подготовьте сообщения по теме "Trends in the Modern Machine-Building Industry" (при подготовке воспользуйтесь диаграммой задания 5 и нижеприведенным ак­тивным словарем).

Active Vocabulary

Область применения Существительные и сочетания существительными Глаголы, глагольные сочетания Слова – орга-низаторы науч-ной и техничес-кой мысли
1. Научный и технический прогресс unmanned industry flexible industry advanced technology intense work to raise reliability to extend the service of life to increase productivity firstly secondly in other words thus such as certainly  
2. Машины и механизмы robot manipulator welding equipment transfer line machine-tool module installation to trace the process to take up a workpiece to identify an object  
3. Технологические процессы, методы continuous casting treatment strengthening treatment reinforcing manufacturing machining vacuum plasma method  


Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

ingenious - 1. изобретательный, искусный; 2. остроумный, оригинальный

break down - сломаться, выйти из строя

friction - трение

subject - подвергать

resistance - противодействие, сопротивление

comprehensive - всеобъемлющий, обширный

extend - продлить

unit - установка, комплект, агрегат, аппарат, прибор, элемент, секция; узел, блок

as compared with - по сравнению с

sufficient - достаточный

assembly line - сборочный конвейер

ensure - обеспечивать, гарантировать

checking - проверка

detect - находить, обнаруживать

fault - недостаток, дефект

billet - брусок, заготовка, болванка

pressure - давление

density - плотность

flaw - пороки, трещины (в металле); изъян, дефект

key - ключ

large-scale - крупномасштабный

Прочитайте заголовок и скажите о чем, по вашему мнению, пойдет речь в тексте.

В каком абзаце говорится об исследованиях влияния трения на износостойкость деталей машин?

В четвертом абзаце текста перечисляются способы проверки качества компонен­тов различных машин. Сколько именно способов?

Найдите предложение, формулирующее определение «надежности» для решения задачи широкомасштабной автоматизации.


Reliability is a basic requirement of any instrument, plant or machine. The most ingenious machine is nothing but useless unless it is reliable.

At present the main defect in any machine is the different service life of its parts. The first to break down are parts with friction, the most numerous in any machine. Until quite recently scientists differed in their explanations of why parts subjected to friction break.

At present scientists are engaged in research into friction and wear-and-tear resistance. The results of their comprehensive research will extend the useful life of units with friction by thirty to fifty percent as compared with what we have now.

Sufficient reliability and long service life of highly complicated automatic complexes, spaceships and assembly lines can be ensured by the high quality of their components, their accurate assembly and continuous checking while in operation, as well as by detecting faults as soon as they appear. This means that instruments are necessary for checking metal billets; all kinds of test installations and multiple switching control devices by which temperature, pressure and density in any part of a system may be inspected a number of times over a period of only one second. We need diagnostic systems and many different types of flaw detectors and sensors because, as is known, reliability is the key which opens the way to large-scale automation.


8. Суммируйте информацию текста, дополнив таблицу.

Факторы, влияющие на срок службы и надежность компонентов Способы проверки качества компонентов
1. высокое качество компонентов checking metal billets  
2. точная сборка employing test installations  
3. continuous checking while in operation     использование контрольных приборов для проверки температуры, дав­ления, плотности
4. immediate detecting faults     применение диагностических систем, дефектоскопов и датчиков

9. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Why is the service life of different machine parts different? 2. What factors do the service life and reliability of complicated systems depend on? 3. In what ways can the quality of machine parts be inspected?



Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

major - значительный, главный, крупный

advance - продвижение вперед; прогресс

conveyer belt - ленточный транспортер

station - место, местоположение

chain drive - цепной привод, цепная передача

over and over - опять, снова, много раз подряд

increase - увеличивать

superficial - поверхностный; несерьезный

entail - влечь за собой, вызывать

variety - разнообразие

responsibility - ответственность

consideration - соображение

coin - создавать новые слова

valve - клапан

take advantage of - воспользоваться

refining - очистка

Прочитайте текст и определите:

а) о каких двух характерных чертах машиностроения XX века идет речь;

б) в каком абзаце идет речь о повышении производительности сборочного кон­вейера;

в) в связи с каким событием упомянуты в тексте 40-е годы XX века.


A major advance in twentieth century manufacturing was the development of mass production techniques. Mass production refers to manufacturing processes in which an assembly line, usually a conveyer belt, moves the product to stations where each worker performs a limited number of operations until the product is assembled. In the automobile assembly plant such systems have reached a highly-developed form. A complex system of conveyer belts and chain drives moves car parts to workers who perform the thousands of necessary assembling tasks.

Mass production increases efficiency and productivity to a point beyond which the monotony of repeating an operation over and over slows down the workers. Many ways have been tried to increase productivity on assembly lines: some of them are as superficial as piping music into the plant or painting the industrial apparatus in bright colors; others entail giving workers more variety in their tasks and more responsibility for the product.

These human factors are important considerations for industrial engineers who must try to balance an efficient system of manufacturing with the complex needs of workers.

Another factor for the industrial engineer to consider is whether each manufacturing process can be automated in whole or in part. Automation is a word coined in the 1940s to describe processes by which machines do tasks previously performed by people. The word was new but the idea was not. We know of the advance in the development of steam engines that produced automatic valves. Long before that, during the Middle Ages, windmills had been made to turn by taking advantage of changes in the wind by means of devices that worked automatically.

Automation was first applied to industry in continuous-process manufacturing such as refining petroleum, making petrochemicals, and refining steel. A later development was computer-controlled automation of assembly line manufacturing, especially those in which quality control was an important factor.



1. Расположите слова списка (а) в алфавитном порядке. Найдите по словарю их перевод. Переведите словосочетания списка (b).

a) production, belt, line, engineer, process, manufacturing, automation

b) mass production, conveyer belt, assembly line, industrial engineer, manufacturing process, continuous-process manufacturing, assembly line manufacturing, computer-controlled automation

2. Прочитайте текст еще раз и найдите в нем словосочетания, равнозначные по значению следующим.

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