Ex.6. Match the word combinations on the left with their translation on the right.

1. integrated system a. стандартная ширина колеи
2. widely known b. эксплуатационная скорость
3. standard gauge c. почтовая связь
4. major cities d. полная совместимость
5. commercial speed e. стандартное определение
6. precise criteria f. широкоизвестный
7. mail service g. эксплуатационные условия
8. complete compatibility h. обычные поезда
9. standard definition i. интегрированная система
10. operating conditions j. точные критерии
11. conventionally hauled trains k. основные города

Ex.7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to different functions of -ed forms.

1. The article includes any planned expansion of existing high-speed rail networks in countries that already have one.

2. Maglev train ridership levels were attributed to limited operating hours, the short length of the line, and high ticket prices.

3. Japan was the first country to build dedicated railway lines for high speed travel.

4. Among the key people credited with the construction of the first Shinkansen is Shinji Sogo, the first President of Japanese National Railways (JNR) who managed to persuade politicians to back the plan.

5. The popular English name bullet train is a literal translation of the Japanese nickname given to the project while it was initially being discussed in the 1930s.

6. To enable high-speed operation, Shinkansen uses advanced technologies compared with conventional rail.

7. In India, trains in the future with speed of 250–350 km/h, are envisaged to run on elevated corridors.

8. Indonesian authorities have expressed an interest in high-speed rail for the densely-populated island of Java.

9. Israel currently has no high-speed trains, with all traction provided by diesel-based equipment.

10. In spring 2010, the government of Israel instructed Israel Railways to investigate alternative railway alignments that would allow a 2½ hour rail journey from Tel Aviv to Eilat across rugged terrain.

11. Two experimental high-speed trainsets were built in 1974 designed for 200 km/h (120 mph) operation.

12. The first upgraded 250 km/h service using Siemens Velaro RUS trains went into service on December 26, 2009.

13. Moreover, the numerous level crossings along the line have to be kept closed to road traffic for longer for the high-speed trains than for regular ones.

14. At the Reggio Emilia interconnection a new station designed by Santiago Calatrava is being built.

15. The shift from road to rail of freight for modal rebalancing, higher safety levels in tunnels as specified in the new European technology and construction standards.

Ex.8. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the functions of -ing forms.

1. China is building high-speed railway network spanning the eastern part of the country.

2. Voters in the state approved a ten billion dollar bond to fund construction of an initial line running between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

3. Competing against California for federal funding is the Midwest High Speed Rail Initiative, involving the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

4. The line is 30.5 km (18.95 mi) track and has a further separate track leading to a maintenance facility.

5. The Shinkansen line serves commuters who travel to work in metropolitan areas from outlying cities.

6. Japan had a greater need for new high speed lines than countries where the existing standard gauge or broad gauge rail system had more upgrade potential.

7. Following the end of World War II, high-speed rail was forgotten for several years.

8. The first high-speed rail route in Italy, the Direttissima, opened in 1977, connecting Rome with Florence.

9. China's initial high speed trains were imported or built under technology transfer agreements with foreign train-makers including Siemens, Bombardier and Kawasaki Heavy Industries.

10. State planning for China's high speed railway began in the early 1990s.

11. Overcrowding on existing rail lines could be solved by expanding capacity through higher speed and frequency of service.

12. They focused modernization efforts on increasing the service speed and capacity on existing lines through double-tracking, electrification, improvements in grade, and installation of continuous welded rail.

13. In addition to track and scheduling improvements, they also deployed faster trains.

14. Despite setting speed records on test tracks, domestically produced high speed trains were insufficiently reliable for commercial operation.

15. China's expansion must also be used to develop its own high-speed train building capacity through technology transfers.

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