Put all possible questions to each sentence. (Tables 12, 13 )

1. Cases begin in a trial court which determines quilt and sentencing.

  1. American jails hold over 600.000 people on any one day.
  2. Only 7 per cent of defendants were denied bail.
  3. Most serious crimes occur during the evening hours.
  4. Most people are willing to help the police.
  5. Urban police forces must deal with a complex population.
  6. Women have become police officers since 1905.
  7. In 1980 there were 1.4 million Americans under community supervision.
  8. A felony involves a potential punishment of a year or more in prison, a misdemeanor a shorter term of incarceration, probation, fines or community service.
  9. The officers were called "bobbies" after Sir Robert Peel.
  10. Felony cases are heard in trial courts of general jurisdiction.

Define the tense and the voice of the verb and translate the sentences. (Tables 12, 13)

1. The structure of the US government was created with the ratification of the US Constitution.

  1. Criminal cases are often tried in the US district courts, which are federal courts.
  2. She was only sentenced to 3 years probation, loss of her driving licence and community service.
  3. Since 1950s the rights of defendants in state criminal trials have been expanded.
  4. She spent no time in jail.
  5. By 1950s the police were using new technologies and methods to combat crimes.
  6. About 80 per cent of felons will be released on parole.
  7. Since the end of the cold war, American police organizations have assisted United Nations peacekeeping operations in Bosnia, Cyprus, Haiti, Kosovo, Panama and Somalia.
  8. Greater attention is now being placed on repeat offenders.
  9. Recruits hear lectures of social relations, receive foreign language training and learn emergency medical treatment.
  10. Cybercrime committed through the use of computers over the Internet are becoming major global problem.
  11. Many people are arrested for offences they committed while under the influence of alcohol.
  12. Since the development of juvenile courts in the 1890s children above age seven generally have not been tried by the same rules as adults.
  13. The police officer arrived at the crime scene after the crime had been committed.
  14. Most serious crimes occur during the evening hours.

Translate the sentences with the Infinitive, Participle and Gerundial Constructions. (Table 14-18)

1. The accused is supposed to receive a full and fair hearing.

  1. Some scholars believe the woman to commit more economic and occupational crimes in future.
  2. The trial is expected to start next month.
  3. The witness claims he saw the suspect entering his neighbour's house.
  4. Men are believed to commit more crimes than women.
  5. People who are arrested are supposed to be taken to jail.
  6. Tina's being accused of shoplifting surprised everybody.
  7. Political crimes against government are considered to be activities such as treason or rebellion.
  8. The police is said not to work effectively if there are a lot of unsolved crimes in the area.
  9. Nobody saw the arsonist leaving the scene.
  10. Their child being kidnapped, the parents were afraid to call the police.
  11. They didn't expect the witness to give false evidence in court.
  12. The police watched the robber enter the office.
  13. The suspects being badly wounded resulted in his arrest.


Table 1


A, a [eו]   N, n [en]
B, b [bi:]   O, o [¶u]
C, c [si:]   P, p [pi:]
D, d [di:]   Q, q [kju:]
E, e [i:]   R, r [a:]
F, f [ef]   S, s [es]
G, g [dзi:]   T, t [ti:]
H, h [eוt∫]   U, u [ju:]
I, i [aו]   V, v [vi:]
J, j [dзeו]   W, w [‘dΛblju:]
K, k [keו]   X, x [eks]
L, l [el]   Y, y [waו]
M, m [em]   Z, z [zed]

  Put all possible questions to each sentence. (Tables 12, 13 ) - student2.ru

Table 2


  I тип (открытый слог) II тип (закрытый слог) III тип (гласная +r) IV тип (гласная + r + e)
a [ei] name [æ] flag [a:] part [εэ] care
o [эu] close [o] stop [o:] sport [o:] store
e [i:] Pete [e] pen [э:] Bert [iэ] here
u [ju:] music [Λ] bus [э:] fur [juэ] pure
Put all possible questions to each sentence. (Tables 12, 13 ) - student2.ru Put all possible questions to each sentence. (Tables 12, 13 ) - student2.ru i y [ai] Mike type [i] pin Syd [э:] sir [aiэ] fire


oo [u] [u:] book, look, school, pool
ee [i:] tree, bee, see
ea [i:] tea, meat, sea
ch [t∫] cheese, peach, catch
sh [ò] she, shop, fish
ck [k] stick, back, Nick
th [q] [ð] this, that, thanks
wh [w] what, , where, where
wr [r] wrong, write, wrist
ng [η] song, ring, sing
kn [n] knife, knee, know


Буква Позиция Чтение Примеры
C [si:] 1. Перед e, i, y 2. Во всех остальных случаях [s] [k] cent, pencil cup, cap, clock, block.
G [dзi:] 1. Перед e, i, y Исключения: 2. Во всех остальных случаях [dз]   [g] page, gin get, girl, give. good, big, glad.
S [es] 1. Между согласными и в конце слов после гласных и звонких согласных 2. Во всех остальных случаях [z]   [s] please, pens, rose.   sit, student, best.
X [eks] 1. Перед согласными и в конце слов 2. Перед ударной согласной [ks]   [gz] text, six   exam

Table 3


после глухих согласных после звонких согласных и гласных после ge, ce, ze, se
[s] [z] [iz]
prints stamps books rights laws exams crimes days pages places prizes houses
после: sh, ch, s, x, -[iz]
brushes, benches, buses, boxes
Но! potatoes, tomatoes, Negroes -[z]

Table 4


  Personal Possessive
  Именительный падеж Косвенный падеж Относительная форма Абсолютная (без существительных)
ед. число I (я) you (ты) he (он) she (она) it (о неодуш.) me you him her it my (мой, –я, -ё) your (твой, -я, -ё) his (его) her (её) its mine yours his hers its
мн. число we you they us you them our (наш, -а, -е) your (ваш, -а, -е their (их) ours yours theirs


  Singular Plural
Рядом с говорящим This (эта, этот, это) These (эти)
На расстоянии от говорящего That (та, тот, то) Those (те)


When? What? Where? Who? Whom? Whose? Which? How? How many? How much? когда? что? какой? где? куда? кто? кого? кому? чей? который? (при выборе) как? сколько? (с исчисляемыми) сколько? (с неисчисляемыми)


Singular (ед. число) Plural (мн. число)
+ self + selves
myself ourselves
yourself themselves


+ Affirmative - Negative ? Interrogative
Some (несколько, некоторый) not any no any
somebody (кто-то) not anybody nobody anybody
somewhere (где-то, куда-то) not anywhere nowhere anywhere

Table 5

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