Logistics terms and acronyms

1. Read the following international words. Define their meanings comparing them to the meanings of the corresponding Russian words:

computer, distribution, form, international, monitoring, national, organization, passive, physical, program, radio, satellite, separation, standards, system, technology, transmission.

2. Complete the table using suitable forms:

Verb Noun
to consolidate  
to bypass  
to store  

3. Translate English words and phrases in column A using Russian words and phrases from column B:

1) collection 2) cross-docking 3) warehousing 4) break-bulk 5) tracking and tracing 6) transshipment 7) order picking 8) stock a) разбивка b) отслеживание и контроль с) перевалка d) сортировка заказа f) запас g) накопление h) хранение i) кросс-докинг

4. Read and translate the given logistics terms below:

A. Transshipment is consolidation of shipments to one destination and reshipping from that destination.

B. Break-bulk is separation of a single consolidated bulk load into smaller individual shipments for delivery to the ultimate consignees.

C. Cross-docking is direct flow of goods from receipt at warehouse to shipping, bypassing the storage.

D. Order picking is selecting and assembling items from stock for shipments.

E. Tracking and tracingis monitoring and recording shipment movements from origin to destination.

F. Warehousingis receiving and storing goods.

G. Collectionis picking up goods at a named place.

(1. перевалка; 2. разбивка; 3. кросс-докинг; 4. формирование заказа; 5. обнаружение и отслеживание; 6. складирование; 7. сбор)

5. Translate the sentences and give the English names for the noted logistics terms:

Cкоординированная по времени складская операция приема и отправки грузов клиенту без их хранения.

Мониторинг и запись передвижений груза, начиная от места отправки и заканчивая пунктом назначения.

Отбор и сборка товаров в месте хранения перед отправкой груза.

Разделение груза на небольшие части и перемещение его по частям конечному получателю.

Сбор товаров в обозначенном месте.

Получение и хранение товаров.

Доставка груза через несколько точек до конечного пункта назначения.

6. Read and translate abbreviations below:

A. DC - Distribution Center:The warehouse facility which holds inventory from manufacturing pending distribution to the appropriate stores.

B. ISO - International Standards Organization:An organization within the United Nations to which all national and other standard setting bodies (should) defer. Develops and monitors international standards, including OSI, EDIFACT, and X.400.

C. EDI - Electronic Data Interchange:Intercompany, computer-to-computer transmission of business information in a standard format. "Computer-to-computer" means direct transmission from the originating application program to the receiving, or processing, application program. An EDI transmission consists only of business data, not any accompanying verbiage or free-form messages.

D. LCL - Less-Than-Carload or Less-Than-Container Load:Shipment that is less than a complete rail car load (lot shipment).

E. RFID - Radio Frequency Identification:The use of radio frequency technology including RFID tags and tag readers to identify objects. Objects may include virtually anything physical, such as equipment, pallets of stock, or even individual units of product. RFID tags can be active or passive. Active tags contain a power source and emit a signal constantly. Passive tags receive power from the radio waves sent by the scanner / reader. The inherent advantages of RFID over bar code technology are: 1) the ability to be read over longer distances, 2) the limitation of requirement for “line of sight” reads, 3) added capacity to contain information, and 4) RFID tag data can be updated/changed.

F. GPS (Global Positioning System):A system which uses satellites to precisely locate an object on earth. Used by trucking companies to locate over-the-road equipment.

7. Give English equivalents for the phrases given below:

глобальная система позиционирования; международная организация по стандартизации; мелкая отправка; радиочастотная идентификация; распределительный центр; электронный обмен данными.

8. Translate the article:

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